Chapter 2143: Ocean City Riots

For the French of this age, Marin is actually very helpless. How to put it, the French kingdom in Western Europe in this era is equivalent to the old beauty of later generations. Therefore, the French are not the same as the people of other countries in Western Europe. Because they are confident.

As residents of large countries, even if they are reduced to fleeing immigrants, many of the 300,000 people still hold the air and consider themselves noble. This makes Marin a headache. Nite has fallen into fleeing famine to take refuge in us, and he is also proud of a hammer?

The first immigrants had just landed in Ocean Harbor. When the local colonial officials made these people swear allegiance to Marin, many people actually showed resistance. The news came back to Aurich, and Marin felt jealous.

Moreover, Marin can't treat these French immigrants too forcefully. Because, behind them is France. Although they have already left France, France can still point fingers at these immigrants. This has a noun called "protection of diaspora".

In other words, these French people have not put down the airs of residents of major countries. Moreover, France does not think that they are completely separated from France, but that they are expatriates.

If Marin treats these French people with high pressure, it is possible for France to put pressure on Marin under the pretext of "protecting the diaspora". Before the Qing Dynasty was over, because of Mexico's massacre and looting of Chinese merchants, did it dispatch warships to force Mexico to submit, let alone France in this era?

Therefore, Marin's transaction of immigrants is a bit of a loss. It seems that he really can't treat these French immigrants as his own at once, and he can only be trusted after he is subtle.

This is different from the immigrants of the princes states in southern Germany. Those princes are simply unable to test pressure on Marin. Their immigrants, including Hungarian prisoners of war, are controlled by Marin. The Austrian immigrants sent by His Majesty the Emperor are also, and His Majesty the Emperor will never turn his face on a few immigrants and Marin. After all, Austria still relies on Marin in all aspects.

No way, Marin can only use the Delaware Peninsula to settle these French immigrants. Fortunately, they are not useless. Growing grapes to make wine, cutting wood and making woodware are also very profitable.

However, Marin will definitely mix sand among them. For example, school issues...

After all, these immigrants are illiterate victims. Marin set up a school in the local area to teach only German, and they had to accept it. Unless, you don't want to go to school.

After the descendants of this group of immigrants grow up, receive a German education in Beihai Country, and agree with Beihai Country, this group of immigrants can truly be regarded as their own.

But the most important thing right now is to prevent these immigrants from becoming self-governing. Why did many colonies of the British Empire finally break away from British control? Here we have to mention an important phenomenon-colonial autonomy.

Because it is unable to govern the settlements of immigrants in those colonies, and there is also a lack of sufficient management talents in the local area. Therefore, for the remote colonies in England, except for some strategically important places directly under the jurisdiction, most of the remote areas are subject to the principle of immigrant autonomy. It is to let the immigrants elect their own councillors, form the immigration point council, and manage themselves.

This approach, of course, saves time and management costs. However, the colony gave rise to the idea that "we can do without a suzerain country". When the early strength is not enough, he will hold the thigh of the sovereign state. But if the strength is strong enough and the suzerain country declines, these autonomous colonies will become independent.

Therefore, it is impossible for Marin to allow such a situation to occur. In the beginning, he did not intend to allow immigrants to govern themselves.

For this reason, Marin asked Albert to select 3000 young men from the early German and Hungarian immigrants to form a police force to station in the Delaware Peninsula to manage these French immigrants.

In addition, Marin recruited 200 Walloons who could write and count from the South Netherlands under the Habsburg family, which was later Belgium, to serve as officials in the Delaware Peninsula colony.

The Walloons are a mixture of Germans and Celts, and most of them speak French. And because they are under the rule of the Habsburg family, many Walloonians have also learned German after going to school. Of course, there are many who can read and write French. But what Marin needs is a Walloon who can read and write German.

Therefore, it is not easy for Marin to recruit 200 Walloons who can read and write German from the South Netherlands under the Habsburg family, but it is not difficult.

Because they speak French, it is not difficult for these people to communicate with 300,000 French immigrants. Being able to read and write German makes it easy for them to integrate into the officialdom of Beihai Country.

Marin asked them to unconditionally obey the instructions issued by Aurich and New York. Manage these 300,000 French immigrants in the way of the North Sea country.

In addition, Marin also hired 500 Walloon missionaries from the Wallonia region who could read and write German. Their task is to open a school in the Delaware Peninsula to teach children of French immigrants to read and write German. Moreover, in order to stimulate the teaching enthusiasm of these missionaries, Marin offered a bonus. The more French immigrant children who can read and write German, the more bonus they get...

Marin’s worries were not unreasonable. At the end of June, news came from New York that there was a riot in Ocean City, a colony on the Delaware Peninsula.

As for the cause of the riots, it was the one that Marin was worried about-French immigrants demanding autonomy...

There were more than 60,000 French immigrants who arrived in the first batch. At the beginning, there was nothing wrong with the immigrants. Everyone is busy cutting wood and building houses, and there is no time to pay attention to other things.

However, when Ocean City was built, especially the town hall of Ocean City, several French immigration chiefs suddenly negotiated with the colonial authorities, demanding the establishment of a parliament and allowing the immigrants to elect their favorite members...

The manager of Ocean City, Merck, was panicked, but still refused their request using the different management model of the North Sea country as an excuse. Then, these people surrounded the town hall...

Merck was taken aback, but fortunately he had 200 well-trained musketeers and 300 swordsmen. Under the defense of the shield soldiers, the immigrants could not rush into the town hall.

Merck, on the other hand, urgently sent carrier pigeons and contacted Albert in New York.

Albert was also taken aback when he received the letter. However, he remembered Marin's request that he must not compromise on the issue of autonomy. So he immediately mobilized 500 cavalry to rush to help Ocean City by land. And, since the last time a fleet was sent to transport 1,000 infantry, they were all in armor.

Three days later, the cavalry first arrived outside Ocean City. However, they could not enter the city and could only confront the immigrants on the dock.

The infantry sent by Albert arrived a few days later. Seeing the turbulent crowd in the city, the infantry phalanx Kerry directly zoomed in and recruited...

Although there is no special tear gas to disperse the crowd, Kerry's soldiers are equipped with another artifact that suppresses riots-paprika!

Chili powder is not fatal, but it is absolutely uncomfortable to sprinkle your face!

Kerry asked all the 300 shield soldiers under him to wear goggles and cover their faces with water-soaked face towels. Then, he raised his shield with his left hand and sprinkled chili powder with his right hand to clear the way.

And the 500 cavalrymen, seeing Kerry let people sprinkle chili powder, had long been hiding away. It’s not that they are afraid of chili powder, but that the horse is afraid...

Where did the troubled French immigrants have seen the power of paprika? I was pulled straight into my nose, coughing, and had to go away.

Then, Kerry's men and Merck's men converged, and finally controlled the situation and arrested several leading troublemakers. Finally, a spy named Lebel emerged from the water...

It turns out that these immigrant leaders were instigated by this Lebel. Lebel was one of the French spies sent, unlike other spies. Lebel had no curious eyes and would not easily inquire about the news. Because his task is mainly in the later stage, that is, trying to steal control of this colony.

And the best way to steal control is through colonial autonomy, and then get out of the control of the sovereign state. Of course, this task is not a dead task, but a discretionary task.

In other words, the French court did not expect to control this colony dominated by French immigrants at all. It just clung to the idea of ​​"raising grass and fighting rabbits" to see if it could be rewarded.

But Lebel is different, Lebel is very concerned about this. Because Baron Adair promised that if it could be done, the King might grant him the title. At least the Fiend Knight, maybe even the Baron.

Therefore, even if the French court did not expect success, Lebel expected success. But the prerequisite for all this is that the local area must implement immigration autonomy. Without immigrant autonomy, French immigrants can't make their own voices. How can they escape the control of the North Sea country?

Therefore, Lebel, who was well-hidden in front, took the risk to stand up in order to control the colony in the later period, provoking a few immigrant leaders, letting them make trouble, and demanding autonomy.

But I didn't expect that Beihai State was so firm on this issue that it would not give it. Before, immigrants just surrounded the town hall of Ocean City. But after a few days, Merck was determined not to let go. The immigrants were about to lose patience and were ready to move. Fortunately, Kerry's army arrived in time, otherwise, there will be a large-scale **** conflict.

It took Kerry's men a lot of effort to catch Lebel. But Lebel was unwilling to give in and kept yelling:

"I was sent by the King of France, you can't do this to me!"

Kerry had a headache, if it was so, I really couldn't deal with this one. But Merck, the lord of Ocean City, rolled his eyes and asked loudly:

"You said you were sent by the King of France. Is there a commission? Is there a credential?"

Lebel was dumbfounded. He was a spy, and he was invisible to the light. Where would there be a letter of commission and a certificate of credential? Therefore, he was speechless.

Merck actually worked under Kohler before and knew that spies didn't have these things, so he asked this question in a targeted manner. UU Reading

Seeing that Lebel was unable to give an answer or prove his identity, Merck bluntly slashed Lebel and hung his head on the flagpole in the town hall. Of course, the charge is "pretending to be an envoy of the King of Law."

Several immigration leaders just made trouble because they did not use force. Therefore, these people were not killed. However, Merck sentenced them to exile on the spot. As for the place of exile, it was naturally sent to the colony of New York. It is said to be exile, but these people will definitely lose their freedom in the future...

When the news reached Aurich, Marin was taken aback. So he quickly sent an additional 2000 regular troops to the Delaware Peninsula to prevent possible riots from French immigrants. Moreover, he also asked the fleet to transport large quantities of cement for the construction of bunkers. As long as the bunkers are laid out in a grid and beacon towers are added, a grid pattern is formed. As far as the rebellion broke out by immigrants from the algorithm country, they can all be dealt with calmly and suppressed as quickly as possible.

Of course, the incident this time is a special case and was triggered by the instigation of French spies. However, Marin was still uneasy and decided to strengthen precautions. In addition, this also strengthened Marin’s determination not to grant autonomy to the colonies...