The rest looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

Two muscular men in the corner, however, did not seem to believe it at all, with disdain on their faces.

The bigger one took out the mobile phone in his pocket, while the smaller one snorted: "what a mess of different space? I don't know what kind of TV program is playing! "

Then the big guy yelled.

"Evil door, mobile phone no signal!"

"I don't have a signal either!" Cried a girl with a wavy head.

Jiang Yanyue sees more and more feel here gloomy, can't help but rely on Lu Zhaoyang.

"I'm not really right by that man, are you? I'm not good at this game at all... "

Look around the crowd, trying to ease the atmosphere first.

"Why don't we introduce ourselves first? My name is Jiang Yan and his name is Lu Zhaoyang. The two of us are Colleagues. "

He touched his nose.

They are all hosts. They work for the main system. Are they colleagues?

After a while, others introduced themselves.

Housewives with yellow skirts and white-collar workers are thin and tall husband and wife; flower and milk tea are college students' lovers; big and small are all gym coaches. Wave head and her female companion Hei Changzhi are girlfriends who grew up together. They both work in the bank. Black glasses and tall and elegant doctors are brothers.

Plus Jiang Yan and Lu Zhaoyang, a total of 12 people.

The wave head pinched his arm hard and bared his teeth and said: "it hurts! It seems that this is not a dream. If it is a game, what is the first level? How should we get out of here? "

Without saying a word, Lu Zhaoyang went to the wall and groped for it inch by inch.

Other people, seeing his action like this, joined in, knocking at the metal walls, looking for the exit.

After a while, Lu Zhaoyang straightened up, and there was not much expression on his handsome face.

"There are three perfectly fitted metal walls, and only one is theoretically movable. On this side of the metal door, there are twelve palm shaped depressions of different sizes. And here, there are exactly twelve people. I think if we want to activate this door panel, we must have 12 people together, one of them can't be less. "

"How wonderful! Big guy, I'll hold your thigh

Jiang Yan suddenly stares at Lu Zhaoyang.

"Let's start, then?" Hua zelei rubbed her hands, and her face was faintly excited, looking forward to it.

"Are you ready?"

Everyone stands in front of a hollow that fits the size of his palm, looking nervous or curious -

no one knows what will happen when the door is opened.

Jiang Yan is timid, nervous to breathe unobstructed, inside the mouth is chanting words.

"Great mercy, great mercy, Guanyin Bodhisattva Buddha, the Tathagata of the West Monkey King Please bless me from all kinds of gods... "

Mindfulness nagged, and there was a low laugh in my ear.

Jiang Yan was stunned.

Turning his head and looking at the people around him, Lu Zhaoyang did not look at him. He only raised his eyebrows and said, "I'm here. Don't worry."

"Three, two, one, press!"

At the same time, twelve people pressed down on their own depression.

For a time, the space was so quiet that everyone's breath was clearly audible.

Nothing happened.

Just as the big man was about to take away his hand, there was a slight "click" sound at the door panel, like the sound of gear turning.

Then, the "click" became louder and faster.

Finally, with a bang, the metal door slowly rose up! , the fastest update of the webnovel!