Chapter 2150: Adler is going to fight?

Because of the need to identify spies, this basic training did not use the most popular method of wearing shoes with one foot and leaving one foot bare, but the traditional method was used to force a distinction between left and right.

"Left and right, left and right, left and right..." More than 300 veteran instructors looked helplessly at the more than 30,000 Austrian farmers on the field hurriedly stretching their feet and shrinking their legs, feeling very embarrassed.

They are all veterans, and they are used to recruit training with bare feet and shoes, but this time they are not able to do it as normal.

In particular, many Austrian farmers with bewildered faces directly gave the hasty passwords straight away. Besides, is it contagious...

Seeing the Austrian farmers on the field, more than 300 veteran instructors want to die...


"I can't stand it anymore!" One instructor raised his whip, and the others began to learn.

The farmers who drove down were whipped, and hundreds of military police on the sidelines turned a blind eye to it. This year is not the 21st century, so you don’t pay attention to what is not allowed to beat and scold soldiers. As long as you don’t hurt anymore, feel free to...

The old instructors generally have a skill-they can hurt you very much, but they can’t hurt...

Under the threat of the whip, many people were forcibly pulled back slowly. But there are also more stupid ones. The more anxious they are, the more they turn, and they jump straight after being beaten. They still stubbornly turn...

As for turning left and right, after turning around, there are often scenes of face-to-face with the teammates next to them, and self-doubt...

"Did I turn the wrong way?" The farmer who turned in the wrong direction was worried.

"Did I turn the wrong way?" The farmer who turned in the opposite direction was also in self-doubt.

Fortunately, they don’t have to doubt for too long, the instructor’s whip fell on the wrong person...

In the entire training field, apart from the instructor's loud roar of instructions, there was only the sound of "cracking" whips.

The instructors are very angry, and the farmers are also afraid of being drawn. On the side, 100 military policemen are holding small notebooks to record the performance of the farmers.

In order to facilitate the record, the farmers who participated in the training all wore livery. It is a white vest with a number written on it, so that it is convenient for the instructor to roll the name. After all, it's difficult to remember the names of recruits. In particular, European names are still very long. If you encounter a very long Portuguese name, the instructor can have a cerebral hemorrhage just by remembering the soldier's name. Therefore, it is simpler and less troublesome to roll the names and give orders according to the numbers on the livery.

The gendarmerie watching the excitement on the side also recorded their personal performance based on the code on the livery.

On the surface, they are here to record outstanding performers and then distribute food rewards based on their performance. But in fact, they are distinguishing spies.

"A15 (A is the row number, which is equivalent to the first row) has excellent performance, clearly distinguished between left and right, without turning around...evaluated as A..." a military police recorded.

"The performance of C13 was okay, and I was abducted by others, but it was quickly corrected. The distinction between left and right is clear...evaluated as B..."

The gendarmes will record every person who is rated A and who is rated B, because, as Marin said, spies may also start to pretend to be unprofessional. However, after getting the whip, they were unhappy and would follow the **** downhill and quickly changed back.

As for level B and below, it's the kind that gets a lot of whips. It is basically impossible, because spies also have dignity and refuse to get more whips. If it were in ancient China, there might be spies deliberately taking the courage, but this is the era of European ancient times, lack of strategy. Spies can pretend and mean at the beginning, even if they are dedicated, don't expect them to be professional.

After a few days, those who performed well not only had more food during meals, but they were also gathered for training together. In name, they will be treated as "skilled soldiers." Once participating in the war, these "fine soldiers" will also become the leaders of the small teams in these militias.

But in fact, they are being intensively monitored...

At the same time, some gendarmerie will run to the groups to which these people originally belonged to inquire about the origins of these people to see if they are of unknown origin... As for why, the gendarmerie explained that this is called a qualification review, which is a routine matter and a precursor to organizational reuse...

This is not a fool. In the appointment process of Beihai State, there is indeed a qualification review process. The main purpose is to examine whether the resume is falsified and whether the person's origin is unknown. It may seem perfunctory, but in fact everyone participating in the review is very shrewd. Once a suspicious point is discovered, a secret investigation will be initiated.

There is no other way. Beihai is a country of immigrants, and there are many people from other countries. In the army, 90% of the people come from other countries, so loyalty cannot be guaranteed. Can we not strictly censor it?

After careful observation and review, some hidden spies were found. These spies generally don't stare randomly, and don't like to inquire. Because their task is to temporarily come and hide, and then use it again.

However, they did not expect that some inconspicuous performance in the military training process aroused suspicion. This time, the military police of the North Sea State did not fail, and basically found them all.

Of course, because it was sent by the emperor, he couldn't do it immediately, he could only monitor it temporarily.

Because the effect is so good, Marin has decided to implement this method among French immigrants on the Delaware Peninsula. It is through the most basic left and right password training to identify those hidden spies.

After all, spies of any age are basically military-trained and have certain basic military capabilities. Through basic left-right training, although it is impossible to identify who the spy is, it can greatly reduce the scope of suspicion. After all, for ordinary farmers, basic training is also very difficult.

And spies, UU reading , even if it is hidden at first, and the whip is pulled down, it is still proud to be a spy, and it will definitely improve quickly. European spies don’t learn psychology these days to infer the enemy’s psychology. Therefore, it is easy to get caught.

Just as Marin was thinking about identifying the Austrian and French spies, Adler suddenly came to Emden Harbor by boat from the Irish territory and asked Marin to allocate a group of soldiers to him so that he could participate in the war in Lithuania...

"I'm going, boss, is this impatient?" Marin was shocked. He had already thought of sending Simon away, but he didn't expect that the boss Adler would voluntarily come up to die?

Marin is not easy to say, so he can only persuade Adler not to go. But Adler seemed to panic on the Irish side, just wanting to go to war.

Marin is anxious. He can't say that I cheated my brother-in-law. This time I am going to die. Adler has nothing to think about. If he accidentally misses his mouth, would he still get along with Poland and Lithuania?

In desperation, Marin had to resort to a big move...