Chapter 1997: Cavalry and Fresh Horse

After Arthas left, Marin shook his head and was dissatisfied with the education level of the cavalry school graduates. You know, the cavalry school has very low requirements for cultural classes. After all, cavalry is not an artillery and does not need to learn complicated knowledge such as geometry and ballistic physics.

Their usual cultural courses mainly focus on the knowledge of military command, and they tend to liberal arts. The science class is mainly related to the mathematical calculation of logistics. For example, how many people in an army, how many horses, how much food and grass are needed, and how to calculate and control marching speed. Among them, the more difficult is the calculation application of a encounter.

That is to say, the difficulty of the cultural lessons in the cavalry school definitely does not exceed the junior high school level. Even, it is only a little higher than Xiaoshui, and it is only at the junior level. In addition to these cultural classes, you also need to learn a little veterinary medicine from Mongolian doctors, especially veterinary knowledge for war horses. However, they are very basic. After all, this is not a school for veterinarians, it is for cavalry, so the knowledge of veterinarians is very simple.

But for this requirement, there are only more than one hundred people who have scored more than 70 points in a thousand people, which is simply ...

But calm down and think about it, this is also a very helpless thing. why? Because this class of overage students, the cultural foundation is generally very poor.

Most of them are heirs or younger brothers of military officers at all levels in the Beihai Kingdom. But most of the North Sea team's personnel are not from the homeland, but from the mountains of southern Germany or the Alsace region.

If the teenager grew up in East Friesland, Marin started to promote elementary education more than ten years ago, and the cultural foundation will certainly not be so bad.

However, most of Marin's men came from the mountains of southern Germany. Many low-level officers were very difficult at home, and the children at home did not have the conditions to study. That is to say, after joining the Beihai team, with the salary and the reward after winning the battle, the living standards of their respective families have been greatly improved, and their children have the opportunity to go to school.

The officers of the First Corps were the earliest to join Marlin, so the children or younger brothers had been educated in Beihai, so their educational level was generally high. The officers of the later legions joined the Beihai team late, and the children and younger brothers of the family received education very late. Therefore, the cultural background is poor and not surprising.

Just like the outstanding graduates with a score of 70 or more, half of them are the heirs or brothers of the officers of the First Army.

Of course, because they are basically from Wufu families, these children are not very motivated to learn, but martial arts generally surpass civilian children. After all, there are officers in the family who have the opportunity to obtain the martial arts practice method.

Therefore, the first batch of graduates of the cavalry school, including next year's graduates, are all overage graduates with poor education. Only the school-age students selected from elementary school graduates in the following year will have a generally better educational level. Because they all received a relatively systematic education in the elementary schools in Beihai.

However, the martial arts of these more than 800 graduates with poor cultural achievements are outstanding. After all, the Jiangguan family is born and generally has a martial arts foundation. The living conditions in their homes are generally good, and the nutrition is mostly adequate and strong.

Such graduates may not be good officers. However, it is suitable for guarding. After all, guards do not need to be smart, but smart is not good. Will smart guards help you with bullets? Only foolish guards are willing ...

Of course, it does not rule out that there are swindlers inside, not so real and loyal. But it doesn't matter, Marin threw a "dog bone" to Alsace, the principal, and Alsace will definitely try his best to help himself to identify the degree of loyalty. Anyone who is more treacherous and less loyal will definitely be picked up by Arthas who is eager to return to command.

Then, the loyal 500 people were organized into their own guard cavalry regiment. The remaining more than 300 people are still faithfully transferred into the army to try and see if there are any miracles. Those who are not faithful enough will be directly marginalized, but their father or brother will not be notified. After all, their fathers and brothers must be military officers. If they give up blatantly, they may cause dissatisfaction and turmoil among their fathers and brothers. Therefore, Marin will adopt a secret file system for these people, and let the military police control their secret files, but it will not let them and their relatives and friends know. Of course, if these people perform well in the future, then give another chance. If the performance is still so bad, it can only make everyone wonder. After all, the Beihai team will not be short of battles in the future. If you can't make it early, it proves that you are not capable of making achievements, so there is nothing to say.

After accepting Marin's mission, Arthas really worked hard. Why? Because he only showed his efforts, he had the opportunity to return to the command post. As the principal of the cavalry school, the students stayed together all day long. He may not pay attention to the next few sessions, but the first-time student, he, the principal, must be familiar. Even if you are unfamiliar, isn't there a teacher?

So, in just two weeks, the performance of these 1,000 students in the school was written into the report in detail, handed over to Marin, and handed over to the gendarmerie as the basis of the secret file.

Then, Marin arranged for Sauer, the leader of the military police, to personally go out, selected the most reliable and reliable 500 cavalry graduates, and compiled the first Guards Cavalry Regiment of the Beihai State Guard Corps to travel as Marin. Or personal guards armed during the battle.

Just as Napoleon often likes to bring a cavalry corps and a hussar cavalry regiment to protect his safety when he is on the battle or on a cruise, Marin also intends to equip himself with two cavalry regiments in the future as the strongest protection force.

Previously, there were usually only 100 guard cavalry around Marin. When going out, it is often necessary to transfer hundreds of people from various legions to help protect.

But in the future, Marin plans to form two separate cavalry regiments to protect himself. Just like Napoleon, at least one cavalry regiment and one hussar regiment.

Needless to say, hussars are normal light cavalry, just need to martial arts and high strength. The Cavalry is actually a Musketeer. Moreover, it is a cavalry who uses a musket on horseback.

Although the cavalry is also a cavalry using muskets, the cavalry and the cavalry fight differently. Dragoons are actually musketeers who ride horses. They usually ride horses, but they mainly dismount and fight.

The cavalry, in fact, like the black shirt knights, are cavalry who use muskets on horseback, which is more powerful. However, the requirements for shooting are also higher. After all, shooting on horseback is more difficult than shooting off the horse.

However, it doesn't matter. Anyway, so many students in Beihai can't believe that they can't pick a strong gunman who can adapt to shooting on horseback.

Moreover, Marin has a plan to wait for more graduates from the Department of Chemistry to recruit a group of people to study the most basic Regon flashlight, which is the first-grade paper flashlight.

As long as you research the paper flashlight, you can start to work on revolvers. At that time, you can come up with the kind of reloading that is more troublesome, but it can shoot 6 rounds of single revolvers. Even if the loading is troublesome, you can bring a few more loaded runners.

As for how to make a revolver? This is really hard for Marin. Why? Because he grew up playing with smashing guns when he was a child, he is very clear about the structure of smashing guns resembling revolvers. Because, when he was a kid, he was indoctrinated by the teacher, who knows whether it ’s true or false, and said that Edison opened the machine from childhood and put it back ...

Then, he also dismantled his own TV, but failed to put it back in. He was mixed by parents and boys ... Of course, later the TV was put back by maintenance tools ...

Since then, Marin, who is determined to be an inventor, did not dare to dismantle such large items as TVs, but he still dared to dismantle a gun or two for a gun or two. He not only dismantled his smashing gun, but also demolished the smashing gun of his buddy, making the buddy hate him ...

But, for this reason, he figured out the structure of the gun. In the previous life, he had long forgotten the structure of the gun. However, after traversing, if the content of those deep memories, if you try to recall it purposefully, you can recall it.

Therefore, Marin now wants to direct the craftsmen to copy the revolver is not difficult. The hard part is that there is no bonnet ... as long as the bonnet is researched, Marin can immediately produce a group of revolver cavalry ...

Think about it, there is a regiment of cavalry under his hand holding a revolver that can fire 6 rounds. How much is it? In particular, a cavalry can carry more than one, and can carry five like a black shirt knight. But the black shirt knight can only shoot once, while the revolver cavalry five pistol can shoot 30 times ... what a terrible firepower!

In the future, as long as there is a regiment of hussars and a regiment of revolver cavalry, what danger is there? With the powerful firepower of the revolver cavalry, it is able to fight thousands of enemies with hundreds of people ...

Of course, the revolver cavalry is the future. Marin intends that these 500 people will first form a Guardian Hu Cavalry Regiment. After all, the military skills of these military officers are high, and they are very suitable for fighting with cold weapons. For the Cavalry Regiment, Marin was not in a hurry. He plans to set up later, first learning the black shirt knight, using a single-shot short-barrel spring to fire the carbine. Wait until later to get the paper flashlight and revolver, and then upgrade to revolver cavalry. Of course, it is also called the Cavalry, but the firepower has improved by more than one grade ...

Moreover, as Marin's guard cavalry, their equipment is also very high-end. Needless to say, weapons must use high-quality swords and spears. As for armor, Marin intends to equip all guard cavalry with rhinoceros armor!

Rhino leather armor is not heavy, but the protective effect is very strong. Letting Ming Ming, a light cavalry guard, put on rhinoceros armor, which actually made their protection catch up with the heavy cavalry. At the same time, this is also a symbol of identity, representing glory.

Because, the current supply of rhinoceros hides in Beihai is not very sufficient. Therefore, only officers and elite veterans are eligible to wear light and highly protective rhinoceros armor. Ordinary soldiers are simply not qualified to wear them.

And let the guard cavalry wear rhinoceros armor, the knight is also a status symbol The glorious glory can still be done. Moreover, the rhinoceros armor is really easy to use, and the lightness does not affect the flexibility of the cavalry, and the protection is also very high.

Even, the horses of these guard cavalry, Marin also intended to put on rhinoceros armor. Anyway, there are hundreds of guard cavalry. Even if the Cavalry Regiment was completed, there were only 1,000 people in total. 1,000 sets of rhinoceros armor worn by cavalry itself, plus 1,000 sets of rhinoceros horse armor worn by war horses, is not a lot.

Moreover, the guard cavalry protects Marin's personal safety. The stronger and safer they are, the safer Marin will be. To put it bluntly, protecting the guard cavalry means protecting yourself.

However, even people wearing horses wearing rhinoceros armor are indeed extravagant. After all, rhinoceros armor is a rare treasure. However, this also happened to make the officers and children who joined the Guards Cavalry Regiment feel very respectable. So, despite the loss of the chance to become a low-level cavalry officer immediately, they did not complain. After all, they are treated well, they also wear expensive rhinoceros armor, and even the warhorse wear rhinoceros horse armor. In the words of the ancient Chinese people, they are now "fresh clothes and angry horses" and they are very beautiful. Only really smart people will understand that they have lost the opportunity to make achievements. However, such smart people will not be eliminated as guards, but will have become excellent graduates and have been assigned to be cavalry officers ...