Chapter 2038: Brass = Krypton Gold?

[网] The rise of the Emperor of Europe As a posterity, how could Marin not know the importance of pricing power? Why did the U.S. start the Iraq war? Do you think it is to grab oil fields? After winning, they did not dig oil themselves, but only maintained the pricing power of oil and the core position of the U.S. dollar in the oil trade.

The U.S. dollar is tied to oil, and it is also the core interest of the U.S. imperialism. Without him, as long as the world recognizes U.S. dollars, the United States can start the money printing machine to rob the world's wealth!

The dollar is just a piece of paper. How much can it be worth? But as long as it maintains its position as the world's only universal settlement currency, Lao Mei can use paper to buy products from all over the world.

Many experts say every day that the economy of the United States and Las Vegas is not working well and the trade deficit is serious. But as everyone knows, people don't care about the trade deficit at all. Because what you get when you sell the product is only US dollars, a piece of green paper. What you get with labor and property is a piece of green paper printed by others! You say, who is more cost-effective?

Why are prices rising all over the world every year? Because banknotes are constantly being printed. Accumulated year by year, the total number of banknotes has increased, and the U.S. dollar is not recycled and destroyed like soft sister coins. In this way, even if the number of Lao American banknotes printed is not as good as that of China, the number of banknotes accumulated over the years is staggering. As long as banknotes are not damaged, they can be used for decades. For decades, people were old and sick, and the banknotes were still there, but they kept falling in their hands. You are dead and the dollar bills are still there, which is longer than human life. Under accumulation, prices will inevitably rise. What's more, Lao Mei prints a large number of new ones every year...

Therefore, the United States spends a lot of military expenditures to maintain global hegemony every year. In fact, it is not to maintain other things, it is to maintain the US dollar!

As long as the world recognizes U.S. dollars, Lao Mei will not worry about the country taking the hard-produced products to exchange for green paper with Lao Mei!

With the US dollar as the world's only foreign trade settlement currency, and Wall Street controls the pricing power of bulk commodities, the hegemony of the United States will be firm and unshakable.

In later generations, China frequently used soft sister coins to challenge the status of the U.S. dollar, and Marin looked a bit unwise, this is drifting...

The U.S. dollar is the lifeblood of Lao Mei. You really shake the lifeblood of others. If they don't draw their swords, they will die. Do you really think that their missiles are toys?

Even if it is a challenge, it should come in secret. Rather than clamoring to replace the US dollar, that is not a rise, it is death!

In fact, China has already tested it once before and also knows the bottom line of Laomei. That is China has tried to freely exchange soft sister currency and Australian dollar with Australia, leaving the US dollar aside. Then the old American fryed the pot and directly intervened strongly and affected the political arena in Tuao. Then, Tuao, which had a good relationship with Huaxia, took a 180-degree turn and began to oppose Huaxia...

Many people do not understand why Tuao is so unwise, and suddenly began to destroy its future. In fact, this is the strong counterattack of the United States-Nimad, all want to be freely exchanged with Australian dollars, will it be exchanged for other currencies next time? Want to replace the dollar? Look at Lao Tzu's left uppercut...

Don't say you are China, European allies, how lively the euro back then, was it also deliberately crippled by the United States? It is precisely because the euro threatens the status of the US dollar that the United States and the United States have directly pitted their allies, and also dragged the United Kingdom against the water and separated from the European Union. Make a mess of the European Union and the euro, which were raging at the beginning of the century.

Of course, China’s senior executives did not dream like the folks, did not float, did not dare to throw the US dollar foreign exchange reserves, that is, did not touch the bottom line of the United States. Otherwise, the war will come in minutes. I won't hit you directly, I will sell some "powerful" weapons to crazy Xiao Cai, can it always be? Blow up your big city...

If the Shanghai stock market and the two major migrant workers' settlements in Guangdong province are blown up, many rural areas will have to hang up their families. Because the migrant workers in these two places are too dense. If the Shanghai stock market is bombed, more than half of the families in Majiazhuang, Ma Lin’s previous life, will have funerals, and funerals will be held for Zhuang laborers...

Therefore, wretched development is king. Don’t know who you are if you have a little money...

Besides, Huaxia's money is also made of paper. If he is said to be valuable, he is very valuable. If it is blown up, the paper will really become paper... So don’t blame it for being stuck on the other side, it’s messy, the red paper in your hand will be devalued...unless you can avoid it at all. Fried...


Marin shook his head, putting aside the thoughts in his mind. For trade with the Aztec Empire, it is actually very easy to obtain pricing power.

There is no need to learn from the United States and use a huge military to maintain currency and pricing power, because the world is currently too closed, and no other country has contact with the Aztec Empire. The Aztec Empire also lacked the various commodities of the Old World.

Since it's something that doesn't exist, how to price it, isn't the Beihai country in charge? For example, I set a price ten times that is reasonable, right? You Aztecs don’t know the prices of those commodities in the old world. I said, do you have an opinion on this price?

In addition, according to Clive, the Aztec Empire seemed to like good-looking glass products very much, and believed that glass is so good-looking, it should be more valuable than gold...

This is a good idea. We can exchange glass products for gold. Let's not be greedy, just wait for the heavy exchange-a pound of glass for a pound of gold... reasonable... right...

In addition, the brass kettle that Clive brought was regarded as a golden kettle by the Aztecs...

Moreover, the Aztecs believed that Clive's brass jug was more valuable. Because this thing is stronger than gold, and as dazzling and beautiful as gold...

This is also a good idea...

Well, we can also make some brass ornaments and utensils and exchange them for gold with the Aztecs. I'm very kind, change one, just like glass, exchange it with equal weight, and I'm not deceived...

At that time, make some brass pots, brass basins, brass pots...Come on, change gold, change one...

what? What is this brass? can't be called brass...then learn the game for later generations, brass is called krypton gold...

Correct! It's krypton gold! Look at my brass basin...Ah, it's a krypton gold basin. It's big, bright,, krypton gold, come on, I'll lose money, let's change it for ordinary gold... …Without gold ornaments, ordinary sands can become...

555, I always suffer! But who asked the **** Curtisquezak to let me help you... I shed tears and blood to sell...


Thinking of this, Marin almost uttered aloud-I'm so talented!

Then, he wrote a memo——Brass = Krypton...

At that time, in accordance with the custom of the Aztecs, various utensils were made of brass for them, including the emperor's crown, and also a "krypton gold".

Well, the empire's strongest warrior, the Jaguar warrior, no one has a "Kryptonium" sword? Very hard, harder than obsidian weapons, not afraid of corrosion...

Hmm It’s very clever to exchange "krypton gold" (brass) for equal weight gold...

As for silver, just exchange it for ordinary goods. Glass products are also good, as well as cloth, cane sugar, salt, spices, and various accessories...well, there are also very important drinks...These things are all sold to the Aztecs at ten times the price. In exchange for silver...

what? Are you worried that tens of thousands of pounds of gold and hundreds of thousands of pounds of silver in the Aztec Empire will depreciate after they flow into the North Sea country? This theory is applicable to other European countries in the same period, but don't worry about it in North Sea countries. Because the total amount of commodities in the North Sea country is extremely rich, and there are a lot of food and reserve wines alone. However, there has not been enough currency to measure them. As long as gold and silver are shipped together with goods of equivalent value, the balance between currency and goods can be maintained, and no bad effects will be caused...

However, Marin does need to consider the production of brass (krypton gold) products. Marin is not short of copper. No, some time ago, the Faylun Copper Mine in Sweden sent hundreds of thousands of pounds of copper ingots. The Bakkens lead-zinc mine on Newfoundland also sent a lot of lead and zinc ingots. Making brass is not a problem. The only problem is the lack of coppersmiths who turn brass into various utensils and ornaments. Therefore, Marin needs to collect a group of coppersmiths to serve him and help him create "Krypton Gold" items so that he can exchange it for the Aztec Empire for equal weight gold...

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