Chapter 2080: Clever enclosure

Prince Philip obviously thinks so too. He thinks that Marin really gave a lot of face this time. Unexpectedly, Beihai country has a complete primary industrial park, which greatly reduces manufacturing costs. Of course, Marin wouldn't let Philip see it, but showed an expression of "I'm paying for it".

Moreover, Prince Philip would not know that Marin will personally lead an expedition to the Grand Duchy of Moscow, worrying about the safety of his homeland. Otherwise, he would not think that this was a debt of favor, but would feel that "I have paid so much"!

Then, the two sides discussed in a "kind and friendly" manner how to perform the effect of "Prince Philip's blood, Marin won't refuse after ten moves".

After discussing for more than a day, the two sides finally figured out the script, Prince Philip used "introduction to immigrants" as a temptation. At the same time, they publicly proposed that the North Sea country should be upgraded to a kingdom and an elector in order to attract Marin to provide weapons...

Although this performance has the effect of clearing out suspicions for Marin, it can also show Prince Philip's superb ability to win people over. Therefore, even though he was performing to help Marin clear the suspicion, Prince Philip did not refuse to be used once. Because this will show his "brilliant" and "superior wrist." It can be said that it is a win-win thing.

Then, shortly after Marin left Ghent, Prince Philip released the wind and said that he would promote the North Sea Grand Duke Marin to be promoted to the title of King and Elector of the North Sea, just like the Kingdom of Bohemia.

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately caused a sensation throughout Germany, including France. Then, it's all fried...

After all, the princes of the anti-Habsburg family accounted for the majority. They expressed their opposition, thinking that the Hoffman family came from a humble background, and it is a miracle to become a grand duke. Become a king? It's too childish.

Then, Prince Philip stood up publicly, saying that the Holy See had crowned Marin as king, indicating that he had the qualifications of a king. Therefore, to become the king of the North Sea, identity is no longer a problem.

Immediately, the opposition said that it was only a king in a wild area, different from a king in a "civilized area" like Germany. Among them, the view of Frederick III, the elector of Saxony, is very sharp. He believes that becoming the king of the wild regions is because of Marin's contribution to the Holy See, which belongs to the reward of the Holy See. If you want to become the king of the German region, you need to make a great contribution to the German region. After being recognized and respected by all states, you can become a king. The elector is also...

This old guy is very good at the main point, and his words are well-founded and convincing. However, Philip is not really pushing Marin to become king and elector. Therefore, he doesn't care much about success. However, the momentum must be made bigger.

Quarrel, you can win without reason. As long as your opponent pretends not to hear your reasons and insists on stubbornly messing around, there is nothing you can do. Therefore, the court has set up judges to prevent lawyers from quarreling endlessly.

Therefore, Philip, like a savage quarrel, can't help but publish arguments that support Marin's rise to the throne, regardless of whether Frederick III's views are correct or not. Moreover, this guy is shameless, saying that Frederick III was defeated by Marin because of the previous war and deliberately retaliated and caused trouble, so that Frederick III was so angry that he almost carried it. This is so obvious that you are slapped in the face. Losing to Marin is a dark history. Philip, who came out to say something, is simply a face slap in public!

But Philip did not know that Frederick III, the elector of Saxony, had already made a major decision in his heart. The next emperor would definitely not choose Philip!

If Philip knew the news, he would have been crying in the toilet. You know, he has always wanted to be emperor! Fortunately, Maximilian I had already planned to pave the way for his grandson, otherwise, the Habsburg family would cry in the toilet.

Of course, the Habsburgs are not at a loss. With the support of Marin, they will be able to annex the entire Switzerland and their strength will increase! If you can sell a few more manors on the Swiss site, you can fill a lot of the shortfall. Moreover, the territory can be passed on to future generations, which is very cost-effective! In general, the Habsburg family is definitely not losing, only Philip himself. Moreover, he only lost the title of emperor, but did not lose profit.

However, this matter is limited to quarrels, and has not yet been upgraded to the scope of fighting. Why? Because Philip was not the emperor, his status was the high lord of the Netherlands, no different from other dukes. Even the Habsburg family quarreled, and he was the only one. Therefore, the princes were only angry, but did not take actual action. Because Philip was just a mouthful and didn't take any actual actions.

When they were quarreling, Prince Philip quietly gathered most of the opposition lords in the Netherlands, except for the banquet, and discussed with them about the enclosure.

Before, Philip had actually discussed this with them. Although everyone was tempted, they were full of worries and fear of problems.

But this time, after Philip set out an "intermediary fee" of 20 gold coins per household, everyone was tempted...

Both can occupy land and take money! The previous hesitation was swept away. After all, what is a little risk in the face of money?

In fact, in the history of the enclosure movement in Britain, this phenomenon has happened before the nobles fooled the poor home farmers, saying that they could make a fortune when they went to the Americas. Then, they tricked the poor self-cultivators into selling the property land at a low price to the nobles who fooled them, in exchange for a ferry ticket, and shipped it to the American colonies. Then, he left the whole family there. In this way, the nobles took the land of those self-cultivating farmers at a very low price.

Next, the aristocrats who had flinched and hesitated, began a large-scale enclosure operation. Of course, they did not come here blindly, but specifically selected farmers who had debts and bought all the IOUs of their creditors. Then, use the IOU to grab the land.

And in this era, who hasn't owed some debts to the poor? If you don't owe debts, you won't be poor. Ordinary people to collect debts may be sent to beat people and intimidate people with "left green dragons and right white tigers". The most is to evacuate the property of the debtor's house, who has the confidence and backing, and can grab someone's daughter or something.

But when the creditor was replaced by a nobleman, that was different. The European legal system in this era was not sound, and the nobles basically represented the law in their territories. Maybe they can't kill people and grab things casually, but with an excuse, they can deprive the debtor of the property, but there is no problem. Starting with IOUs is an excellent excuse for depriving self-cultivation farmland.

After learning about the operation methods of Philip and the Dutch nobles, Marin felt a bit low-level. So, he personally wrote a secret letter to Philip, and introduced him to the tricks used by the British to fool poor self-employed farmers to sell their land at low prices to the North Sea country...

For this reason, Malin specially selected a group of disciples and grandchildren of Bishop Taylor who can speak Dutch to help them fool. In this way, the Dutch nobles who used the high-level methods of the enclosure movement were not limited to the rude method of seizing land by means of IOUs. After all, nobles are also face-conscious people.

As a result, the enclosing movement in the Netherlands changed the style of painting and turned into a large-scale flicker scene. Moreover, this is not entirely fudge.

In order to be more convincing, the Dutch nobles, with Marin’s advice and funding, specially invited some representatives of the poor to personally go to the manor under the name of Marin in the North Sea country to see the lives of the serfs. Anyway, the North Sea country borders the Netherlands, and it is also very convenient to organize people to the Marin manor in the western border area of ​​the North Sea country.

In these Mars manor houses, the Netherlands can only eat bread with soil mixed with soil, so poor self-cultivating farmers who eat soil have witnessed the ordinary farmers of the North Sea country, every day they eat black bread without soil, and I'm full! Good labor performance can also reward delicious foods such as Thuringian sausage or sauerkraut and salted fish. Moreover, everyone has the opportunity to receive salted fish every week. During the festival, some meat can be distributed, such as sausages, cured meats and the like...

In addition, children of all families have the opportunity to go to school and don’t need money. The food that children eat at school is even more nutritious than ordinary people eat. It is said that Marin, Grand Duke of the North Sea Country, hopes that all the children of the North Sea Country can grow taller and stronger...

As for dressing, like the serfs of the manor under Marin's name, the clothes are all issued, and they don't need money. It is also divided into winter and summer clothes and spring and autumn clothes. Two sets of each are easy to change and wash.

Even if he is sick, he can be treated at the church hospital in the town at the expense of the farm...

"This is simply a heavenly day!" The Dutch self-employed farmers were shocked.

In fact, the model of the manor under the name of Marin in the North Sea is a bit like collective farms in later generations. The only difference with collective farms is probably that the food is not divided equally, but based on performance, rewards people with good labor performance. At the same time, punish lazy people.

People in this era are short of oil and water, and are greedy for meat and fish. In the face of the temptation of food, everyone is very motivated to work. In addition, there is a final punishment system. Those who have poor labor performance and fish fish, deduct the weekly fish subsidy, and have to open the platform to be criticized and embarrass them.

Those who fish for a long time will even be deducted half of the bread share, and will go hungry. Of course, this situation is rare. Why? Because the serfs of this age are half-slaves, they don't dare to mess around. As for the members of later generations, they are the masters, high in status, and dare to challenge their superiors and make trouble. Serfs of this age have no status at all. If they really want to fish, they will be beaten. Therefore, there is basically no public fishing phenomenon. Occasionally fishing may be possible, long-term fishing is definitely not, unless you are impatient.

With the cooperation of this incentive and punishment system, the farm under the name of Marin in the North Sea country is very dynamic. Everyone loves to work, and everyone is afraid of being criticized and deducted food from the platform.

This kind of life is almost a heavenly life in the eyes of ordinary people in other countries of the same time. Because, in this era, ordinary farmers in European countries generally live by eating inferior bread mixed with dirt, wood chips, stones, leaves and wild vegetables. The flour content is less than half, and the bread is hard. Can be used as a brick to smash people...

Even this kind of black loaf cannot be eaten by ordinary people every day. Half-hungry and half-satisfied are the norm for European farmers in this era. As for clothing, housing and medical care, ordinary farmers in other countries cannot compare. Because clothes in this era are very expensive, and they are all priced in shillings. Normal poor peasants should have their clothes tattered and dirty. The serfs of the Ma's Farm in Beihai Country all wore uniform work clothes made of coarse wool and looked very energetic. Moreover, every farm where everyone is clean has a bathhouse.

In terms of medical care, poor farmers in other countries can only carry it out or wait to die if they fall ill. And the serfs of the Ma’s farm will be sent to the church in the town by a carriage to find a priest who knows medical skills for treatment, and the farm pays...

Such a happy life quickly defeated the psychological defenses of visitors. After returning, these poor self-employed farmers in the Netherlands, who were burdened with debts or whose families could not have enough food, quickly packed up, sold their family land, and rushed to the North Sea country under the organization of the nobles. Of course, there are a small number of people who refuse to leave, but some of the nobles have ways to deal with them...

Under this clever means, half-fudged and half-proven, the enclosure movement on the Dutch side went very smoothly. The only drawback is that after the visitors went back to tell the story, even many homesteaders with good backgrounds were tempted, and the nobles who only wanted to send away some of the farmers were caught off guard. After all, they also need some people to stay to help them farm the land or herding sheep. Fortunately, serfs are not free in this era, and they must have the consent of the lord if they want to leave. Otherwise, some serfs under the names of Dutch nobles will have to run away...