The sparse moonlight came in through the curtain, and the wine bottles were all over the floor.

As soon as Lin nishang went in, she accidentally kicked a bottle of wine. She let out a cry. I heard the drunk voice of Muli. "Wine? Waiter, give me another dozen! "

“……” Lin nishang snorted. How dare you treat her as a waiter?

However, go inside to see Mu Li is sitting on the ground, one long leg curled up, the other stretched, arms also holding a bottle of wine, leaning on the sofa. It even looks like Drinking uncle.

"I have money, give me wine!" Mu Li's eyes have begun to blur, he wants to open his eyes. But I can't see who is in front of me.

"Are you stupid? What's the matter with money, Miss Ben When Lin nishang walked by, she found that a lot of wine had been wet with Muli's black shirt. She immediately showed a look of disgust, "you..."


Lin nishang has not finished a word. The man has been pulled by Mu Li, and directly reaches out to his arms. Mu Li quickly comes over. The burning breath sprayed on Lin nishang's face. He tried to see the face of the man in front of him. But I don't know if it's because the brain is too chaotic, or because I drink too much. Now my brain is almost blank.

The man's hot breath spurted on his face, Lin nishang only felt that his heartbeat was still for a moment. "Muli, you Sobbing

The soft flap of the lip came down. She swallowed Lin nishang's struggling voice directly.


Huo nianian gave Gu tingshen a good medicine. He put the alcohol in front of him. On the other hand, he still twisted his small face and began to teach Gu tingshen, "why fight? I'm friends when I go out. What's more, I'm still working in Muli's studio. Gu tingshen, you just beat my boss like this. You don't want to... "

"Boss or husband?" Gu tingshen interrupted Huo nianian's words and grasped the hand ready to put down the small medicine box, "say."


"Give you three seconds. You'd better think about it." Although Gu tingshen was sitting on the sofa, his momentum was still there. Huo Nian read the words at the edge of his mouth and swallowed it. Finally, he said, "you are important."

Gu tingshen was obviously pleased, and his eyebrows began to rise, "so what are you doing now? Sleep with me "

" no way. I'll go to see Mu Li first. It seems that he's hurt a lot. Lin nishang's hands are light and light, in case he won't take medicine again. "

"Don't go!"

Gu tingshen was just happy after listening to Huo nianian's words, but when he heard that Huo nianian wanted to send medicine to Muli, his face suddenly pulled down.

"Gu tingshen, aren't you jealous?"

"Me? be jealous? How can it be. " Gu tingshen snorted.

Huo Niannian nodded and took out his hand from Gu tingshen's palm. "Since I'm not jealous, I'm going."

Seeing Huo nianian leave again, how can Gu tingshen agree? He stretched out his hand and pulled Huo Niannian back. Without saying it, Gu tingshen gasped and narrowed his eyes. "Huo Niannian, maybe you haven't figured out who is your husband?"

"Well..." Huo Niannian was suddenly pushed down. He swallowed his mouth and blinked his eyes, "what, what? Isn't my husband you? "

"Yes, I'll shake my husband." Gu tingshen finished and covered two people with a quilt