PD Li Weiyun is still so handsome and starts with a smile.

"For the first public performance stage, trainees, you will conduct position evaluation. As the name suggests, position evaluation is to show your position in the group, let the audience know your strength, and then vote on and off the field. "

"The public stage is live, so you must consider your actual situation and choose carefully."

"There are six songs for you. Among them, vocal has three, dance has two, and rap has one. Each song is divided into two groups of AB for PK. When the time comes, there will be exciting voting links -- "

with that, Li Weiyun opened the curtain behind him, and six songs were presented in front of 101 trainees.

The students are excited and have a lot of discussion. Some of them have begun to struggle with which song to choose.

Li Qiuqiu mumbled a sentence "so many songs, so many people, how to choose ah", was heard by Li Weiyun.

He looked at Li Qiu and said with a smile, "the choice of songs should have priority. The program group is regulated as follows: first, according to the order of abcdf class, the same class, according to the current audience voting ranking

Smell speech, Jiang Yan blankly blinked an eye: "have opened audience to vote now?"

Feng Zirui lowered his voice.

"Although our mobile phones have been confiscated, we don't know what's going on outside. But according to the general process of talent shows, the program team should have released the preliminary stage, special stage of theme song and personal pen hold of theme song by now, and the voting channel must also be opened. "

Jiang Yan was a little nervous.

After all, one of his tasks is to get the c-spot, and the popularity of the audience is a key factor in determining the c-spot.

"First of all, the students in class a choose. So, which trainee is the highest in class A at present? "

Li Weiyun deliberately played tricks.

After the students have guessed it all over, they smile and reveal the answer: "Xu Bofeng, please choose the song you want first."

Jiang Yan is not surprised.

At present, among all the trainees, Xu Bofeng's comprehensive strength is one of the best. Moreover, he has participated in other draft with Feng Zirui before, which has a certain popularity basis compared with other trainees.

Xu Bofeng chose a song for dance.

Next, Feng Zirui, who came in second, chose the rap song.

Li Weiyun announced two more and looked at Jiang Yan.

"Next, please choose Lu Weiping

Fifth in class A The overall ranking is likely to be lower than that. His ultimate goal is C, and he will have to work harder in the future.

Jiang Yan took a deep breath, and without hesitation, he went to the vocal position and stood in front of the sign "I want to see you, I want to see you, I want to see you".

Although he defines himself as ACE, in addition to vocal, he also wants to challenge and choose dance or rap.

But Fang Yi is the instructor of the vocal group, so

After the election, Jiang Yan began to be distracted, thinking about what to do after seeing Fang Yi for a while.

“…… Then, all the students have chosen. Next, please enter the corresponding practice room with your teammates, choose C position and part, and wait for the tutors

Hearing Li Weiyun's voice, Jiang Yancai reacts and the song selection is over.

He turned to his teammates.

There are a few familiar faces, but there are also unfamiliar faces.

When he saw the last person, Jiang Yan couldn't help staring round his eyes and blurted out.

"Crouch, Xia Haisheng, why are you here?"

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