Before she finished, Fang Xuewei saw Xia Ning.

His eyes lit up and he cried out excitedly.

"My God, Ning Ning is still alive! Great

After calming down his emotions, he continued: "general, there are more and more zombies outside the cave. Although Benny is struggling to support it now, it will be very dangerous if it goes on like this!"

Di Roujin frowned: "I have given Ning an inhibitor. Although he has stopped sending out pheromones now, those emitted before are still floating in the cave, which are enough to attract zombies. It's too dangerous here. We have to leave now. "

With that, his eyes swept over Jin Dongrui and Mishal.

"Whatever the misunderstanding, the most important thing now is to get out of here. What do you think? "

Mishal cleared his throat and looked embarrassed.

"What, I seem to hear the helicopter outside? Our helicopter has been broken for a long time, could you -- "

Jin Dongrui bent down and picked up Xia Ning, who was still in a coma, and then gave Mishal a cold look.

"We'll settle the account later."


There's plenty of ammunition on both sides.

After a quick killing, a helicopter from Jin Dongrui's side met them outside, and everyone left the cave safely.

The helicopter boomed into the sky again.

On one of them, Jin Dongrui carefully put the boy in his arms behind him. He could not help but stretch out his fingertips and gently rub the face of Qingjun.

At the moment, Xia Ning has completely returned to normal, her beautiful eyes are relaxed, and her breathing is stable.

The long black eyelashes cast a faint shadow, adding a sense of vulnerability and paleness to the face

"Ning Ning..." Jin Dongrui murmured.

Originally, he had given up hope, thinking that he would never see Ning Ning again in his life. But when the helicopter left, it suddenly smelled the familiar pheromone smell.

Ning Ning's pheromone is absolutely impossible for him to admit his mistake.

At the moment, he asked the pilot to turn around, find the cave besieged by zombies and break in.

Jin Dongrui's cold heart was wrapped up with warmth.

He gently put the blanket over shaning's body and gazed at him deeply for a long time before he turned away and came to the front.

Seeing this scene, Mishal could not help but be sour.

It turns out that Omega really has its own alpha

Aware of his eyes, Jin Dongrui frowns.

Originally intended to sit next to Qin Guang, when he was halfway there, he turned a corner and sat straight across from Mishal. His body shape just blocked Xia Ning behind him.

When the peek was found, Mishal withdrew his eyes awkwardly.


Jin Dongrui's eyes narrowed, his sharp eyes looked at Mishal from beginning to end, and then he spoke coldly.

There was a strong chill in his voice, which made Di Roujin beside him shiver.

"Come on, who are you? You are all dressed in military uniforms. You should be soldiers. But why have I never met you in the safe area? "

Safe area?

Mishal murmured the three words.

Then he straightened his face and looked up at Jin Dongrui.

"Hello, general. My name is Mishal. My men and I are all from hope harbor. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!