Chapter Thirty-Seven: Rosa Wants to Protect the Love From the Shadows (II)

“Rosa is not the count’s biological child.”

Chris and Bernardo exchanged a momentary expression of confusion.

A second later, they both exclaimed, “What…!?”

“What do you mean?”

“Rosa needed a blood transfusion, so I rushed to get one for her two days ago. Since Bernando is her half-brother, I assumed his blood would be the closest match. So I quickly returned to the detached palace to check Bernando’s blood.”

“I remember that. But in the end, you said that my blood wasn’t necessary…”

“That’s correct. The transfusion itself wasn’t necessary, but I found it strange that your blood didn’t match Rosa’s. You see, the Apts have a technology that allows us to determine kinship based on blood types.” Ladu explained,

“I harshly assumed at first that you had oversold your claim to be the count’s son since I had heard that you had recently appeared as the count’s illegitimate son. However, you possess both a noble’s features as well as magic. I found the whole thing strange, and it was then that His Highness’s words about how Count Langheim could do that to his own daughter struck me. I began thinking that maybe it was, in fact, Rosa, who wasn’t the count’s child. I had taken the count’s blood for STD testing before, and when I turned the records over, I discovered that the count and Bernardo’s types were still the same, with the only exception being Rosa. Discovering that, I immediately asked the prince to use a Travel Formation to go to the monastery where the count was being kept. When there, I forcefully took some of his blood and finally concluded that Count Langheim is not connected to Rosa by blood at all.”


“But Rosa also has the features of a noble, which led me to think that maybe she is an illegitimate child of the count’s wife. And that maybe the count was aware of this…” Ladu spoke.

Meanwhile, Bernando and the others were completely taken aback.

At some point in their lives, everyone in Langheim had commented that Rosa could not possibly be the count’s child. Even Bernando had often considered it, but he had never believed it would actually turn out to be true.

Furthermore, he had never considered that the countess, who had passed quite young from illness and had the appearance of a somewhat tragic woman, could be this discreetly unfaithful.

But it just makes sense…

Bernando thought, placing his hand on his brow.

He’d heard that on her deathbed, the countess had reportedly revealed that her sole regret in life was getting married to the count.

Her only mistake was getting married… Which means that she didn’t care about anything else!

Although this wasn’t the time for it, Bernando felt the urge to applaud the countess for her choices.

However, his face suddenly became mournful as he considered Rosa’s mental state.

The count probably alienated Rosa because he knew she wasn’t his child.

Bernando couldn’t imagine what Rosa had felt, having to bear the brunt of the count’s anger simply because her mother had died young.

Judging from everything dear sister has said up until now, it’s safe to assume that she can see through deceit with her eyes. This means that she must be aware of the secret surrounding her birth. She probably also knew why our father hated her… And maybe that is why she never retaliated…

As he envisioned Rosa accepting the vicious fist being swung at her with resignation-filled eyes, Bernardo felt a heart-wrenching sensation.

It was truly a tragic story.

In fact, however, Rosa was completely unaware of these secrets. The only gripes she’d had with the count were along the lines of, ‘Oh my, the pig is looking at me like he wants to say something. Wait! Maybe he’s looking at the butler behind me!‘ Which she had simply ignored. In truth, she hadn’t been abused at all.

Bernando, though, was not aware of any of this. He spoke solemnly while nodding and looking at Ladu.

“That would certainly explain why my dear sister tolerated that man despite everything. She pleaded for his punishment and even told him that she’d always be waiting for his love, no matter what…”

However, it was precisely this quality of accepting everything, no matter how harsh, that ultimately allowed Rosa to penetrate the count’s heart.

Bernardo’s eyes began tearing up with justified anger, compassion, and love for Rosa.

“I thought dear sister described herself as filthy and rotten because our father had imposed those words on her. But I now realize that was a mistake. Because she was aware she wasn’t his child, she referred to herself in that manner. It’s also why she told me the first time she saw me that everything hers was also mine. She’d been planning to give it all away from the start…”

“I see. So she decided to leave the mundane world after handing everything to the rightful heir… Despite being aware of the risk, she saved the Apts since it was a good justification to give up her life without committing the sin of taking her own life. It all makes sense.” Chris explained.

All of this, however, could not be further from the truth. Even so, it just seemed to make perfect sense.

Rosa’s sincerity and compassion, which had transformed her into a tragic figure, had everyone in awe.

But after a while, a faint voice pierced the stillness.

“But can we really let her go…” Leon asked in a disturbed tone.

His golden eyes gleamed brightly as he glanced down at Rosa as she slept.

“Even my best friend, who was supposed to possess powerful magic and self-control, was compelled to expose who he really was in front of these eyes… However, here on this bed, there is someone who managed to resist them. You have no clue how much comfort and salvation this gives me.”

Everyone was in awe of Leon’s heartfelt confession.

Leon had opened his heart to Kamil because of his high resistance to magic.

However, after interrogating him, Leon knew that even Kamil could not maintain his state of mind when exposed to Leon’s eyes.

This had caused Leon much pain.

At the same time, Rosa, who’d easily managed to stay calm when faced with his gaze, was becoming more important to him.

“Rosa once said I’d be great if I had brown hair and eyes. At the same time, she also said that it’d be difficult. Perhaps she knew at the time what a miserable fate these eyes would bring me.”


“Nonetheless, I cannot go back to being a commoner. I must accept the fate that comes with these abominable eyes. But, at the same time, I wish to be able to have some hope. Someone to show me that this wretched magic of mine does not work on everyone.”

Now, there was a noticeable difference between the passion in Leon’s eyes as he looked at Rosa.

Leon chuckled softly as he caressed her hair with his long fingers.

“Think about it. She taught the people of Langheim to read, enriched the land, and even guided her sex-crazed father. She saw through Kamil’s scheme, saved the Queen’s life, and helped the Apt village. I’d be damned if I let such a woman rot away at a monastery.”

The people around looked at him in amazement.

They quickly understood his intention, and Ladu opened his arms wide and spoke, “Might I add that she is the only Bergian who inherited the Apt’s medicine?”

“She also healed the princess’ heart.” Chris chimed in.

“Correct! The kingdom should do whatever it can to preserve such talent!” Leon said as he looked at them.

At the only people who knew that Rosa was not, in fact, the count’s biological child.

“Rosa is our Rose Angel. She is the most deserving of the noble title, a lady among ladies. Whatever it takes, we must protect her. Do you not agree?” Leon asked. He hinted that while protecting Rosa inside the royal castle, they would hide the circumstances of her birth.

Leon, who had always strived to avoid becoming attached to anyone, was now showing his obsession with Rosa.

“You’re right. I won’t allow her to seek refuge with the god of Berg while being adept in the Apt’s medicine.” Ladu said with a smile.

He, who had always been sarcastic and aloof in the face of the enemy, was now displaying his raw and shameless obsession.

“I also refuse to dismiss her from her role as my chatting partner. Naturally, Rosa will stay by my side.” Chris added, joining in on the plan.

“Bernando, what do you say?” Leon asked while Bernando fell silent for a moment.

Instead of being a letdown, the idea that he and Rosa were not related by blood delighted him.

Dear sister and I… No. Rosa and I are not siblings. This means that there is hope for my feelings! However, this also means that my sentiments might not develop as long as the circumstances behind Rosa’s birth remain a secret. It makes no difference. My sentiments would not progress if she enters a monastery or, in the worst-case situation, takes her own life.

There was no need for Bernando to ponder it any longer.

“Me? Well…”

Bernando smiled.