"I'll record it for you."

Fang Yi's voice fell, and Jiang Yan didn't respond for a moment.


Fang Yi pursed her lips: "it's unnecessary."

Say, want to turn to leave again.

Jiang Yan this just reaction come over, quickly stop a person: "use! Of course

After a while, the music sounded in the practice room.

"In the endless tunnel with no light to see,

fear and fear.

That unknown tomorrow, too terrible.

It doesn't matter. Come on... "

With the music, Fang Yi danced in the middle of the practice room.

Students are relatively young, the youngest is Li Qiuqiu, only 15 years old. Lu Weiping is only 19 years old, but he is quite old among the trainees. When most of the students dance this dance, they mostly show their youth and vitality, as well as their vision for the future.

Fang Yi is different.

Although he is not very old, only 23 years old, he looks much more mature.

That pair of deep and deep eyes, like the night sky and deep pool, make people ponder, bring a different feeling to this dance.

"No, don't let go of my hand.

No, don't be afraid... "

Music gradually entered the high tide.

Fang Yi's movements are very powerful, clean and comfortable. Even compared with Huang Jia, the teacher of dance, he is no inferior.

The deep eyes, but also let people deeply into

Jiang Yan knew that Fang Yi was good at singing, but he didn't expect that he could dance so well.

After the music was over, his eyes were filled with little stars, and he heartily praised: "tutor Fang, you dance so well!"

Fang Yi panted slightly, took the towel from Jiang Yan and wiped the sweat on his forehead.

Wet bangs down to the forehead, covered the eyes, can't see what expression he is at the moment.

After half a ring, he began to speak again.

"I'll go first."

In Jiang Yan's voice, there was no giving up: "OK, goodbye, tutor Fang."

Looking at the slender and beautiful figure in a daze, Fang Yi stopped again, and the deep voice came.

"Rest early."

The door of the exercise room was closed with a gentle click.

At the same time, the electronic sound of Yanjiang rings in my mind.

[Ding, Fang Yi's popularity increased by 10 points, and now it's - 40 points. 】

after being stunned, Jiang Yan happily turned around in the practice room.

"Yes! The popularity has increased by 10 points! It's really worthwhile to come here today. I not only practiced the dance, but also brushed the favor of the strategic target by the way! "

After recording Fang Yi's dance video, Jiang Yan gets motivated again and practices again. Hum, I haven't been in a good mood for half an hour.

Coincidentally, he met Fang Yi in the corridor.

Fang Yi's hand is holding a clavicle chain, just with Jiang Yan's eyes on.

I don't know if it's Jiang Yan's illusion. The other person's expression seems to be flustered for a moment, and the hand holding the clavicle chain is also stiff in the air.

Jiang Yan can't understand why this strange stagnant atmosphere is.

In order to ease the atmosphere, he made a casual boast.

"Tutor Fang, your clavicle chain looks beautiful! Did you come here in the middle of the night to get this clavicle chain? "

The voice falls, Fang Yi's expression has a moment of stiffness.

Then he lowered his head.

He left in a hurry without even calling.

The back soon disappeared in the night, in the shadow of darkness, added a bit of cold.

The little warmth in the practice room seems to have become estrangement and indifference at the moment.

Jiang Yan blinked his eyes with a blank look.

"What's the matter?"

It just went off again.

[Ding, Fang Yi's popularity has decreased by 30 points, and now it's - 70 points. 】

Jiang Yan:

How has the popularity decreased so much??? He didn't do anything just now???

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