Typical western look, and a conspicuous red hair.

"It's Claus! The black wizard wanted by the Ministry of magic in the news Jiang Yan exclaimed in a low voice.

Lu Zhaoyang obviously recognized it and lowered his voice.

"You didn't say that in the magical world, killing would damage the whole soul. Klaus killed so many people, his soul must be in an extremely unstable state, and it makes sense that he needs Shennong grass to repair it. It seems that he is the one who stole Shennong grass. Follow him. You should be able to find Shennong grass. "


Jiang Yan and Lu Zhaoyang follow Klaus lightly.

At first Klaus was no different. He seemed to find their existence in the back. He walked faster and faster, and then he ran away!

Jiang Yan and Lu Zhaoyang can't afford to hide. They are chasing after each other crazily with their wands.

In the forbidden forest, the trees are luxuriant, and the branches that grow out constantly hit Jiang Yan's face, which makes him gasp with pain. However, he dare not slow down, and runs after him desperately.

The man was obviously more familiar with the forbidden forest than they were.

They could only watch him run faster and faster. At last, he disappeared at the end of the dark and disappeared.

"Damn it!" Now what should I do? Are we in short supply

"Not necessarily --"

Lu Zhaoyang squinted and looked at the end.

"It takes a process to recover the activity of Shennong grass. We haven't been to Hogwarts for a long time, but we still have time. Even if Klaus is suspicious, shennongcao must stay here. In this way, we have a chance to win. "

"Then we'll look for it again. We've come all the way." Jiang Yandao.

Shennong grass is no different from ordinary herbs, but it emits white light at night. Therefore, it is only necessary to find the place where the light is white.

They were searching in the huge forbidden forest.

Suddenly, Jiang Yan stepped on something and lost his balance. Fortunately, Lu Zhaoyang, who was next to him, had a bad eye and a quick hand, so he didn't fall into a mess.

"What? It feels soft. It won't be any unethical person pulling Baba here? "

Jiang Yan stretched out his head to see that it was a man and was startled.

Carefully light up with a magic wand -

"why is Lanny here

Lanny on the ground, with his eyes closed and pale, was obviously unable to answer his questions.

Lu Zhaoyang frowned.

"He doesn't look very well."

Jiang Yan sighed: "it seems that we can't continue to look for it tonight. It's too dangerous in the forbidden forest to leave Lanny here. "

Lu Zhaoyang did not object.

So, Lu Zhaoyang was carrying Lanni, and Jiang Yan was lighting up with his magic wand in front of him, walking out of the forbidden forest together.

As soon as they came out of the forbidden forest, before they could breathe a sigh of relief, they heard an extremely flat voice.

"Ha ha! Jiang Yan and Lu Zhaoyang are caught by me

Gerald jumped out from the side and looked triumphantly at Jiang Yan and Lu Zhaoyang.

"As freshmen, you ignore the curfew and come to places like the forbidden forest. Sneaky. I don't know what to do! I'm going to tell Professor Snape to take 50 points off each of you! "

After losing Klaus, Jiang Yan was so upset that he glared at Gerald fiercely.

"Shut up if you don't want to die!"

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