Chapter 1256: Dreadful Pressure

Name:The Steward Demonic Emperor Author:
Chapter 1256: Dreadful Pressure

Proofreader: Papatonks


The sound of explosions echoed continuously, and the screeching of eagles pierced the ears as ghostly shadows howled. The Falcon Emperor and Wraith Emperors sudden attack had not only thwarted the Demonic Emperors army, but even regained five cities.

All of this was because the Wraith Emperor had abandoned his own territory and joined forces with the Falcon Emperor. Although they both had few forces after the last great battle, their combined strength was still not to be underestimated, especially with two Eight Emperors leading the charge.

Listening to the miserable cries and screams, the Falcon Emperor, riding atop a divine eagle, led the way and turned to Wraith Emperor with a friendly gesture, Brother Wraith, its rare for you to put aside your territory and come to help me this time. Im extremely grateful!

No need to thank me, brother Falcon. We cant hold on our own so we joined forces to fight back. After we take Demonic Emperors lands, we can just divide them. A few losses are nothing.

With a gray cloud around him, the Wraith Emperor laughed. The Falcon Emperor nodded. Brother Wraith has remarkable insight. With the two of us working together, even the Demonic Emperor cant stop us. This time, Ive also informed the others, so we wont get caught off guard like before.

It was Zhuo Fan who made a mess of things last time. Once we take the Demonic Emperors lands, we need to deal with him to save us the trouble later. The Wraith Emperors bloodthirst spiked.

The Falcon Emperor nodded with a wicked smile. The kid was too cunning to be left by the Demonic Emperors side.


The two stepped over the corpses to arrive before a city gate. A mere wave blasted it to pieces.

The two had smug looks.

That marked the fall of the Demonic Emperors 6th city, quite fast, ha-ha-ha


An evil aura swept them just then. The army rushing into the city felt their hearts seizing and their blood ran cold.

The Wraith Emperor frowned, Is this the Demonic Emperors aura?

It cant be. We saw him only recently. How can his aura be so evil and powerful? The Falcon Emperor was puzzled.

The dreaded pressure grew stronger as a familiar and eerie voice echoed, Ha-ha-ha, Falcon Emperor, Wraith Emperor, you two codgers dare mess with my plans? Surrender now!

Its really the Demonic Emperor!

The two of them shouted in shock, looking at the creepy human wrapped in black energy, feeling a sense of urgency and madness from him, How did he end up like this?

Zhao Chen struck first, Devil Palm!

As the three Imperial Marks clashed, the deafening explosion shook the world. The Falcon Emperor and Wraith Emperor felt their heart shuddering and coughed blood.

[How is this possible?]

They looked on with fear.

[How could both of our Imperial Marks be overpowered?]

They were also sporting heavy wounds

Looking up, their Imperial Marks were flung back.

Zhao Chen had them shocked to the core. They were all Emperors, but this gap was unheard of.

[Is he on the level of Zhuo Yifan?]


They suddenly shook and felt their hearts seized.

Their Imperial Marks flew back, and were now coiled by a black tail, coming from Zhao Chens dragon.

Demonic Emperor, what are you doing?

The Falcon Emperor panicked. The Imperial Mark was their soul. While powerful, it was also prone to being damaged. They were uneasy seeing them captured.

They had their Imperial Marks struggle, but the two couldnt break free.

The two Emperors shivered in fear.

The black dragon roared, coiling around the two Imperial Marks tighter. Its sinister eyes shone with desire and malice, just like its owner.

What, you ask? He-he-he

Zhao Chen wiped his drool, Relics like you dared to stop me from getting my ingredients, so now youll take their place. As part of the Eight Emperors, your power will be a great boon to mine, ha-ha-ha

From his crazed eyes, the two felt terror. Falcon Emperor cried out, Demonic Emperor, dont be rash. You started this while were just defending. Lets just talk. The Sacred Mountains sent word that they would replace some of the Eight Emperors. Causing trouble now will get you replaced.

Sacred Mountains?

Zhao Chen raised an eyebrow, Theyre nothing! When I finish my training, theyre finished! They think they can replace me? Humph, soon Ill have those fools kneel before me. Theyre utter garbage, ha-ha-ha