If she had been with Han Shun at this crucial point, many people would have scolded her. It doesn't matter if you scold her, but Han Shun is just getting angry now.

Xu Yangyang said, "porcelain, have you forgotten? Who is behind you, who is your father, and who is your uncle. Even if he was photographed, would he dare to expose himself with a cruel word? "

The eyes of the money juggler brightened slightly.

However, she seemed to think of something in her cerebellar pouch. She continued to purr her lips and said, "but there will always be someone who knows..."

Xu Yangyang knows what a girl is worrying about, and says disapprovingly: "people in the entertainment industry know it. As long as Han Shun doesn't mind, you don't have to worry. I'll tell you, in fact, many people in the circle have a clear mind. Husband and wife have their own ways of playing, and they know more or less... "

" aren't you just in love? Besides, who dares to offend you

Su porcelain felt that Xu Yangyang's words were very reasonable. She made a point of ox horn for a while. Her eyes brightened more and more, and she said happily, "thank you, Yangyang."

"We still need to thank for something. Han Shun is my God. I'm too happy to be happy when you soak up my God. Let's get together. After the red, I may still have a chance to let my male God lead a lead or something Xu Yangyang said without shame.

Su porcelain listened to each other's recitation, and said these words.

She pursed her lips and then opened her lips slightly: "Yangyang, I want to tell you something...

Xu Yangyang was silent and said," it's from Antai...

Su porcelain noticed that her words had changed into three characters instead of two. She nodded her head and said softly, "he should have cheated Han Shun before, I am his fan... "

hearing this, Xu Yangyang immediately scolded:" what! And that kind of thing! He's such a rubbish that I'm so angry. No wonder I think he's hypocritical when I'm backstage

Su porcelain said that in fact, she gave Han shun the biscuit on Weibo.

Hearing this, Xu Yangyang exploded again: "I'm so angry, porcelain, you don't have to worry about it. I've been powdering for a long time. He's a piece of rubbish. I can see clearly now. I've turned black. I used to like him because I was blind.

she calmed down and asked, "the cookie you just mentioned refers to the biscuit that he baked a few months ago from his fans? Did you give it to Han Shun? "

Su porcelain said, "I asked him to hand it over to Han Shun."

As soon as Xu Yangyang listened, he felt guilty. It must be because she likes Antai to come, porcelain and porcelain put down their guard. She is usually very smart, she took a deep breath, and gave Antai a bloody scolding.

Then he opened his mouth a little cautiously and said, "porcelain, in fact, I ate a melon a few days ago... Don't be sad when you hear it...

Su porcelain shows a puzzled look:" is it Han Shun's? "

Xu Yangyang shook his head and said, "no, it's Antai who came to this scum. At the beginning, he didn't finish eating the biscuits. After eating a few pieces, he threw them away...

what she didn't know was that it was not from fans to Antai, but from Su porcelain to Han Shun.

After she said that.

There was no sound on the other end of the phone.

Xu Yangyang could not help but carefully open his mouth: "porcelain? Are you still there? "

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