Chapter 1906: Deep Water Bay Victory (Part 1)

The Dhaka Fleet was not returning, but Wang An, the deputy to the Liangguang Channel of Nantou Shuizhai, was badly damaged. The water ghost troops on his side have been trained almost, and more than a hundred fire ships and warriors who control the fire ships have also been recruited. Now, just wait for the Flemish fleet to return.

However, Wang Meng waited for the left and right to wait for the return of the Gama Fleet. In the middle, three wounded ships returned to make a simple repair, and then turned around to the south. Probably, another thief, Lao Chao, who went back to the south, overhauled it.

However, Wang Man is not without gain. After Lu Xiucai made his plan, Wang Yun arranged for water ghosts to conduct special training with the purpose of destroying the rudder. Of course, it is not a complete destruction, but an obstacle that prevents it from being used normally in a hurry.

However, what Lu Xiucai said was only theoretical, and the water ghosts had never seen the real thing, and could only use the rudder of Daming's ship as the training object. But in fact, there is a difference in the rudder between the east and the west.

It wasn't until the days when three injured ships were repaired at the Deep Water Bay Pier that Wang Meng had the opportunity to send water ghosts to the bottom of the Portuguese ship at night, and took a closer look at the rudder of the Franco ship. Moreover, the target of destruction was found.

Portuguese ships are different from Marin's ships in the North Sea country. The ships in the North Sea country have all changed their rudders to a labor-saving steering system that uses a steering wheel and dynamic slip control. The Portuguese ship still uses the traditional European crowbar rudder system. When turning, a powerful sailor used an iron rod to pry above the huge rudder of the ship, turning it up and changing the direction of the ship.

The water ghosts found that the effect of inserting iron nails into the gaps on the rudder shaft was not good. Because if the opponent's sailor is strong, he can still pry the rudder blade. At most, it will cause some damage to the rudder blade.

Therefore, a dagger with a narrow blade and a thin blade is inserted into the gap of its rotating shaft for better results. There is a hindrance to the blade of the dagger, and it will be difficult for Portuguese sailors to pry the rudder blade.

In view of this, the craftsmen in Wang Mingte ’s army used stainless steel to build 30 narrow and thin knives to destroy the rudder of the enemy ship. It is a pity that he is ready on this side, but the main force of the Fleur's fleet has been slow to return.

If the agents had told him that the temporary base in Deep Water Bay was full of stolen goods robbed by the robots from the coast of Daming, Wang Yun almost doubted whether the robots would not return.

Where did Deputy Envoy Wang know that there was a scumbag scholar who handed over Hong Hengjiu over there, instructed Dagama to go north to the Zhoushan Islands, and set a combat strategy of "using the Zhoushan Islands as a springboard to attack the coastal areas of Jiangsu and Zhejiang".

If they are succeeded, the military situation in this era of Jiangsu and Zhejiang may be succeeded by the other party. Not to mention the fall of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, at least the coastal areas will be greatly damaged. After all, in the conflict with Portugal, the Ming court originally had only prepared for Guangdong and Hu Jian, but not fortified along the coast of Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

However, it seems that luck is still on the Ming side. No, Dhakama's fleet returned to the Deep Water Bay on Hong Kong Island for repair. After all, Dagama was also reluctant to collect all the stolen goods on the temporary pier in Deep Water Bay.

On the day Dagama's fleet arrived in Deep Water Bay, several Ming troops (the agents in the army) quickly walked through the mountains and forests until they left the area of ​​Deep Water Bay on the south side of Hong Kong Island and touched the area, releasing their waist The pigeons in the cage ...

About an hour later, Wang Yun of the Nantou Water Village received the news. So Wang Mang ordered loudly:

"People, prepare for battle!"

However, that night, although the moon was very round, the wind was not a southerly wind, which was not conducive to fire attack. Therefore, Wang Man had to wait patiently. This is three days ...

Three days later, Dagama ’s fleet was ready, and loaded the most valuable parts of the stolen goods that were stolen, and discarded the valuable parts, preparing for the next day's transition.

That night, at the Portuguese Camp in the Deep Water Bay, the Portuguese sailors drank the rice wine and ate the meat of the pigs stolen from the shore.

At the banquet, Hong Heng-jiu, who had already given Dagama a dog-headed military division, worried:

"Admiral Governor (Dagama was appointed Governor of the Ming Dynasty in Portugal). Is it too risky for the army to drink? Or, go to guard the camp and the pier in groups?"

After understanding the words of Hung Heng Jiu through the translation of Bernardo, Dhaka waved his hand indifferently:

"Do n’t worry, Hong, we have stopped here for three days. If the Ming army wanted a night raid, they had already started two days ago. So, I think they should be afraid. After all, the Portuguese ships and artillery It is stronger than Mingguo. I took the fleet across the coast of two provinces, and I did n’t see the Mingguo navy able to fight us. So, they should be beaten. And, on the pier, I also took a dozen sentries on duty , There will be no problem. "

"Besides, the rice wine in the Ming Dynasty is not very strong, and everyone is not drunk, it is not a problem. Hong, you do n’t know, in Europe, people usually do n’t drink white water, and generally take wine as water when they are thirsty . So, we are used to drinking ... "

It is true that Dagama said that Europeans in the Middle Ages were afraid of getting sick and dared not drink raw water, so they took wine as water. The rich and the priests drink wine, and the poor drink bad beer.

However, the degree of rice wine is generally higher than that of wine and beer. Therefore, even the Portuguese sailors who are used to drinking and drinking rice wine are still a little bit above.

After eating and drinking, the Portuguese all fell asleep, preparing to move out early in the morning and heading north to the Zhoushan Islands to establish a new base. The location of the new base that Dhaka fancy is called Liuheng Island. On the west side of the island is a fishing port called Shuangyu, which is a very good port. Dhaka intends to establish a military port there, using this as a springboard to first invade the prosperous Ningbo House nearby, then move north along the coast and invade Suhang.

However, they did not know that just after the whole Portuguese army entered the dream, hundreds of boats, quietly leaning from the south to the deep water bay by the moonlight ...

Near the island of Dianbozhou near the mouth of the deep water bay, the Ming Army sailor General Lin Tianhai said nervously:

"Aquatic, can there be a robot whistle on this island?"

Zhao Shuisheng, captain of the water ghost, said:

"Go back to Master ~ ~ It seems there is no intention to stay for a long time again. So, there is no sentry post set up on Tiebozhou. Moreover, they are about to leave, and there is no need to toss like this. "

"That's good, the order goes on. The fleet carefully bypassed the island and prepared to attack the enemy formation. What happened to you, the water ghost?"

Zhao Shuisheng replied:

"At this time, all of them should be under the deck ship of the Daolang robot. Once they have inserted the dagger into the gap of the enemy's rudder, they will put two Kongming lights into the sky. At that time, we can ignite and hit the enemy pier! "

"Okay, let the order go, temporarily drop the sail and wait. Once you see the Kongming light lift off, immediately lift the sail and move forward, approaching the enemy ship and ignite the firewood and firewood on the ship!"

"Get orders!"

Then, on the Ming ship, people with good eyesight at night stood on the bow of the ship, staring at the Deep Water Bay pier to see if there was a Kongming light rising ...