Chapter 1956: The Battle of New Dakic Grassland (Part 1)

How to make a piece of clothing angry? Marin suddenly remembered the traditional "cut dress" of German mercenaries. What is the cutout of the German mercenaries? It's a fancy dress with colorful pockets and slits.

As for why is it stuffed with pockets? This is not the identity certificate of the "Bags of Disciple", but it is to get the finances to facilitate the robbery. The more pockets, the more money you can put in. Therefore, the German mercenaries have a lot of slit-like stitched bags. The Beggar Gang Elder Nine Bags saw the German mercenaries, and it was estimated that they would be forced to pay homage. Why? There are dozens of pockets on the body, which is obviously higher in seniority ...

And when sewing the pockets for possessions, the mercenaries did not have uniform fabrics, and the masters' sewing skills were very rough. Therefore, this kind of clothing with a lot of pockets, the fabric of the pockets is colorful-all the mercenaries robbed it. Then, the whole outfit looks natural and colorful.

And this kind of pit father's style is exactly in line with the evil taste of Native Americans. Anyway, they just looked at the colorful flowers ...

Therefore, Marin planned to use a linen coat and then sew it with rags of various colors on the outside to make the clothes colorful and nondescript.

As for the feathers on his head ... Marin thought of a feather duster ...

Many of the feather dusters in the later generations were dyed with various colors and colorful. Marin intends to do the same, he intends to let people design a hat full of feathers. Then, use various pigments to dye the feathers into color. In this way, it is very consistent with the Indians' aesthetics ...

Of course, chicken feathers are not necessary, and there are many tropical birds in Cuba. For those tropical birds, many of their feathers are colorful. If a hunter is sent to shoot down, all the feathers will be used to make the crown, the more angry, the better, so that the Native American puppet army will show its way. In this way, more Indian native youths willingly joined the puppet army.

In addition to feathered crowns and colorful non-mainstream clothes, some glittering glass accessories are also essential. For the indigenous people of Turtle, the glittering glass jewelry is definitely a very tall thing.

Therefore, Marin decided that in those colorful clothes, the position of the chest, imitating the military dress of later generations, would set up many hanging points on the chest. Of course, it ’s not a hanging medal, but a glaring glass ornament ...

After hanging glass ornaments, this kind of "shiny" saucy flower clothes will definitely become the favorite of the indigenous people ...

However, Marin is not sure which one the indigenous people like best. Therefore, he decided to let the seamstress design and produce hundreds of similar clothes according to this idea. Then, go to the colony, find someone to put on, go to the indigenous people. Finally, according to the feedback from the indigenous people, we selected the most popular Sao Bao clothing as the standard military uniform of the indigenous puppet army. Of course, there is a premise that the cost is not too high ... after all, this is for a large number of indigenous puppet troops. If the production is too complicated and the cost is too high, then it is not cost-effective ...


When Marin was immersed in the design of the sultry clothes for the indigenous puppet army, suddenly, Kohler hurriedly knocked on the door of his office, looking worried.

"What's the matter? Such a panic, what kind of system?" Marin was a little unhappy when he was going to design the idea.

Kohler said anxiously

"Your Majesty, there was an urgent report from Egypt that the Mamluk dynasty Sultan Caligul led 70,000 troops, and the Dabyk grasslands in northern Syria were defeated by the 60,000 Turkish troops led by Turkish Sultan Selim I. Currently, Garigu Sultan has retired to the Bekaa Valley in Lebanon with the defeated soldiers and built a defensive position. The latest news is that the wounded Gary Gul Sultan left the first general, Adi Jimmy, and led 20,000 residual soldiers in Bekaa. The valley prevented the Turkish army from going south, and then went back to Cairo to recover from the injury ... "

Marin was surprised, and said

"Did I provide them with thousands of rumors? How did they fail?"

Kohler replied

"According to our intelligence personnel in Egypt, it seems that Sultan Gary Gul of the Mamluk dynasty and general Adimir do not like muskets and prefer bows and arrows. Therefore, the 7,000 muskets we sold in the past were equipped with the least attention Of slave soldiers. "

"At the beginning of the war, the 7000 slave soldier musketeers failed to reach the battlefield in time because they were infantry. But when retreating, the gang of slave soldier musketeers relied on complex terrain in the Bekaa Valley, blocking the footsteps of the Turkish army ... … "

After that, Kohler took the map, spread it out, and gave Marin an explanation

"The Lebanon region has complex terrain, mainly composed of the Lebanese mountains along the coast, the former Lebanon mountains in the east, and the Beka Valley between two north-south mountains. The Beka Valley is also the most important flatland and agricultural area in Lebanon ... … "

"The bottom of the valley is about 150 kilometers long from north to south, and the width ... intelligence personnel estimate that it averages about 16 kilometers, and some places are only a few kilometers wide ..."

"When the Sultan of Caligul retreated, he only took more than 14,000 Mamluk cavalry to escape. The servants were scattered, and the local Syrian army even directed directly to Turkey. It is said that the Syrian Governor was fired by Turkey during the charge. The gunman's stray bullet was killed. Then, without the leader, the Syrian servants simply surrendered to the Turks ... "

"Later, more than 140,000 cavalrymen from the Sultan of Caligul encountered 7,000 slave soldier musketeers who were still driving north in the Bekaa Valley. These musketeers, relying on the rugged terrain of the Bekaa Valley, blocked the pursuit of the Turkish army. After all, the Turkish army ca n’t open in the narrow Bekaa Valley ... "

Slave soldiers and slave soldiers are also different ~ ~ Although Mamluk cavalry are also mostly slaves. However, they were cavalry, and most of them came from the Caucasus. The slave musketeers are mostly native Egyptian slaves, and their status was low in the Mamluk dynasty.

Fortunately, Musketeers are very suitable for defense. With more than 20,000 remnants, Adimir set up positions in the narrowest part of the southern tip of the Bekaa Valley. The Musketeers were arranged on the hillsides on both sides of the valley, leaving the Turkish army with no temper. Because, their muskets and artillery, it is difficult to threaten the Egyptian slave musketeers lying on the hillside. But the Egyptian slave soldier musketeers on the hillside can cause a lot of casualties to the dense Turkish soldiers in the valley ...

Then, the Turkish army was stopped in the Bekaa Valley and stalled ...