Chapter 2068: Cruel sacrifice to the living

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Bringing back tens of thousands of people and bringing back hundreds of thousands of people are two completely different concepts. Bringing back tens of thousands of people, only a silver mine in the Harz Mountains can be fully absorbed. And hundreds of thousands of people must be distributed in a very wide area, and completely change the population structure.

In fact, Marlin brought back these hundreds of thousands of people, and he didn't want them to replace the German farmers now. In other words, what they replaced was not the German farmers in the North Sea country at this stage, but the German farmers in the North Sea country in the future.

This is a bit convoluted, but in another way, it’s clear at a glance—they replace the children who are currently educated in school.

These children who have received formal elementary education in the country are all reputable high-achieving students in this era. If it is put back to farm, it is really a violent thing. You know, in this era, the literacy rate is surprisingly low. If you dare to put primary school students into serfs, you will be condemned by God.

That is to say, in later generations, education is universal for all people, and it is nine-year compulsory education. Elementary school students are too low, and junior high school students dare not say that they are educated. Because there are high school students and college students on it. But in this era, elementary school students are cultural people.

Even the mayor and sheriff in many towns in this era are illiterate. In many cases, the monastery is needed for help, and a low-level priest is used to help with the paperwork. After all, the priests all read books. In other words, the highest literacy rate in Europe is the monastery. Almost everyone can read and speak Latin. Not to mention the small town, even the British Minister of the Seal is the bishop.

However, many priests are too religious and do not know how to be flexible. In many cases, they ignore the law at all and deal with government affairs directly against the "Bible", which is quite arbitrary and willful.

Of course, we cannot expect too much from those priests. Because, they study culture, the only teaching material is the "Bible". As for other subjects, they were all studied by the priests spontaneously, and no one forced them to study. As for the priests who only study the "Bible", the ability to do things can be imagined.

The primary school students in Beihai Country are different. They not only have to study the Bible, but also mathematics, and law is also a compulsory course. Moreover, everyone has to learn to write essays. The most commonly used format for composition is the official document.

In this way, after these elementary school students graduate, they will write official documents, know how to settle accounts, and also know the law, and are well-qualified students of the Middle Ages. Even in the universities run by churches in this era, the scummers recommended by some churches may not be able to catch up with these elementary school students.


Marin can let these primary school students become craftsmen apprentices and become craftsmen in the future. They also accept these elementary school students and become soldiers or low-level officials in the future. The only thing that is unacceptable is that they go back to farm. Because this is a great waste of talent!

You know, education is a national resource, and educated talents are also national resources (human resources). Many modern people don't understand-why most of what I learned in college is useless. In fact, he doesn't understand that universities are run by the country, and they train and select talents for the country. The university does not cover that you can make a fortune after learning, but is only responsible for helping the country train the talents it needs. Among them, "scrap" is allowed. If you think what you learn in college is useless, congratulations, you are a failed product in the national education system...

Insert an app: Perfectly reproduce the old version of the book-chasing artifact that can be replaced with the source app-Mimi Reading.

Of course, don't give up, this can only show that you are not suitable for that system. However, you can choose to take your own path, the path that suits you. People have their own talents, as long as they find what they are good at, and what the society needs, they will always go out of their own way. However, if you say that you are good at eating, drinking and having fun... Well, when I didn't say...


In Beihai, the children of serfs went to elementary school. After the education is over, letting them go back to farming is a waste of talents.

However, if these children don't go back to farm, who will produce food to feed everyone? Therefore, it is necessary to find someone else to top it up. Obviously, these Russians from the Grand Duchy of Moscow are very suitable serfs...

Only when someone takes up the job of farming can Marin be able to safely assign the children who have received elementary education to military and political or craftsman positions.

And if this captivity fails, even if Marin is not happy, he must send a large number of children who have received elementary education back to farm. Because no one is farming, everyone will starve to death.

Therefore, this war is not only about interests, but also directly related to the employment direction of the next generation of Beihai country. Once no one takes over the burden of farming, industrialization cannot be promoted.


In addition to these Ross people, Marin is now also planning to do something against Mexico. Because he knows a piece of news-it is said that the Aztec empire in Mexico kills tens of thousands of people every year to hold a living sacrifice. Those who were killed as sacrifices were all prisoners of war who were captured after the defeat of the tribal war.

And being able to become a warrior is the young and strong of all tribes. Thousands of young men are killed every year. After Ma Lin listened to it, his toothache was almost painful. Lao Tzu was struggling for the lack of young men and even started a war. You kill thousands of young people every year! I have to say...

According to the spy report, 29 years ago, in 1487, more than 20,000 people were killed in a single sacrifice, most of them young and strong...

Seeing this information, Marin no longer has a toothache, but has a pain all over his body, especially egg pain...

He also thought of using a peaceful way to let the Aztec Empire help him produce silver. But now, he realized that if he did not send troops, the Aztec Empire would continue to kill. There are tens of thousands of young people every year, and they can kill more than 200,000 young people in 20 years...

It is said that the Spanish colonizers are cruel, but the Aztec empire itself is also extremely cruel!

Moreover, the most terrible thing is that this data is only provided by the three Aztec empire city-states Tenochtitlan, Deskoco, and Tracopan. As for the figures of other small city states and tribes in Mexico, they are not included in the statistics at all. It is said that in addition to the Aztec empire, there are also many tribes who popularly kill prisoners of war to invigorate people. After all, at least more than 20,000 people are killed in Mexico every year, most of them are young people...

"No wonder this empire hasn't been able to expand out of Mexico for so long. It turned out to be insufficient manpower. Moreover, they killed the young men themselves!" Malin was deeply moved.

In fact, the Aztec Empire’s act of killing tens of thousands of prisoners of war every year has also caused panic among the surrounding tribes. Because once the Aztec Empire is short of sacrifices, it will send troops to capture the surrounding tribes, and then kill the prisoners of war as sacrifices. No one wanted to die, so when Cortes landed, many opposing tribes of the Aztec Empire joined the coalition forces of Cortes.

Of course Cortez is really the son of luck. Because the year he sent troops is really a coincidence...

In the mythology of the Aztec Empire, the time when the White God returned to the world was set as 1519. And Cortez, who happened to land in Mexico that year, came in recklessly. However, the Aztec Empire basically did not have any firm resistance. With the support of some tribes who did not want to be killed, the Aztec Empire was successfully destroyed.

If you really want to send troops to the Aztec Empire, it is clear that 1519 is a very suitable year. Sending troops in that year will have the least resistance.

However, Marin did not intend to destroy the Aztec Empire directly, but only hoped to control the Aztec Temple by sending troops. Then, change their bad custom of killing the living and offering sacrifices.

Moreover, in addition to the use of force, Marin also intends to send them to pretend to be the messengers of the White God and pretend the oracle to stop them from killing the living and offering sacrifices. However, these prisoners of war cannot be wasted.

For example...Since all my White God's messengers are here, you can send all captured prisoners of war to the White God messengers to take away. Then, White God will reward you many things...

In this way, Marin can take advantage of the Aztec empire and gain tens of thousands of young men in vain every year. Ten thousand young people can plant hundreds of thousands of mu of land. There are tens of thousands of young people every year, and it doesn't cost much. You only need to give some rare materials that the Aztecs have never seen before. This kind of business, don't be too cost-effective...


Of course, it is impossible to completely stop the Aztecs from offering sacrifices. Therefore, Marin intends to learn from ancient China and use pig heads instead of human heads to become temple sacrifices.

In the Chinese Yin and Shang era, living sacrifices were especially popular. The oracle-bone inscriptions on the bronzes describe the cruel plots of sacrifices to living people. The Zhou dynasty replaced the Shang dynasty. Although many people complained for the King Zhou, one thing is certain, that is, the Zhou dynasty abolished the cruel practice of using living people to sacrifice sacrifices to three animals, that is, three kinds of sacrifices, namely, pigs, cattle and sheep. Animals, instead of offering sacrifices to living people. This approach is undoubtedly a huge historical progress.

In the historians, there is a claim that Indians are descendants of Yin and Shang, and Marin thinks it makes sense. This is because not only the jade culture is similar, but also the living sacrifices are the same. However, Marin personally believes that Indians are not all descendants of Yin and Shang. The early Indians probably did come through the Bering Strait. In Mexico, a group of Yin merchants who went to the east came later. Then, he brought the jade culture and the custom of living sacrifices. But I don’t know what happened. Mexico has inherited the backward culture of living sacrifice for two thousand five hundred years.

Like the Inca Empire in South America, there is no culture of living sacrifices. Probably, the culture brought by the descendants of Yin and Shang Dynasty did not spread to but only spread in Mexico.

It's just that, among those Yin merchants who traveled eastward, there were probably no craftsmen in prospecting and metallurgy. Therefore, they did not bring bronze smelting technology. Therefore, the huge Aztec Empire had to use obsidian to make weapons. The jade culture was probably brought by the Yin Shang aristocrats who came from the east.

After all, it is said that the Yin merchants who crossed Mexico in the Middle East seemed to be the army sent by King Zhou to conquer Dongyi. Before they set out, they never thought about going into exile. Therefore, no craftsmen who searched for copper mines and made bronzes were brought along. Otherwise, the American civilization would not be so. Moreover, it is estimated that not many Yin merchants arrived in Mexico alive. Otherwise, a civilized empire would have been established long ago. It is estimated that a small number of people floated to Mexico alive and taught the locals something. Just like the fleet of the Yuan Dynasty expedition to Japan, a ship floated to the Queen Charlotte Islands on the west coast of Canada and took root there. However, because most of them were sailors, they did not bring much change to the local area. After all, knowledge was not something ordinary people had in ancient times.

Marin planned to send an army to **** the fake White God's messenger into Tenochtitlan and control the temple. Then, kill the disobedient, and then falsely preach the oracle, saying that it will be sacrificed to the three animals in the future, just like the Zhou Dynasty.

As for the lack of pigs and sheep in the local area, Marin can provide them with friendship. As for cows, there are so many things in the prairie of North America. However, tens of thousands of prisoners of war are indispensable every year. Marin will let the fake envoys give reasons—to take them to the blood sacrifice on the spot where the White God lives on the sea...In this way, tens of thousands of young people will be fooled every year...

After all, it would be too miserable to be killed every year tens of thousands of people. Isn't it fragrant to live well and then work for yourself?
