Chapter 432 - 20 Seconds

Meanwhile, the first car of the convoy doesn't have any idea what was happening behind them because they have already taken that sharp curve and doesn't have any visual yet of the bus and cars following them. That's when they heard a man speak on the radio.

"Damn it! There was an accident and we lost visuals of the bus." Then they heard static.

The man on the passenger seat said to the driver. "Stop the car." Then they waited for the bus behind them."

On the other hand, the driver and its carrier step out of the tractor-trailer to check out if they cause any damage or casualties. Then they apologized to the drivers of the other cars that they interrupted.

"Bullshit! Get your goddamn truck out of the way! Move!" One of the men from one of the SUV steps out pointing a gun at the driver of the truck. The driver and the carrier of the tractor-trailer pretended to be panic-stricken and made their way back to the tractor-trailer and tried hard to remove the truck that is blocking the highway.

But fortunately, 20 seconds is all they needed.

20 seconds to make a distraction.

20 seconds to change the bus carrying the street vagrants into an empty bus.

20 seconds to change the plate number and the front look of the real bus carrying the street vagrants.

After 20 seconds, the men inside the black car in front finally felt relieved after seeing the bus behind them. Then it was followed by another different bus that overtakes them at a speed of light. Then a tractor-trailer before the two SUVs came into their visual.

"Everyone! You are all safe now! You are welcome." Cobra said with a victorious smirk.

"Cobra, exit Highway 78 now." Dart frog said leaning on her armchair.

"I am out of the tunnel." The driver of the white car said.

"We'll take the next exit," Cobra said taking with him, 60 street vagrants. Two sleeping guards and four of his men.

"Crocodile stay on the highway in front of the convoy then take the exit on your right going to the mining field." Dart frog said.

"Got it!" Crocodile who is the driver of the tractor-trailer replied.

"Blowfish, follow the lead of Cobra." Dart frog gave her final orders before she went offline.

"Aye aye." Then Blowfish speeds up to follow the bus carrying the street vagrants which are now in their possession.


Alex Ogden closed his eyes before he throws the glass of whiskey into the wall of his penthouse making it shatter into pieces. The whiskey on it now stained the white paint of the wall. He can't think of how did the Robin Hood Society managed to steal 60 street vagrants from him making him lost millions of money.

Those street vagrants were subject to be transported into Novus Rex's facility in Crocus where their organs especially kidneys which costs around 262,000 dollars each in the black market. So, imagine with one kidney alone coming from each of those 60 street vagrants. Just how much did Novus Rex lose in just one night? And that is thanks to the Robin Hood Society.

Although Novus Rex was still able to buy organs illegally from a living donor to be sold to the black market, they still preferred it to be taken for free from the street vagrants who cannot protect themselves and no one would notice if they have gone missing.

Street Vagrants were abducted from the streets during night time when they were asleep and taken to the Novus Rex's facility in Camelia Province. Then they will be given a chance to take a bath, change into fresh clothes then they were given food regularly. A series of check-ups will be conducted making sure that they are feasible for organ procurement.

After making sure that there were enough street vagrants for organ procurement, they will be transferred to their facility in Crocus.