Chapter 2029: The idea of ​​liberation of serfs and industrialization

Since he had to accept more than 500,000 Maoziqingzhuang, Maomei and Maohai, Ma Lin had to make plans in advance to welcome and settle these people.

The initial plan was to settle in Jutland, but that was only a stopgap measure. The resettlement in Jutland is also afraid of instability in the North Sea. Then, the Maozi serfs were brought into the hinterland in batches to replace the serfs on some estates in the hinterland.

Marin was right to worry. When he negotiated with some ministers and planned to introduce a large number of Maozi farmers, it caused resistance from some North Sea ministers. Because they felt that the mixture of barbaric Slavs and Germans would cause uncontrollable danger. Fortunately, Marin told them that they would be placed in Jutland, which dispelled their doubts.

In fact, not only those ministers had concerns, but even the minister of Marin's lineage, Haider, had doubts. He believes that rashly introducing a large number of Slavs will destroy the domestic demographic structure and cause social conflicts. He only agrees to the introduction of Maomei and Maohai. After all, women and children are not worrying.

But Marin insists on introducing Maozi. As for the reason, Marin's reason is very simple-he wants to gradually realize the industrialization of Beihai country!

Industrialization means that a large amount of labor is required to enter the factory, but the question is, who will grow the fields after the labor enters the factory? This problem is also a major problem that plagued Europe in history.

Britain can be the first to complete industrialization because of its early enclosing movement. A large number of landless farmers are forced to leave their land. In order to survive, you can only go to the factory to work. Because there are so many land-lost peasants, they don't have to worry about finding workers, which greatly facilitated the process of British industrialization.

The opposite is France, because the agricultural environment is too good, although the population exceeds that of the United Kingdom, the industrialization is slow. In addition, France has a very open policy towards farmers and encourages self-cultivation, which results in farmers lacking the motivation to go to the city to find a living. Then, in the whole of France, there are only a few industrial cities such as Paris and Lyon. The other vast areas are the countryside...Of course, there is also a lack of coal. But in the process of industrialization of the French, the labor force is really not abundant. The scale of Paris is particularly large.

As for the road to industrialization in Prussia, in addition to extremely rich coal resources, the rapid population growth in the 19th century was also an important driving force for the development of industrialization.

A very simple data comparison is that in 1800, the population of France was as high as 29 million, while Prussia and other German states (not counted as Austria) were only 18 million. As for Prussia itself, it was less than 10 million in 1800, which is not the same order of magnitude as France.

Therefore, at the beginning of the 19th century, France relied on the demographic dividend and the mechanism of national mobilization to squeeze the whole of Europe on the ground.

But it is a pity that the Napoleonic Wars, while overwhelming all of Europe, also drained France. In particular, the loss of young men is extremely serious. The French army alone suffered hundreds of thousands of casualties. Counting the losses of the strong among the civilian population, the total losses exceeded one million.

Then, the French man who survived was suddenly surprised to find that he was so popular with women. Because of the large number of deaths of young and strong, too many women are left behind to marry. Then, the spring of French men came. It was from that time that the French began to wander...

The French, who had been martial arts since the Middle Ages, began to indulge in games between men and women. This kind of game is called romantic by the French...

But the **** thing is that these French people are mad, they just refuse to have more children...

Then, throughout the 19th century, the French fertility rate began to plummet, and the lost century of falling off the altar began.

According to statistics, at the end of the war, that is, in 1815, the population of France was as high as 30 million, and even if Prussia had a windfall to accept Westphalia in the Rhineland, it would have increased to about 12 million.

Since then, the two countries have embarked on different paths...

Speaking of it, is it a legend that Prussia acquired the Rhineland region? It is a story of a pie in the sky. After the war ended, Tsarist Russia was unwilling to share Poland with Prussia, so it wanted to get most of Poland and only allowed Prussia to retain the coastal areas of northern Poland to connect East Prussia with the mainland. Prussia was too weak to object and had to ask for compensation.

Originally, Prussia's goal was to annex Saxony. But Austria is not happy because Saxony is a buffer between the two countries. Then, the three giants of the Vienna Conference, Prussia, were just a younger brother.) After Russia, Austria and Britain discussed it, they allocated the Rhineland region that the French had just vomited to Prussia. At that time, the Three Kingdoms contained evil intentions and wanted Prussia, which originally did not border France, to reach the front line and withstand the French backlash.

But unexpectedly, Prussia has since added a super gift package-coal in the Ruhr area...

In the beginning, Prussia did not engage in industrialization. Later, the population of Prussia grew rapidly and there was population pressure. Industrialization is an important means to solve population pressure. Then, from the middle of the 19th century, Prussia began to industrialize, and then took off...

On the French side, there is a lack of coal resources on the one hand, and on the other side, the French only care about romance and forget the responsibility of childbirth, just like people in later generations.

Then, in 1870, the French population had grown by only 34 million in 55 years). And Prussia, but Prussia itself, has grown from 12 million to 27 million, and its population has more than doubled... This does not count the states that were eaten by Prussia. When Germany was reunified in 1871, the total population was as high as 41 million, which was already far behind France...


Therefore, in order to industrialize the country, in addition to resources, a large amount of surplus labor is also needed. Just like how did the later generations of China take off quickly? Because there are too many people! The government just liberalized the population movement, and a large number of migrant workers poured into the cities, so that factories would not worry about hiring workers. In Guangdong alone, there are as many as 30 million migrant workers. This is labor, not including the old and the weak! At the time, France had a population of just over 60 million, almost half of the French population!

Right now, the North Sea country, like Prussia in later generations, has obtained the Ruhr area, a treasured land of coal resources. However, there is a serious shortage of labor!

The North Sea country has a total area of ​​more than 100,000 square kilometers, almost the same size as England. But the problem is that England has three or four million people, while the North Sea country has only more than two million.

Among them, the main labor force is about 400,000 serfs. Marin, who is familiar with history, knows that if you want to industrialize, you must first liberate the serfs!

However, this is not realistic!

If the serfs are liberated, who will farm the land? No one is farming, where does the food come from?

Besides, if you become a worker, if your life is not as good as a serf, who would be happy? Maybe, there will be worker riots...

So Marin thought about it, and came up with an idea-I introduced woolly serfs to replace German serfs to farm the land. Then, liberate the native serfs and go to factories to work as workers.

Being a worker is naturally superior. Just like when Marin was a child in his previous life, workers must feel the superiority of their status. For example, the supply of commodities should be given priority to workers, and everything should be given priority to farmers. Otherwise, in the 21st century, where does the superiority of some secondary goods in the city come from? It is not caused by the prior policies of the year...

But Marin knew well that if he deliberately made his country's serfs live more miserable than the workers, if the workers were happy, the serfs would be dissatisfied and might riot.

Therefore, it would be no problem to get serfs from Maozi and bully foreigners. In this way, domestic serfs who have been converted into workers can find a sense of superiority, reduce the possibility of riots, and ensure the stability of rural areas. After all, the Maozi serfs who are outsiders are not locals and dare not arrogant...

In addition, not all local serfs were sent to factories. You can also leave some people in the farm, holding weapons, and supervising the furry serfs, so as not to cause trouble...


This is Marin's vision for the industrialization of the North Sea country-to liberate the native serfs to become workers, and let the Maozi serfs replace the native serfs in farming...

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