Chapter 2065: Spy identity and adding oars

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In fact, Marin decided to allow spies to sell iron javelin heads because they were afraid that their activities in the Grand Duchy of Moscow would be restricted. Even if you agree to sell the iron spear head to the official of the Grand Duchy of Moscow, it's not a big deal.

Because, in the plan, Marin only plans to dispatch dozens of spies to survey and map. Even if each person sells 100 iron spear heads to the Grand Duchy of Moscow, it is only a few thousand. What's more, these spies promised to go back to promise, and they can delay delivery to the world. As long as it is delayed until Marin dispatches troops, it will not have any impact on the war.

And because the Grand Duchy of Moscow begged these spies to supply iron spear heads, it naturally needed to open the door to spies who pretended to be fur merchants and allow them to buy furs everywhere. In this way, the surveying and mapping can be successfully completed.

As for the local fur merchants' dissatisfaction? Sorry, as the Grand Duchy is seeking to attack the Smolensk region and there is a serious lack of iron weapons, at this stage, spies who can provide iron spearheads must be maintained. As for what happens after the goal is achieved, that's another way to say. What Marin needs is that during this time period, Moscow can allow his spies to survey and map topographical maps across the Grand Duchy...

In addition, Marin is also preparing to launch a bribery trick. Maozi's yamen has always been ***. Even in the 21st century, when Chinese businessmen go to Maozi to do business, they will often need to bribe Maozi's police officers. Even, they will be blackmailed by these people.

It can be seen that greed is the custom of Maoziyamen. It is necessary for the spies to go smoothly in the territory of the Grand Duchy of Moscow and bribe the Maoziyamen. It can also save a lot of trouble.

And for those who bribed these shabby yamen, Marin didn't need to ask the spies to pay. He only needs to give two things that are common in North Sea countries, and it will be all right. They are-salt and spirits!

In this era, the price of salt in the Grand Duchy of Moscow does not need to be mentioned, it is too expensive! The spirits are even more luxurious commodities. After all, in this era, people can't eat enough, and there is even less food available for wine. Therefore, Marin's Erguotou dared to sell the sky-high price of a bottle of gold coin.

The price of a gold coin per bottle is still the "wholesale price" sold by the North Sea country to the Crimean Khanate. Rye Erguotou entered the Grand Duchy of Moscow and could even reach the sky-high price of 2 gold coins a bottle.

Therefore, people who want to bribe Maoziyamen should have a bag of salt in their left hand and a bottle of rye Erguotou in their right hand. You can surely impress them...

what? Are you worried about their lack of greed? Still trying hard to ask for it in the future? Don't be afraid of this... The spies will not take root in the future, but surveying and mapping requires a period of time. As for the other party asking for salt and Erguotou, first agree to come down. When I turn around and leave, I won't come next time. Why do you want to cash it out? And this kind of behavior of soliciting bribes is not visible. Can they still pursue the request publicly? Moreover, those spies would not tell those Maozi that they belonged to the North Sea country. Since they are spies, they must use false names and identities, where can they find it...

The surveying and mapping only needs to be done once, giving salt and spirits once, and then giving a promise not to be fulfilled, is enough to guarantee the completion of the task. The iron spear head promised to the court of the Grand Duchy of Moscow can also be promised next time. At that time, you can also not honor it. Anyway, the spies use false names and false identities...

Soon, under the arrangement of Kohler, the intelligence department of the North Sea State moved up and down. The main thing is to select suitable spies and send them to the territory of the Grand Duchy of Moscow. Mainly, it is required to speak Ros, and it is Northeastern Ros, that is, Russian. Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't say it, but you need to have a strong ability to learn foreign languages ​​and learn fast. In this way, the task can be started as soon as possible.

As for the identities of these spies, Marin had already arranged it-a Teutonic businessman!

At present, the Teutonic State and the Grand Duchy of Moscow are very close because of their common enemy, Lithuania, and the relationship between the two countries is very good. The Teutonic State even helped the Grand Duchy of Moscow to purchase weapons and armors, which can be said to be in the honeymoon period.

At this time, it is normal for a group of brave Teutonic businessmen to go deep into the inland areas of the Grand Duchy of Moscow to do business in order to make a fortune. Moreover, the Teutonic state is a commercial country, so the arrangement is not abrupt at all.

In addition, because his uncle Yule is currently the administrative assistant of the Teutonic commander Philip, it is also very convenient for Marin to give those spies a reasonable and legal status in the Teutonic state.

Ally relations, plus willingness to provide the official iron spearhead, Marin could not think of any reason for rejection by the Grand Duchy of Moscow...


However, at this time, Marin's cousin Peter sent someone to send a letter to Marin, telling Marin an important issue that he had overlooked-the problem of sailing inland.

Sailboats rely on wind to sail. On the sea, there is no shortage of wind. But in the inland river, the wind will be much lower because of the obstacles of mountains and forests. Moreover, sometimes it will be calm. In this way, the sailboat lays down in the inland river...

Peter has bought a large piece of land on the south bank of the Neva River mouth through bribery, and has begun to build the rudiment of Petersburg-a dock.

Currently, the dock is under construction. Peter has traveled deep inland along the Neva River many times and inspected the waterways of Lake Ladoga and the Volkhov River.

Although, because of the low latitude, the local northerly wind is strong. But when there is a problem, there are always calm and calm times in the inland river. Therefore, Peter discovered that the Novgorod merchant ships on the Volkhov River, although mainly driven by the north wind, were equipped with oars. When the wind stops, the sailors will also act as oars. It's just that there are not many oar positions on this kind of boat, and most of them are used for emergency. Unlike the oars in Venice, there are many oars and oarsmen.

According to Peter's observation, on every sailing ship of hundreds of tons, UU read www.uukanshu. com still has to add more than a dozen oarsmen positions. As for the oar position, it does not need to be specially installed when building the ship, it only needs to be temporarily added to the sideboard of the built sailboat. Moreover, it can be removed.

For the merchant ships of Novgorod, the ancient Hanseatic merchant ship, the Kirk sailing ship, can be used to add more than a dozen temporary oar positions on the side.

This kind of oar position leaves a socket on the sideboard. Then, insert the bracket of the oar into the socket, and the oar can be fixed on the sideboard. Then, when there is no wind, the sailors can come to take off the oarsmen, lest the boat can't move on the water.

Of course, it would be better to reserve a place for installing the oars when building a ship. After all, adding the oar position after the completion of the project is somewhat uncoordinated, which affects the experience of the sailors. The most important thing is that it affects inland navigation.

Therefore, after receiving Peter's reminder, Marin sent people to Portugal and Spain to reserve a place to install the oars during shipbuilding or ship overhaul (refurbishment). In this way, once the ship enters the inner area of ​​the Grand Duchy of Moscow from the mouth of the Neva River at that time, it is only necessary to temporarily install a detachable oar on the St. Petersburg pier. Even a batch of oarsmen can be added temporarily. When the ship returns to Petersburg and is ready to go to sea, the oars can also be removed to restore the original appearance and function of the sailboat.

Although there are not many oar positions, it may affect the maneuverability of the boat on the inland river, but adding oars to the sailboat is for emergency use, and the requirement for windless speed is not high. So, it's enough. The most important thing is that there are too many manpower required for sailing! There are not many sailing sailors who allow sailing sailors to be the oarsmen. You are Dogan Oars, and you can't find a sailor to row a boat...
