Chapter 1993: Hungarian cavalry with warhammer?

Hungarian hussars are the ancestors of hussars in European countries. During the war, hussars belonged to a very important presence in the military of various countries.

Hussars belong to light cavalry, and mainly use sabers to charge and kill. During the Nagano War, hussars were light cavalry and usually performed tasks of vigilance, patrol and harassment. When the war broke out, their task was to follow the breastplate cavalry and launch a second charge.

What is a second charge? That is, after the heavy cavalry duel in front, let the cavalry who follow behind take advantage of the chaos to pick up the bargain. Although the heavy cavalry broke out strongly, it was not sustainable for a long time due to the weight. Therefore, even after rushing back the opponent, they were unable to chase down.

At this time, it was necessary for the light cavalry to launch a second charge in time to harvest the fruits of victory. Explain that the point is to kill the opponent ...

Since the 18th century, great changes have taken place in the European war model. In the Middle Ages, the war in Europe was mainly a battle for victory. As long as one side defeats the opponent, it will often not be killed. Moreover, the plate armor knight can't do it if he wants to kill it. Because, after one round of charge, the plate armoured knight must rest for a long time before launching the second round of charge. If the enemy abandoned the heavy armor, they would have run far away and could not catch up.

Therefore, in the Middle Ages, because of weapons and equipment, and the prevailing knighthood at that time, the war would only fight the retreat and defeat, not the annihilation. In addition to the plate armoured knight's inability to expand the battle results, there are also reasons for the unspoken rules of "nobles do not kill nobles".

But by the 18th century, Europeans had abandoned their demeanor and shame, and no longer forgive their enemies. Under such circumstances, Hussars became popular in Europe.

Hussars cannot charge forward, but they are very suitable for chasing defeated enemies. Therefore, Hussars have suddenly become popular in Europe since the 18th century, and everyone ’s purpose is clear-to kill them!

Obviously, cavalry is the elite of a country's army. If he is allowed to flee back, he will soon be able to reorganize the team, and he will come to fight you next time. Therefore, the best way to deal with it is to kill it in battle. Of course, if the other party surrenders, it will say otherwise. However, most of the cavalry in the melee are too late to surrender. The introduction of Hu cavalry can take advantage of the chaos to kill the elite of the other party as much as possible to prevent future troubles.

Moreover, even the heavy cavalry who could crush the Hussars during head-to-head battles lost their impact after being washed down. At this time, the hussars suddenly rushed up, as if they could prevail. After all, the heavy cavalry's charge is a gust of wind. After a gust of wind, there is no speed or impact when resting. At this time, the hussars rushed up, and the same could take advantage.

In addition, during the battle, there was no longer a knight wearing a full-body plate armor who was not afraid of the saber. Even the heavy cavalry is nothing more than a three-quarter chest plate armor. Hussar rushed up, as long as it was not a hedge, I was not afraid of the breastplate cavalry at that time. Because Hussars are more flexible and maneuverable, as long as they don't cut the chest plate armor of the opponent, they can still cause great damage to the opponent.

However, it seems that this year, Hu cavalry cannot pick up the knight's bargain. Even if the knight has no speed, he is not afraid of the sabre of the hussar ... After all, people are wearing plate armor all over, and the horses have armor.


However, after really seeing the Hungarian hussars, Marin knew that he was ignorant ...

It turned out that the Hungarian hussars of this era didn't only use swords, they also used warhammers ...

A Hungarian cavalry officer named Ruzak demonstrated to Marin what a warhammer cavalry is. I saw Ruzak wearing leather armor, riding on horseback, holding a shield in his left, and a hammer in his right, and launched a charge to a plate knight who cooperated with his demonstration ...

Of course, the two sides demonstrated the battle when the plate armor knight did not rush. If you let the plate knight rush, it is a small tank, and the small shield in the hands of the Hungarian hussars is absolutely unstoppable.

Ruzak demonstrated that after seeing the first charge of the faceplate knight, the horse was exhausted and could not increase the speed. The Hungarian hussars held the shield in the left and the hammer in the right, and came up against the knight ...

Because of the loss of speed, the bulky rifle in the knight's hand was useless at all. Seeing Ruzak rushing over, the knight responsible for the performance hurriedly pierced Ruzak with a heavy lance, but because there was no impact speed, the rifle was a large fire stick, and Ruzak easily used the left hand Xiaomu Dunge blocked, and took the opportunity to get close to the body. Then, the knight had to throw away the hindering rifle and draw out the knight's sword to play against Ruzak.

However, Ruzak had a shield in his left hand, which easily blocked the knight's stabbing and slashing with his one-handed straight sword. Then, he lifted the one-handed hammer in his right hand and knocked the knight off the horse ...

"Can I still fight like this?" Marin stunned.

In fact, Marin did not know that in the 15th and 16th centuries, Hungarian hussars were popular with one-handed hammers and small shields against plate knights. Because at that time, European cavalry were mostly heavy cavalry, wearing heavy plate armour. If you use a saber, you can't hurt your opponent at all, you can only be beaten passively.

Therefore, in desperation, the Hungarians invented a method of hitting the plate armor with a one-handed hammer. After all, the plate armor can't prevent the hammer from smashing.

However, even if the knight is close to the body, he can draw a one-handed sword to fight. The blunt one-handed hammer is less flexible than the smaller and lighter one-handed sword, and the Hungarian cavalry generally does not wear heavy armor, which can't prevent the one-handed sword. Therefore, they used their left hand shield to resist the slashing or stabbing of the knight's one-handed sword. Of course, the knight can also be blocked from being hit with a big gun.

After some demonstrations, Marin was very convinced. Because, this tactic really restrains the plate knight. However, there is a prerequisite for waiting for the Cavaliers Charge to end, or that it cannot be charged.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, the Hungarian hussars dared not resist the knight ’s charge head-on, but fled back and forth to allow the knight to chase himself Come back, fight against the knight personally, and use the warhammer to knock the knights off the horse.

However, this style of play generally only knocks the opposite knight off the horse, but cannot kill the opponent. The death of the opponent is generally caused by the horse being trampled to death after falling down. Relatively few people were actually killed and many were injured.

Of course, the Hungarian light cavalry don't care. In their eyes, the injured knight is more valuable than the dead knight. Because, capturing the injured knights can be used in exchange for a large ransom ...

However, this kind of tactics and light cavalry battle, but not much cheaper. After all, the light cavalry is flexible and can evade the impact of the warhammer. Even the saber can bypass the small shield on the left hand of the Hungarian light cavalry.

Only the plate armoured knight, because he was wearing full body plate armor, could not bend down, and Nuo Teng was inconvenient to avoid, would be bullied by the Hungarian Warhammer Cavalry. As long as they are close to the body, it is easy to be dismounted.

In the face of opponents such as Turkey's light cavalry, the Hungarian Warhammer cavalry is actually not dominant. Of course, the Hungarian light cavalry can not only carry the warhammer, but also draw out the saber and the Turkish scimitar cavalry to cut, and the immediate fighting ability is not worse than the Turkish scimitar cavalry. However, there is no advantage. After all, both sides are light cavalry, and the routines are similar, depending on who has more people.

However, the opponent France Marin will face is a knight power, and the main force of the army is the plate armor knight. This Hungarian warhammer hussar is exactly able to deal with the French "iron canned" knights. Therefore, Marin laughed and crooked his mouth-this is a group of "can openers" specially designed to deal with knights ...

Moreover, not only France, those German states that do not deal with Marin, the main force is also plate armor knights, which can also be used to deal with Hungarian warhammer hussars ...