Chapter 1846: Origin of French naval warfare ideas

Of course, that is the original history. This time and space, because of the chaos of Marin, England has undergone earth-shaking changes. Both Henry VII and Henry VIII had already received the lunch box. After Edward was in power, he and France were in a state of "face and heart disagreement" for a long time.

It was not until England reoccupied the fortress of Calais that the two countries tore their faces and began to fight each other at sea. Before this, the two countries were more restrained. Even if England attacked French ships, it pretended to be a pirate. Moreover, the English never attacked the French military port.

Therefore, the Italian naval general Pregent Pittus, who should have been employed by Louis XII in 1512 in history, was not recommended by the Earl of Charles to the new King of France Francois I in 1516. But as in history, this modified paddle sailboat, still called the "Paradise", showed the determination of the Kingdom of France to regain the Calais fortress.

After celebrating the "birth" of the "Carlisle", everyone's enthusiasm gradually faded. At this time, John Rafi again asked a sharp question to Pregent Pittus:

"Mr. Bidus, what you said before is to send a paddle sailboat when the wind is low or even no wind, it is indeed a good idea. But my problem is-even in this case, the paddle sailboat is more powerful than England. The Kirk ship. But the question is, how can you ensure that the Calais ship can defeat the Kirk ship in England? You know, the English pirates are very fierce. Against them, it is useless to rely on the stronger ship power ... … "

Pregent Pittus said with confidence:

"Master John, rest assured, except for mobility, I have thought about it. I have a way to fight against the English warships. Otherwise, I dare not appear in front of your majesty!"

"Oh, I don't know how you plan to deal with the warships in England?" John Rafi's eyes flashed.

Pregent Pittus' self-channel:

"I'm from Italy, and once fought against the Turks for the Venetian Fleet. As early as 1499, the Venetian Navy and the Turkish Navy fought a battle of Zozio."

"In this battle, the powerful Venetian navy was defeated by the Turkish navy. Apart from the many reasons for the Turkish ships, it was mainly because the Turks equipped two doors on the bow of the largest flagship to launch 150 pounds and 200 pounds. The large stone cannon of the stone bomb. "

"This kind of rock-firing cannon was so powerful that a huge stone of one or two hundred pounds was knocked down. The Venetian fleet was smashed by two warships on the spot, morale plummeted, and then lost this naval battle ..."

"After this battle, the Venetians felt painful, so they also copied this kind of bow cannon. Right now, many Venetian battleships are equipped with this kind of imitation cannon on the bow, and they are called lizard cannons (basilisk) This kind of lizard cannon weighs about 7000 pounds and can fire a 50-pound stone projectile. If it can hit the side of the English Kirk ship, there is a high probability that it will break the side of the Kirk ship, resulting in an English battle. The ship sank ... "

"You mean ..." Francois I stood up excitedly.

"Yes, Your Majesty, Chen is planning to use this lizard cannon to smash the English warship with a 50-pound stone projectile. To this end, I also specially designed a set of tactics ..." Pregent Bidus said respectfully.

"Quickly speaking ..." Francois I can't wait any longer.

"Yes, Your Majesty! This is the case. Chen intends to introduce several small warships of 150 oars (displacement of about 200 tons) from Venice. Each ship is equipped with a lizard cannon in the capital ..."

"Wait, why not bring in bigger warships directly? With our friendly relationship with Venice, shouldn't Venice be stingy?" Francois I was a little unhappy. As a great monarch, he likes to use big, not rare.

Pregent Pittus smiled bitterly:

"It's not impossible to introduce, and Venice is willing to give it. The biggest problem is-the big ship can't pass through the Strait of Gibraltar ..."

The French monarch present was suddenly thinking of the "barrier" of the Strait of Gibraltar ...

Because of the existence of the Strait of Gibraltar, Spain used this strait to block the Mediterranean Sea, making it impossible for large warships in France and even Venice to pass through the strait. Otherwise, if the Mediterranean is connected to the Atlantic Ocean, France will have become a maritime power.

However, the existence of the Strait of Gibraltar directly cut the French maritime power into two parts, each of which is not strong, and has encountered stronger opponents such as Spain and Britain ...

Out of the containment of France, and the vigilance of Venice. For a large warship of several hundred tons at a glance, Spain must have obstructed everything and will not allow passage through the Strait of Gibraltar. Just like the aircraft carrier Varyag of later generations, he was trapped in the Turkish Strait for two years. No way, the Straits of Turkey will get stuck in the Black Sea.

The Strait of Gibraltar is narrower than the Strait of Turkey and is easier to block. Otherwise, Venice would have rushed out of the Mediterranean Sea and went to the Atlantic Ocean. It is because of the existence of the Strait of Gibraltar that directly stuck the throats of France and Venice.

Therefore, after the decline of the Spanish empire, the newly rising Britain took the opportunity to occupy the Strait of Gibraltar directly. It took hundreds of years to dominate. It will not be returned until the 21st century.


Obviously, Pregent Pittus is very intelligent. He knew that Spain, too large a paddle sailboat, even disguised as a civilian merchant ship, would not agree to let it pass through the Strait of Gibraltar. The medium-sized ships of about 200 tons, if installed, can meet the psychological requirements of Spain and allow passage through the Strait of Gibraltar.

Francois I nodded solemnly and said:

"I understand, Secretary Pregent, and I want to ask you, how many modified oar sailboats can you get from Venice in the fastest time? Can you immediately build combat power?"

Pregent Pittus said directly:

"Chen can get 6 modified paddle sailboats, all warships that Chen has commanded while serving in the Naval Fleet of Venice. Not only can he get the 6 ships, but he can also move all the captains on those ships , Sailors and oarsmen, come to your majesty. Of course, your majesty needs to give them a higher treatment than in Venice. In addition, the captain and the first officer need to give some incentives ... "

Francois I nodded and said:

"I understand that as long as you can defeat the British guys, even if it is a small victory, I will not be stingy. The title, the land, the money ... I can afford it!"

Pregent Pittus breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"Then it's no problem, I can call them with a letter. As for the ship, I believe that Venice should also agree to sell it to France."

At this time, John Rafi interjected:

"How about specific tactics? You haven't said tactics yet ..."

The other nobles present were also waiting with interest from Pregent Pedhus to explain.

Pregent Pittus explained:

"In the case of low winds, this Calais ship can explode at a faster speed than a sailboat. Taking advantage of the speed, I intend to make these six Calais ships quickly approach the enemy fleet. Then, concentrate on the force, Use the lizard cannon on the bow to bombard the side of one or two English warships in an effort to sink them. "

"After a round of artillery, the ship quickly turned around and ran away, avoiding being caught in the gang by the English warship."

"In order to avoid being caught up by the English warships, we must be located at the downwind, which is the position of the downwind. In this way, it is very convenient for the warship to run down the wind and make the enemy unable to catch up ..."

"After our lizard cannon had finished loading, the original Calais fled again leaned on the strength of the oarsman, turned the bow, and bombarded the forefront of the English warship. When he succeeded, he quickly fled down the wind ... … "

"So back and forth, you can avoid the bloodiest battle with the English ship. The 50-pound lizard cannonball is so powerful that it can easily sink the English ship."

"Ultimately, we can sink or injure multiple English warships without any loss to our warships, and achieve the goal of victory ..."


"Okay ~ ~ If this method is really effective, I will definitely not be stingy about knighthood, fiefdom and money! Mr. Pregent, work hard, I think you are good!" After the reaction, Franço Wa I patted Pregent Pittus excitedly, encouraging.

In the past, it was the Calais boat and fighting tactics developed by Pregent Pedhus that made England suffer for decades. If it were n’t for more winds in the English Channel, let the Calais play less time, maybe the French Navy would completely suppress the English Navy ...

And the consequence of this tactic is that until the era of sail warships, the French could not change their habit of preferring to be under the wind, and they were used to running after a round of salvo. Because, the lee is easier to escape. The English navy, however, likes to fight side by side and desperately, so it prefers to grab the upper hand.

Not to mention the pros and cons of these two naval warfare ideas, but later it was an indisputable fact that the English maritime had been suppressing France. However, this is also related to the fact that there are many sailors in England ships. It cannot be said directly that this kind of fighting tactics is bad. In fact, in the Great British-French Battle of 1588, England also used this trick to deal with the invincible fleet and achieved success ...

In any case, the idea of ​​the Calais ship and the naval warfare that had been hit and gone had indeed influenced France for hundreds of years in the original history ...