Jiang Yan swallows and looks at Ning Xianrong.

"Mr. Ning, what do you want to do? If you still want to kill all Ning's family, then I will resist the death and refuse to help. "

"Dead?" Ning Xianrong sneered, "Oh That's too cheap for them! I'll make them worse than dead! "

Jiang Yan looked at the expression on his handsome side face and silently ordered a row of wax for the Ning family.

For your own good, folks.


A few days later, Ning family banquet.

The huge manor is decorated with many flower vines and flower racks to block the warm sunshine. Many small fountains decorate them, spraying water vapor to lower the surrounding temperature. On the long table covered with white tablecloth, there are all kinds of exquisite food. The waiters in tuxedos were handsome, and they were carrying champagne up and down the crowd.

The guests were all local aristocrats, dressed in Gaoding gowns.

Suddenly, the crowd was quiet for a moment, and they all looked in a certain direction.

There appeared a good-looking young man.

Wearing a simple T-shirt and jeans, and carrying a huge backpack on his back, he looked out of place.

The crowd began to whisper.

"Who is this? How can I attend such a high-class banquet without even wearing a formal dress? What's more, he's carrying a bag that looks like a stall? What happened to the security guard at the door? How can such people be put in? "

"You should know that the Ning family sold their old house, right? After the current master took over, the old house has been haunted. The ghost catcher was invited by the current master to catch ghosts. It should have been invited by President Ning to appear here today. "

"What does that have to do with the Ning family?"

"I heard that haunting didn't happen after the old house was sold. It happened before the old house was sold, and the current owner didn't know it! Some people say that the fierce ghost is Ning Xianrong, the former owner of the family. He wants to find Ning Xianguang to avenge him! "

"Ning Xianrong? That's bullshit! Isn't Ning Xianrong dead suddenly because of overwork? Moreover, the feelings of the Ning brothers are very good. At Ning Xianrong's funeral, Ning Xianguang cried and fainted. How could he kill Ning Xianrong? "

Listening to the voices around him, Jiang Yan covered his lips with his fist and lowered his voice.

"Don't be angry, Mr. Ning. These people don't know the truth, that's why they say that. I will help you expose Ning Xianguang's true face and let him get the punishment he deserves. "

Ning Xianrong snorted coldly.

"Nonsense, how can I get angry at people who don't care?"

Jiang Yan: Can you stop blowing the air conditioner? I'm freezing to death on this hot day

"Hum, boy, you --"

half way through, Ning Xianrong suddenly lost his voice.

Jiang Yan thought he was angry and was about to start coax when a strange voice came from behind.

"Master Tang, welcome -"

Jiang Yan turns his head and sees a middle-aged man in a suit.

His eyebrows and eyes were somewhat similar to Ning Xianrong, and the sharp light flashed in his eyes from time to time.

There was also a young man standing beside him, who was father and son as soon as he saw it.

If you know yourself and know your enemy, you will be invincible in a hundred battles.

These days, Jiang Yan will Ning family data research thoroughly.

Therefore, Ning Ren's younger brother, Ning Ren, recognized two of his sons.

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