Chapter 1953: Rubber tires

The human tricycle is undoubtedly a sophisticated machine for people of this era. And those who are best at working with precision machines in this era are those watchmakers.

Da Vinci learned a few hands with these watchmakers at the beginning, and in the original history, he created the machine lion, which was driven by the clockwork. The technical content of the human tricycle will definitely not be higher than that of the machine lion.

However, Da Vinci's task is now even heavier, with two groups of students to develop diesel engines and steam engines, as well as a group of chemical students.

So, although Da Vinci was the most suitable, Marin did not ask him to develop a human tricycle. After all, people are too busy to touch the ground. Going to find him busy with a human tricycle will definitely exhaust people ...

Moreover, human tricycles and bicycles were familiar to Marin in his previous life. After all, at home. Before the rise of electric vehicles, Marin's family traveled and basically used bicycles. When going out and transporting things, except for the use of walking tractors, a small number of items are basically manpowered tricycles.

Because the use of bicycles and tricycles is very long, there have been many problems in the middle, and they have been repaired many times. Therefore, with his eyes closed, Marin can think of the structure of bicycles and human tricycles.

Therefore, he does not need a big man such as Da Vinci to go out, as long as the general watchmaker with good craftsmanship, he can get out a human tricycle under his guidance. As for the bicycle that he is more familiar with, because there is no significance for human tricycles, Marin intends to put it first.

Moreover, when a human tricycle is made, the bicycle is just a simple modification, no difficulty.

The only problem is probably the supply of oil needed for the chain and the supply of rubber tires. After all, when the human tricycle becomes a popular means of transportation, the consumption of motor oil and rubber tires for the car chain must be relatively large.

Although it hasn't been done yet, Marin never worries about whether rubber tires can be made. He is only worried about the consumption of rubber tires. After all, in later generations, it is common for bicycles to change tires, and the consumption of rubber tires is very large.

However, today's natural rubber production is very limited. Although the new natural rubber has been planted, it will take six or seven years to tap the rubber ... So, Marin suddenly felt that the cultivation of natural rubber needs to be expanded! Otherwise, once the human tricycle is made, the consumption will be amazing ...

In addition, the production of chain oil should also be increased. Therefore, the pace of oil development must also be accelerated. After all, motor oil is also extracted from the remaining high-boiling residues after gasoline, diesel, and kerosene are extracted from petroleum.

In addition, the development of wear-resistant tire technology also needs to be on the agenda. Marin remembers that the car tires of later generations are all added with carbon black, which can increase the wear resistance of the tire by ten times. Originally, white rubber tires without carbon black blended had a life of only 8,000 kilometers. After blended with carbon black, the service life is increased tenfold.

Therefore, Marin also needs to order his men to study how to incorporate carbon black powder into the white tire casing. Moreover, it is necessary to control the amount added. This point requires many attempts. But after knowing the principle, at least you can take a lot of detours.

In addition, Marin will be in one step, directly using radial tires popular in later generations. In this way, too few detours are taken. As long as the research of radial tires with carbon black is successful, and the production of natural rubber is greatly increased, the wheels of vehicles in Beihai will become the world of rubber tires.

But first of all, the source of rubber should be sufficient ...

Marin knew synthetic rubber, but he didn't know chemistry and how to synthesize rubber. Therefore, he can only choose to grow more natural rubber.

In later generations, the largest natural rubber production areas are in Malaysia and Indonesia in Southeast Asia. However, Marin knew that the origin of natural rubber was Southeast Asia rather than the Americas, because in the nineteenth century when natural rubber was discovered, most countries in the Americas were independent. Only Southeast Asia and other places were European colonies. Therefore, Europeans can only vigorously develop rubber cultivation in Malaysia and Indonesia in Southeast Asia. In the Americas, there is less promotion.

Therefore, it is not that the Caribbean region cannot grow rubber, but when rubber is promoted, many countries in the Caribbean region have become independent. Or, it is because the island area is small and the labor force is not enough to promote rubber cultivation.

After all, planting natural rubber and tapping are labor-intensive industries that require a lot of labor. At that time, there were many Malays in Southeast Asia, and hard-working Chinese immigrants were available. Therefore, a large-scale rubber plantation industry was developed.

Today, although Marin has no hardworking Chinese workers available. However, looting tens of thousands of workers from the island of Haiti with a population of one million to grow natural rubber can still be done. It seems that Haiti in later generations has also produced natural rubber.

But Marin was very afraid of syphilis on Haiti, so he did not plan to engage in rubber cultivation on Haiti, but planned to take all Taino who had not been infected with syphilis off Haiti. Then, let the remaining syphilis patients on the island spontaneously die. When these syphilis patients are dead, Marin will have to wait a few years before bringing people back to develop Haiti.

For this reason, Marin has issued an isolation order to isolate all people infected with syphilis virus, whether they are Europeans or indigenous people. And islands with a large number of syphilis patients will also become temporarily isolated areas.

In fact, in addition to the prevalence of the Taino syphilis on Haiti Island, there are many Taino tribes with syphilis in the neighboring eastern part of Cuba.

Therefore, while ordering the development of the Guantanamo area, Marin also planned to send troops to clean up the Taino people in eastern Cuba. Once a carrier of syphilis is found, it will be isolated and let itself die. The ultimate goal is to eliminate all sources of syphilis.

The ability to transmit syphilis is too strong. Although Marin knew that penicillin can treat syphilis, he believed that it is better to eliminate the source of syphilis, which is more worry-free.

The source of syphilis is also on Haiti and several nearby islands. Marin intends to take advantage of the opportunity to conquer Haiti and send four or five thousand soldiers and horses, plus two thousand maternal grandfathers, to carry out rotation inspections on islands in the Caribbean to isolate all syphilis patients. And use lime powder, etc., to completely kill the virus, in order to eliminate the source of this disease.

At the same time ~ ~ When the syphilis patients were checked, the Indians who were not infected with syphilis were also taken away to help Marin grow natural rubber.

So, it's a double benefit. It not only eliminates the source of syphilis, but also brings a lot of labor to help Marin grow natural rubber. In the future, when rubber tires become popular, there will be no problem of supply difficulties.

Of course, in order to avoid the extinction of the indigenous people on the sickness such as smallpox, Marin will first let them grow vaccinia, and will not be afraid of smallpox in the future.

In addition, Marin intends to implement a strict quarantine system and conduct strict health checks on Europeans heading to the Americas, to prevent Europeans suffering from malady from bringing infectious diseases to the Americas and triggering local extinction. In this way, he will not be short of labor.

In order to prevent the indigenous people from having a sense of ownership in their hometown, and to fight against the colonial authorities, Marin will find a way to take the indigenous people away from their hometown and let them come to the field. In this way, if they are unfamiliar with their lives, it is not easy to engage in things. For example, the Taino people in Haiti will be very honest for a long time after they are taken to Cuba. After they became familiar with the local area, there was no chance to want to be honest. Because, Marin will not give them a chance ... plus the Beihai country is not bad for the indigenous people, as long as they can make up, no one is willing to go to death ...