Chapter 208 - Lady Seliah

For a time, the two were in each other's embrace. The prince hugged her tight, wishing he wouldn't let go. Her mother was his only sibling from the same mother and didn't want her to leave, but she left him. Unexpectedly, Xinyi was the Chief Guardian of Chiji. Sending a royal blood was something that the Great King wouldn't do. But he knew this child couldn't give the answer since they sent here her after she was born, based on the vision shown. His power of memory wasn't wrong, not even once. So, he was sure on this part. 

"Was that woman really my Ma?" Xinyi said while in his embrace.

"Yes. My power won't lie. What you saw was mine and your memories for the same person, your mother, my very own biological sister."

Xinyi moved from his embrace. "I'm happy to meet you, Uncle. But why are you here? And taking the power stones away? I've heard that the Platanna people been doing this for years, even long before I was born."

"That is something we need to keep our world alive. I will tell everything later. Let's settle this present problem first, your father here."

Before they could talk more, Xian Lang approached and harrumphed. "I don't understand what's going on and I want an explanation. Now!" 

The prince let go of Xinyi and turned him to face her father. Then he looked at the prime minister in the eye, saying, "Please let my people go. I think we don't need to waste our time like this. I'll tell you everything after you release them. I give you my word." After speaking, he snapped two fingers, and the shield thinned out until it totally disappeared. He snapped his fingers again, and those who disappeared earlier returned to where they vanished earlier.

But Xian Lang didn't release the prince's men still. This made the prince uneasy, clenching a fist as he held his temper in. If he wished he would kill Xian Lang right away but he didn't want Xinyi and Lifen to think that he was brutal, for he was not that kind of person at all.

As for Xinyi and Lifen, their eyes pleaded with Xian Lang. Hence, the latter sighed and shouted, "Release the prisoners."

Valiez's vines slipped under the ground, letting the prisoners out, but none of them moved from where they were. They stood there, waiting for the prince's command. Tyriece did the same thing, releasing his prisoneers, though unwillingly.

"Men, clean this place now." The prince said and gestured toward the city gate. "How about we talked over there, prime minister?"

Xian Lang nodded. The two walked together, but Xian Lang kept a distance from the prince. Still doubtful to trust this person's words, experience told him so. Basing on his vast knowledge and experience, some royalties and noblemen were habitual liars. Thus, he wouldn't easily give them a chance to outwit him and take control. He would always take a hold on the situation instead of to be taken advantage with. He wouldn't last long as the prime minister if he was that easy to manipulate.

Behind them, Ming ran toward Xinyi and wrapped his arms around her and to his mother. "Are you both okay?" He asked. The two women nodded and Xinyi said assuringly, " He is my biological uncle. He will explain to us now. Come, let's follow them to hear what he'll say."

"Are you sure of this?" Ming asked, doubtful to trust this foreign prince.

"I know it's hard to believe, but I saw a vision of my true mother and the late Sorceress. And the experiece was so real, like I was there when it happened. Also, Uncle Xionmao showed me the cloth when I was a baby…"

They cut her off as the two exclaimed. "Uncle Xionmao?"

Xinyi giggled, recalling that they didn't know about her naming the panda. So, she told them about it and the two chuckled and said, "Ahh, I see," altogether. 

"That is nice. I don't mind having a powerful uncle such as Uncle Xionmao." Ming said, turning to the smiling panda. And for the first time, he realized that Xionmao was no longer wearing a mask. He was startled at the difference, not expecting to see that face and hear him talk. This time, Ming's eyes grew big, thinking, 'Yes, he was talking to me earlier. Why didn't I notice it soon?'

To Xionmao. "How come you only write on the ground before, but you're speaking now?"

"It's a long story, but it's a package when I gave him my mark." Xinyi replied for Xionmao.

Then it was Lifen's turn to ask about this Chief Guardian thing, and on what was the marking and the naming all about. Xinyi gladly explained to her, and Lifen nodded in understanding.

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On the ocean, the boat built of silvery iron floated on the peaceful blue waters. A woman dressed in a pink short dress, showing off her candle-like, white, and smooth legs to the drooling male sailors, walked like she was doing a catwalk on the boat's deck. Her curvy h.i.p.s swaying left and right in every step. A bearded man dressed in black, including the boots, with golden lining on its hems followed behind the woman. 

"Captain, is this where my father-in-law, the king, sent my husband?" Her voice was soft like waters, tickling at the ears of the man behind her. She emphasized she was the king's daughter-in-law to express her importance on this trip.

"Yes, my lady. I was the one who brought the prince and his men months ago."Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click /book/the-sorceress-blossoming-power_14314881306034205/lady-seliah_51000547364370554 for visiting.

"I see. So, when will we reach the shore? I miss him greatly, you know?"

The captain understood that she was telling him they had to find the prince as soon as possible or she would do what they dreaded to see, attacking them with her power or maybe torture him. Women of Platanna were used to command all men like they were their servants, abusing the law which deeply emphasized their importance in that world, mostly in the country Cendarth.

But the captain was not an ignorant fool. Instead, he acted as gullible as he could be so that this important person would think that she was in control. "I assure you we will arrive at the shore tomorrow at dawn, my lady. So, relax in your personal spa and prepare your beauty for the prince. Wrinkles are not allowed, you know?" He laughed out loud. "I'm sure he will be excited to see you and spend the night with you. You know what I mean, Lady Seliah." He winked at the flattered lady.

She tossed her long wavy blond hair at her back as the breeze blew it on her lovely pinkish face. "Of course, a princess should do what she needs to do to make her prince happy." She giggled. Her lovely smiles itched in the hearts of the men who were charmed by her beauty. "In that case, I'll see you tomorrow, captain. At dawn, right?" She waited for his reply before going to her room.

"Yes, my lady." The captain bowed as he spoke. But deep inside, "Princess? Duh. The prince hasn't given you the title yet. What an assuming, pompous woman. I even heard that the prince only slept with you once. Now, you come here as if you owned the boat and my people? I'm sure the prince won't be happy to see you." He smirked sarcastically in his mind, knowing the prince well, that his highness had chosen to be sent here, to look for a new wife of his own choice.

The prince's third wife continued her catwalk toward the only obviously well decorated room in the boat. It was exactly made only for her, just for this trip, of which the captain hated so much. Because the expenses for the renovation made a gaping hole in his pocket. The woman didn't even bother to spend a penny for her demands.

When the lady was already away, the captain watched the horizon with great attentiveness. It was not yet the time and day of the prince's summoning but they journeyed the space after this pompous wife cried to the king for mercy because after her marriage to the prince, his highness volunteered and left as soon after the king asked for someone powerful in their kingdom to come to this world. 

A childless wife, mostly someone married to the royal family, was a person snubbed by the population. And she hated the fact that the prince was in a hurry to leave after consummating their marriage, but didn't even wait to know if she was pregnant or not.

The captain had been serving the prince for years and he knew the powerful man's desire, a wife out of love. He knew this man's difficulty well, despite his aloofness in the royal court. He was really sorry for the good prince. If only there was something he could do to ease the prince's heart, but he knew they had no say once the king passed the edict. And many women holding great magical powers fancied His Highness Prince Zelmer because of his position and his wealth.

"Sorry, my friend, but I have to obey the king and bring this young wife of yours here. But I know you know what to do. I just hope you found the person you're looking for. And that woman is powerful enough to stand against Lady Seliah's attacks."

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