Upon seeing the enraged Aivy, Mr. and Mrs. Schidmt's face became filled with dread. The fact that the diamond is now fake, Aivy will surely suspect them and her anger will be placed directly on them.

"This can't be? How can it be fake? Ever since we picked up the gem, it remained untouched. We didn't even peek inside the box. You can even ask the guard that you sent." Mr. Schimdt retorted immediately before Aivy could say something.

"You... you were the only one who held this box ever since the auction ended! You! You picked the diamond last night after the ball! Where. Is. My. Diamond!" Her chest is heaving with anger. The look in Aivy's eyes was scary. Even Hector can't believe his eyes. This is the first time that he saw Aivy this angry and it seems like she has gone mad.

"You! Motherfucker! You dare to steal from me! I'm gonna kill you! Where is my diamond?!" In a matter of seconds, Aivy was able to get near Mr. and Mrs. Schidmt and her hand is now in Mr. Schidmt's neck.

Her eyes were like that of a mad dog and it was scary. She had gone berserk. Hector tried to pull her from Mr. Schidmtt while Mrs. Schmidt is trying to help Mr. Schimdt. When Hector managed to pull her hands away from Mr. Schidmt's neck, her attention was turned to Mrs. Schidmt. She pushed Mrs. Schidmt on the floor and she straddled on her back while pulling her hair to the point that Mrs. Schidmt is now crying in pain from the continuous pulling of her hair from her scalp.

"Aivy!" Hector's shrieked.

"Aivy! Calm down!" Hector pulled her from her waist and was able to lift her from Mrs. Schidmt. Hector pinned her down on the sofa. "Water!" One of the maids who is watching the scene rushed to the kitchen to get water.

"You!" Hector pointed a finger on one of the guards who rushed towards them when they heard a commotion. "Take them away from here and keep an eye on them!"

The guard obliged and take Mr. and Mrs. Schidmt away from Aivy's sight.

"Where is Jonathan?!" Hector called out. Jonathan is the person that they assigned to watch over Mr. and Mrs. Schidmt throughout the ball until they picked up the diamond and brought it over to Aivy's Mansion. The order is clear, don't leave his eyes off the Massive J. So if there is someone they should ask, it should be him.

Aivy has already calmed down a bit after drinking water and Jonathan as arrived also.

"Let me handle this, okay?" Hector said to Aivy because he was afraid that she would lose control again and he doesn't have energy left to stop her.

Hector turned to look at Jonathan. "Did you see Mr. and Mrs. Schidmt or anyone touched the Massive J?" Hector questioned him.

Without hesitation, Jonathan shook his head. "No one has touched the stone ever since we picked it up from GBC Auction Ball. Their committee only showed the diamond to Mr. and Mrs. Schidmt but neither of them touched it until we reached here." He replied.

"Hmm... let's see," Hector said calmly but at the corner of his eyes, he is watching Aivy for any signs of going mad. Hector took the necklace that is now laid down in the coffee table. He carefully examined it. He has seen the necklace a couple of times and he was actually there when Aivy designed it and personally crafted it. So he is more or less familiar with it.

Upon careful inspection, he concluded that even the silver necklace is fake. They were well aware of the protocol of the GBC Auction Ball. They know that the items are checked every 30 minutes and before it is presented by the auctioneer the jewelry was examined first by a specialist. But, if Jonathan said that if no one has ever touched it since then, what could have gone wrong?