Chapter 88 - A Wedding Present

"Stop staring and start talking," J said without looking at him.

Jacob chuckled then started talking.

"Okay, the last time we were here I noticed that you liked this place so I tried to purchase this estate for you."

What? Tried to purchase the Lodgepole Estate for her? As in for her? What for? J thought to herself while looking at Jacob amused.

"I haven't got you a wedding present so I thought this one is a great idea..." Jacob looked at her intently. "But...I can't find the owner. This property is not even listed in the real estate registrar."

J sighed, she felt bad knowing his intention was and she didn't expect him to find a wedding present for her.

She knew she cannot hide this secret anymore to Jacob so she decided to speak, "This estate is owned by my grandfather, I grew up here. When he died he left this to me."

"The fact that it is not listed in the real estate registrar doesn't mean that it is not registered. This was a private property anyways, we have all the necessary documents and title to prove that this property is mine."

"That's not what I mean..." Jacob said defensively.

"I know what you are thinking. You are wondering how did my grandfather acquire this large property knowing we are not a rich family. That I won't be able to answer as I didn't question my grandfather before."

"And if you are wondering how am I able to maintain this property? This estate is self-sustaining. It has an orchard and horse farm. And I only got a few people to run this place so it is not hard to maintain." J has said a lot about the Lodgepole Estate.

She was able to answer the questions that Jacob wasn't able to voice out. He felt that she is starting to open up to him.

"So, every day off you spend it here?" Jacob asked.

"I only have two days off. The first day I spend it here and the second day as you know I spend at either Eve's or Martha's. You already know where I spend my day off. Are you satisfied?" J replied.

"More than satisfied." Jacob smiled.

There was a moment of silence. J continued drinking her tea while looking at the vast ocean.

Jacob watched the calmness of the ocean. It was a great day indeed. The weather is calm, the sun shines everywhere in the estate yet the breeze coming from the ocean is cold.

Jacob straightened his back and without looking at J he said, "Jenny...I am sorry if my persistence irks you but it just worries me whenever you go out on your own without my knowledge. I know you have been doing these things before but it is different now. You are part of me now. And whether you like it or not I am part of you. I cannot just not care about you. I don't know why but I do."

Jacob turned his head to look at J's reaction. She was staring at him without a blink.

I am a part of him and he is a part of me... J seems to be pondering over what he just said. His word sends thrills to her heart yet she's having complex emotions.