Chapter 2036: Buying a ship, building a ship and running out of money

After thinking about it, Marin decided to follow the previous plan for uncooperative ordinary ship owners, while setting up their ships at sea, and sending bandits to move their family’s wealth until their sailing business could not continue.

As for the noble shipowners, Marin is not moving, but can use normal forms of commercial warfare to suppress them. For example, send ships to compete with them. Deliberately lower the shipping cost to crush them x

But considering the good relationship between the North Sea State and the Habsburg family, Marin could not engage in it in the name of the North Sea State. Therefore, Marin thought of a way to borrow the name of a Hanseatic businessman

The rise of Dutch maritime trade was originally accompanied by the suppression of the Hanseatic League. Originally in history, the reason why the Netherlands could rise in the 16th century was because the Kingdom of Denmark defeated the Hanseatic League in the conflict, which made the Hanseatic League lose the strength and deterrence of the North Sea hegemon. In addition, the herring production area has turned to the North Sea, giving the Netherlands a chance to challenge the Hanseatic League. 0

But at present, the Hanseatic League is in full swing. Denmark, which was supposed to be inextricably fought with the Hanseatic League, was destroyed by Marin and the Hanseatic League. Therefore, the Hanseatic League's trade position in the North Sea is very stable, and its ability to suppress maritime trade in the Netherlands is also very strong.

As for why the Hanseatic League allowed the maritime trade of the North Sea countries, it was also helpless. The Hanseatic League needed the support of Marin's land forces and could only allow Marin to develop maritime trade.

Moreover, the North Sea country’s trade is very special. He is mainly engaged in trade in a small number of areas such as grain, salt, wine, spices and oriental specialties. Although the profit is high, the scale is not very large. Moreover, there are not too many overlaps with the Hanseatic League. The biggest point of conflict is the salt trade. But Marin occupied the Lüneburg Salt Mine and became a supplier to the merchants of the Hanseatic League. Naturally, the Hanseatic League could only endure it.

However, the Hanseatic League need not be polite to the Dutch sea trade merchants. Not to mention the little Dutch nobles, Prince Philip, the owner of the Netherlands, and the Hanseatic League can not care too much. As long as he doesn't attack Prince Philip's merchant ship, Prince Philip will be helpless under normal commercial suppression. Because the Hanseatic League has many seats in the Imperial Parliament, the Habsburg family dare not offend them too much. If they angered them, dozens of city representatives of the Hanseatic League would unite with the anti-Habsburg nobles, and together the emperor would not easily tear his face with the Hanseatic League as long as Prince Philip was not brainless.

Therefore, under the guise of a Hanseatic businessman, Marin went to the Netherlands to operate shipping and suppressed the Dutch merchant shipping. It was really reasonable and not temperamental.

For this reason, while acquiring the Dutch merchant ships that could be acquired, Marin began to make arrangements to target those ordinary Dutch shipowners and nobles who did not sell ships.

Then, Marin bought hundreds of seagoing ships from the Netherlands. At the same time, most of the captains were hired away. As for the captain who refused to leave, Marin had to arrange for Kohler to rectify them.

Afterwards, Marin asked Kohler to arrange some spies lurking in the Hanseatic city, in the name of the ship owner, with some ships, stationed in the Netherlands, and began to compete with the Dutch ship owners. Their method is very simple, is to arrange spies to keep an eye on the shipowners. As long as they may take certain orders, they will immediately mess up and grab the order at a price lower than the market price. If these ship owners want to regain orders and continue to keep prices down, there is basically no profit.

This process, as long as you persist in doing it, will sooner or later run on those noble shipowners who refuse to sell their ships. Then, he was forced to switch careers. But this will not happen overnight, it is estimated that it will take several years.

However, even if it squeezed the maritime transport industry in the Netherlands, it would not be possible to obtain enough ships for Marin within a year to transport immigrants.

In this regard, Marin had to make a two-handed plan. On the one hand, he began to consider letting some immigrants go by land. Although the time is longer, it is better than waiting. As for the high cost of land transportation of food, Marin can only recognize it.

On the other hand, there is still at least one more year before Marin decides to build a ship! x

At the moment, the number of transport ships that Marin can use, including those bought by the Netherlands, is more than two hundred, which is too far away from the demand for 2,500.

Therefore, Marin immediately issued an order to the shipyard of the North Sea State to stop the manufacture of all warships and fishing boats, and make all-out efforts to build merchant ships. Of course, Dover ships made for England are not affected.

Moreover, in order to take care of the fishery, some new commercial ships will be modified to make them suitable for fishing and become dual-purpose vessels for both commercial and fishing purposes. In other words, it can be used for ocean fishing.

In addition, the shipyard far away in Long Island, New York, must also issue an order to suspend the manufacturing of large warships and instead make full efforts to manufacture Class 250 merchant ships. There are inexhaustible sources of red oak for shipbuilding in the Americas. Moreover, the red oak that can be used for shipbuilding immediately after air-drying is piled up like a mountain. It is not difficult to just change the shipbuilding specifications.

And thousands of shipbuilders brought back from Damingbao Shipyard, after long-term training, are now adapted to make European-style keel sailboats. Thousands of people move together, hundreds of people in groups, and dozens of merchant ships can be built at the same time. According to the efficiency of the North Sea State's division of labor and cooperative shipbuilding law, dozens of merchant ships can be produced in a round of three to four months. More than three rounds can be built a year, at least one hundred dozens, or even 200 ships can be built.

But this is not enough!

200 ships plus more than 200 domestic ships, it is also more than 400 ships, which is far away from 2500 ships.

What to do? Marin thought for a while, and can only go to Spain and Portugal to purchase ships. Captain sailor doesn’t need yours, but it’s okay to buy yours. Although the Karak and Caravels of Spain and Portugal are Atlantic ships, they are not very suitable for the semi-inland Baltic Sea. However, it can be used with barely improvised.

The dinghy in Venice does not consider it, because the dinghy needs too many sailors!

Generally, a Karak sailing ship, like the one-hundred-ton ship that Columbus explored the Americas, can be controlled by only 40 sailors. But if it is a galley, like a Calais, with 150 oars, at least 150 oarsmen are needed. In addition, the captain and the sailors who control the sails are so special. The oarsmen and sailors alone filled the boat with a ghost immigrant.

Therefore, Marin can only consider buying Karak sailing boats and Caravel sailing boats. But the same problem is that Spain and Portugal are not enough, it is impossible to sell you all the boats. Therefore, Marin estimated that he would be able to buy 200 ships.

In addition, he also plans to order 200 ships from the shipyards of the two countries, and strive to deliver them in a year. In this way, half of the ships’ demand will be met,

But Marin felt that it was not enough, so he planned to build a new shipyard to build ships!

However, the wood for shipbuilding is easy to solve, and it is difficult for shipbuilders to get it. Train a qualified shipbuilder for at least two to three years. This is still a genius, an ordinary apprentice, and even 7 years.

After much deliberation, Marin finally thought of the source of shipbuilding craftsmen in the Netherlands and England.

As mentioned before, the original dozen shipyards in Amsterdam were acquired by Marin and turned into furniture factories. However, those skilled shipbuilding craftsmen are still there, they just made furniture instead.

There are more than a dozen shipyards, each with hundreds of shipbuilding craftsmen. Add up, one or two thousand people are no problem.

What Marin needs to do is to take all these shipbuilders to build ships. As long as there is wood, these shipbuilders can resume work at any time. As for the abolition of Dutch shipbuilding, there is no rush to build the ship first, and then build the furniture.

There are also many shipyards in England . There are at least tens of thousands of shipbuilding craftsmen across the country. As long as Marin is willing to give money, pay a high price. It should be no problem for them to provide 300 ships in a year.

With this calculation, thousands of ships can be solved. As for the gap of four to five hundred ships, Marin had nothing to do. Big deal, take another trip. Or, the remaining batches are changed to land

However, in this way, the money spent is very amazing. Marin felt that he was going to be poor again. There are thousands of ships, even if each ship is 1,000 gold coins, it will cost millions of gold coins! However, premium purchases and expedited shipbuilding are even more expensive. One hundred and several hundred thousand gold coins cannot escape, and the total price may exceed 2 million.

Although the North Sea country uses grain discounts, 2 million gold coins are trivial. But the problem is that these grain Marlins have to be hidden and tucked, and cannot be brought out for realisation. Moreover, even if he wants to cash out, the outside world may not have so much currency to buy. The shortage of gold and silver has been plagued Europe before the development of American Jinshan Yinshan. In addition, the food stored in the North Sea country is also going to be used to feed the immigrants.

So, if you are so short of money, do you want to get some money to spend, for example, go to the Aztec Empire to grab some gold and silver?

It seemed that the **** of Cortes was robbing a mountain of gold and silver in the Aztec Empire. And Marin sent craftsmen to help the Aztec empire to mine silver mines. Now a few years later, there should be a lot of gold and silver in the Aztec empire. div

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