Chapter 55 - Hilarious Intermission

"Who we are doesn't concern you. We're here for the item you took away from the vines. Just cooperate and give it to us and we won't harm you."

The man's words stroke her ire and partly blew her nervousness away. "Gosh, these guys are accusing me as the thief when it's pretty obvious who the longing vine acknowledged," said Xinyi to no one in particular. "Are you the leader?" she asked the man while anger began boiling inside her.

"Yes, so be obedient and we won't harm you," said the man and slowly let his reluctant flying alligator go nearer to them but she saw him...

"Don't come nearer…" she shouted louder with a gnarled face like a tigress ready to strike. The man saw her fierceness and caused him to pull the rein stopping his mount from flying forward… and placing his guard up.

Suddenly, Nianshi spoke in her mind, "Control your anger, my lady. It's not yet time for you to show your power. If possible, don't engage them now. They're not ordinary men. I'm not sure if you can handle twenty-five men with blue stones at your present state. Escape is our priority." She got his point and did her breathing exercises to relax.

However, she was too late. The men's beasts had cowered in fright when they felt her surging power and the leader felt his mount's fear. This triggered the leader more to suspect, but he didn't show it in his face. He signaled an open palm near his head, telling his men to stop flying nearer to her.

"If you'll give up that thing now, we'll let you go. Or we had no choice but to take it by force." He tried to coerce her to remain in control with the situation. The leader also sensed she was inexperienced with fights and probably afraid by now because of her inaction and thought of taking advantage of it. "Do as I say, girl, and we won't hurt you."

The Hutyuns felt Xinyi's anger earlier and instantly appeared beside her and unknowingly pulled the men's attention. "Just tell us what to do, my Queen and we'll finish them in no time," said the Hutyuns.

"Shh, let's speak through our minds," Xinyi said without looking at the Hutyuns figures. As their queen, she had the power to talk to them through telepathy. "Some of you will go to the forest first and call the birds and other animals that can fly but don't let these men notice you. Then wait for my command."

"As you wish, my Queen." And a portion of the Hutyuns became invisible and rounded the birds in the forest below.

A man nudged his flying horse to move closer to the leader. "My Lord, how did that lady got on that legendary dragon's head? She wasn't there earlier. And what is she trying to do with those floating objects around her? And look, the illusion forest is gone?" the man said while pointing a finger to the empty hilltop with a shabby hut far away.

"I know. But don't show it on your face. Be alert. This woman is a Chiangda and we don't know what she's capable yet. I also don't know why she brought out those stupid things or how she got there, but think and act as if we are in control," said the leader. The member nodded as he went back to his position.

The leader called the Hutyuns stupid things because Xinyi had thought on how to bring the Hutyuns without anyone noticing them. So, she made them grouped together and innocently turned into rings, coins, hair clips, and other lady accessories so that when she walked anywhere, she could hide them in a bag.

Unfortunately, she forgot to hide them this time since she newly got out from Skrider's space and it was her first actual fight with men. Hence, the Hutyuns floated around Xinyi in such a conspicuous look. Nianshi also didn't realize their mistake while he was under attack by the Wag stones' vibrating power, putting his mind into disarray.

But after a time, Xinyi saw some other men smirked while pointing at her. She wondered why and looked around and saw the Hutyuns appearance... and her face turned scarlet. "Darn, I forgot. Some of you, change into a big bag on my lap," she hurriedly commanded the Hutyuns while her hand snatched the combs, hair clips, and others then placed them into the Hutyun bag. And slung the bag on her shoulder.

The men broke into laughter, thinking she became shy and foolish for displaying her personal accessories. Though those things looked strange as they floated on air earlier, some didn't care about it by now because they thought she was so innocent to pull her things in a frenzy like a girl caught wearing only her undies. While some were still a skeptic. Good thing, they didn't see the bag formed out of nowhere as it was covered with the lion's hair.

This hilarious intermission let their guard down and didn't try any drastic moves. On the other hand, the leader also interpreted her silence that she was still considering his offer or she was just too ignorant with her situation, but surely indecisive on whether to give up the book.

He also believed the whole while that she was a self-taught Chiangda and did not know how to use her power yet or maybe her ability was more on beast taming because she tamed a lion dragon who for them only existed in myths. For him, getting her to their side would be a plus to their cause. Mostly, her beauty and naivety caught his fancy.

"Miss, you can also join our organization. We need skilled beast tamers like you. And I can guarantee your safety," said the man with his charming smile plastered on his battle-scarred face. His men understood his mindset and hollered into cheers, lifting their hands up as they shouted.

"Yeah, that's our boss."

"Haha, there goes our boss."

The innocent Xinyi didn't get their point and didn't say anything but only thankful inside that they let their guard down. Also, his offer gave her an idea. Then she heard the Hutyuns in her mind saying, "My Queen, we have gathered the birds and other flying creatures."

After hearing this, Xinyi's lips split up into a clever grin. "Tell the birds to fly in random order as if they were only passing toward migration and distract these men's attention." Then she spoke to Nianshi. "Change into a small bird and fly with the rest and wait for my instructions."

"But you?" asked Nianshi.

"Don't worry, I can make the Hutyuns save me or… someone from these men will save me and I will strike," she said with confidence.