"Lanny, don't say that. The four colleges are excellent, and hechpatch is not a place for garbage. Now that you meet the requirements of Hogwarts, you have proved your qualifications. Don't say that again. "

"And blood doesn't mean anything. There are also scum in pure blooded witches, and there are excellent and excellent witches in Muggles. They may be even better than pure blooded witches. "

After listening to Jiang Yan's words, Lanni didn't believe it.

"Is that true?"

Jiang Yan nodded: "really, such as Hermione Granger, she is a very good Muggle wizard."

Hermione Granger is one of the members of the Harry Potter trio. She is a very good and intelligent wizard. She plays a very important role in the process of fighting against Voldemort. But there is no Harry Potter, no Voldemort, no Hermione.

Jiang Yan was afraid of Lanni's questioning and quickly changed the topic.

In short, we will be friends! If Gerald bullies you again, come to us and we'll stand up for you! "

Lu Zhaoyang nodded: "don't worry, we will help you."

Once again Lanny was moved to tears.

Three people had dinner together.

Learning that Jiang Yan and Lu Zhaoyang are going to the library to look up materials, Lanni volunteered to go with them.

Looking for Shennong grass should not be known by others, but just made Lanni this friend, Jiang Yan did not want to let him sad, so he took him to the library.

Hogwarts library is on the second floor of the castle.

As they registered, the librarian, IRMA, looked suspiciously at Lanny's bag.

Lanny's face was red and his ears were red, and he explained: "my stomach and I have been bad since I was a child. Drinking a lot of magic medicine doesn't work. My grandmother sewed this bag for me, and she took some medicine for stomach and intestines, and toilet paper and so on... "

Jiang Yan knows.

No wonder Gerald said that Lanny always went to the toilet. That's why.

"Well, when you go in, be careful not to disturb others." Irma softened Lanny's expression.

Soon after the three entered, they retired.

Irma: "what

Jiang Yan: "emmm, there seems to be a lot of books in it Can you tell us which book I should look for if I want to look up Chinese herbal treasures? Which shelf is it on? "

There are more than a few books in the Hogwarts library. There are hundreds of narrow passages, thousands of high-rise bookshelves and a huge collection of books.

It's like looking for a needle in a haystack.

After thinking about it, IRMA said, "I remember a book called Oriental herbalism, and another book called" Magic World herbs ", which may have something you want. The content of the previous book is more comprehensive, and it should be between rows 302 and 305. "

"Thank you."

Three people go looking separately.

Jiang Yan and Lu Zhaoyang got nothing, and Lanni found a book called "Magical World herbs". However, if there is no oriental herbalism, it may have been borrowed by others.

After giving the book to Jiang Yan and Lu Zhaoyang, Lanni sat quietly to one side without disturbing them.

This makes Jiang Yan, who was originally worried about being exposed, a little embarrassed.

If they hadn't brought Lanny to help, they wouldn't have found the book so soon.

Jiang Yan and Lu Zhaoyang quickly look up.

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