Chapter 524 - What Change Him

"I know the reason why you want to talk to me, Jacob Parker. In fact, that is also the reason why I want to talk to your father. What a coincidence, right?" Jack Ogden smile smugly.

"Actually, I wanted to talk to Benjamin, but I cannot seem to find him. Where is he?" He asked directly.

"We don't know where he is," Jacob answered and that was the truth.

Jack Ogden scoff. "That old fox. I know he is hiding something from me. He and Alexander plot something against me and I don't like it."

"What are you talking about?" Jacob asked with a frown.

"I came from a well off family. We have a chain of business in Crocus. But when I was in college, my family was bankrupt. My parents got sick and I had to act as the breadwinner of my family. No one knows about this. I never told anyone, not even to Benjamin or Alexander. I had to work for my family. Fortunately, I got a scholarship so I don't have to worry about my study. But still, I had to work."

Alexander and Jack both got a scholarship in college. They were both in a business course. Alexander is smart but he was an orphan so he needed that scholarship. They thought that Jack doesn't need it since he came from a rich family but Jack said that he wanted it, so he applied for a scholarship and since he is smart, he got it. While Benjamin, thou smart as well, since he came from a true elite family, he doesn't need it.

Life was hard on Jack during those times but he never showed it to his friends. He has to study and work at the same time. He started by doing papers and projects for his classmates and schoolmates. Until he, later on, starts to work illegally by stealing test papers from the office of the professors and sell it to the students.

Then he met Sylvia. She came from a family of politicians. She is beautiful, smart. She got everything that a man looks for a wife. And Jack falls in love with her. But Sylvia has her own flaw. She values power and wealth more than anything. Status is important to her. So Jack has to keep up with her expectations. That changed him.

"My family sunk into poverty. I became poor. If I wanted to get married, I have to secure the future of my children. So, I had to make Benjamin promise to marry his child to mine."

Chairman John Parker made a slight reaction. Jacob looked at his father thinking, that it was he who was supposed to get married to Jack Ogden's child. But what happened? He looked back at Jack Ogden anticipating his words.

"But, Benjamin... tsk... he said that he doesn't have plans to get married and said that I should talk about that with Alexander. I never expected that Alexander would agree. That's the least I wanted. He is an orphan, no family background. What use is he to me? But he is smart. He's got a future ahead of him. So, I thought, why not?" A smirk appeared on his mouth almost identical to Alex's smirk.

"Soon, I founded the Novus Rex. I asked them to join me but they refused and instead stay away from me. They were my friends, I thought they would support me." Jack Ogden continued in a dejected tone.

"What you were doing is illegal. You should be thankful that they didn't report you to the authority." Jacob said.

Jack Ogden laughed at him which made him annoyed.

"Illegal? They didn't support me because they thought it was illegal? Then why would Alexander found The Robin Hood Society later on? All this time, we were on the same page and yet he insists that what he is doing is different from mine." Jack Ogden started mocking them.

"What you are doing causes harm to innocent people. That is different from helping innocent people which has always been the goal of the Society." Jacob defended.

"Still, you cannot change the fact that it is stealing. They are taking another person's property without permission or legal rights and it is against and punishable by law."