Chapter 1839: intelligence

If the soldiers and horses are not moving, the intelligence will go first. Although Marin is angry, he must first figure out who is doing the thing!

Therefore, a large number of North Sea spies were sent to Lisbon, using all means and using a lot of money to get information from the middleman.

After half a month of exploration, the intelligence was finally sent to Marin's eyes-it turned out that the robbing of the North Sea transport ship was not the meaning of the Portuguese court, but the Portuguese governor of the Azores Rui. Since the release. In other words, the transport ship of the North Sea country was specially robbed by the Azores officials ...

However, this matter was also known to the Portuguese court. After all, even if Rui Silva did not report, the officers of his Azores fleet would also report. Because the garrison in the Azores is an army belonging to the Portuguese royal family, not the private army of Rui Silva.

However, the Portuguese court took cover and connivance to Rui Silva's behavior and helped cover it. Why? Because Rui Silva's sister, Stella Silva, is one of the lover of Portuguese King Manuel I, and is a very important lover.

This year, it is common for the king to have several lovers. Rui Silva was originally a little baron in the countryside in Portugal. The surname of Silva is also very common in Portugal. Silva means "forest" in Latin, probably the ancestor who lived in the forest. The ancestor of Baron Rui was mixed with a baron because of his military skills, but it was very remote and located in the mountainous region of Portugal.

This ordinary surname called "Silva" may not be much in this era. But in the 21st century, it became Brazil's top surname, and many football gods appeared. Of course, this surname can take root in Brazil, certainly because it is not well mixed in the local area. If the nobles are well mixed, they must stay in the homeland.

Baron Rui was of low status and his territory was barren. Probably the most important income of their family is planting cork trees. This is one of the traditional industries of Portugal, supplying all of Europe. But the Silva family is planting trees and is a raw material supplier. It does not get much benefits, but it is not as good as those middlemen who are down.

But Rui has a very beautiful sister-Stella Silva. Stella has been very beautiful since she was a child and is very famous in the area. There are many baron families nearby who want to marry the Silva family. After all, Stella looks so beautiful.

However, Rui did not look down on the barons of poor landlords around him. He felt that a large nobleman on the other side of the capital Lisbon should be married. In this way, fortunately to let the family La Silva family. Although in general, the Baron family can only marry with the Baron family. However, sometimes, the Baron family can also get close to the Viscount and even the Earl family. The premise is that the women of this family must be very beautiful, so that the children of the big aristocrats will be enchanted.

Obviously, Stella has a fascinating beauty. If not expecting this sister to help the rise of the family, Rui would almost go to the German orthopedics ...

In order to rejuvenate the family, Rui took his teenage Stella to Lisbon, and frequently attended cocktail receptions held by various nobles. Sure enough, Stella's beauty caused Lisbon to marvel. But what embarrassed Rui was that most of the children of the big nobles were not happy to marry Stella, but wanted Stella to become their lover ...

This made Rui uncomfortable, and the identity of the lover and his wife was very different. The wife's family is considered an in-law, or even an ally. If you can pull it, you must pull it. But the lover's family ... there is no guarantee ... after all, the identity is not legal, and there is no obligation to help you ...

However, in the end, Manuel I shot ...

Although Manuel I also wanted Stella to become his lover, but he was a king and could give Rui what he wanted. Then Rui succumbed. Regardless of Stella ’s thoughts, she directly packed her sister to the king, and then changed to the office of the governor of the Azores, which was considered to be mixed into the upper and middle levels of the Portuguese officialdom.

But in the Azores, Rui discovered that he was thinking too well ...

Said the governor, but also depends on the governor. The Azores is 1600 kilometers away from the Portuguese mainland, and the transportation is very inconvenient. The population of the archipelago is not large, only a few thousand people, mainly engaged in sugar cane cultivation.

The local climate is between subtropical and tropical, and sugar cane can be grown, and it is also one of the important sugar cane producing areas in Portugal. It stands to reason that the sugar industry is relatively profitable, and Rui Silva should be able to obtain many benefits.

But the bad is bad. The sugar industry is a Portuguese strategic industry, controlled by the royal family and several big nobles. Most of the sugar cane plantations on the island belong to the royal family and several large noble families. With 10 guts, Rui Silva dared not reach out to these plantations.

Instead of starting with these lucrative sugar cane plantations, Rui Silva found sadly that the oil in this archipelago is so low!

That is to say, Rui Silvachen was rushing to be the governor, but he could only think of a way for the terminal cargo to squeeze a little bit of oil and water from the ship owner and the terminal coolies.

However, this is seriously inconsistent with Rui Silva's expectations! But he sent out a sister like a fairy, but he only got a governor without any oil and water ...

Therefore, Rui Silva began to be imbalanced and began to think of other ways ...

But the broken place of the Azores is an absolute backcountry, and there are no other ships passing by at all ...

"Ah-no, it seems that there is a transport ship from the North Sea country ..." Rui Silva remembered the transport ship from the wild continent of the North Sea country that passed by this place several times a year. It seems that those ships are fully loaded, especially those returning from the wild continent, I heard that they are fully loaded with supplies such as sugar and rice ...

"Would you like to get a vote?" Rui Silva got into trouble.

As the governor, he sent people to inquire. Generally, a North Sea shipping ship full of goods can have a total price of tens of thousands of gold coins. If you get a ship ... can you withstand him as governor of Azores for decades ...

But the question is, he is a bit worried-will it happen if a country's transport ship is involved?

Then he sent someone to Lisbon to inquire-the North Sea country can't afford to provoke ...

As a result, the arrogant Lisbon nobles told him-if it is on land ~ ~ Portugal really can not afford the North Sea country. But on the ocean, Portugal and even Spain may not be in the eye ... And the North Sea State and Portugal do not border, so you do n’t need to care what the North Sea State thinks ...

Because of the misleading of these news, Rui Silva finally made up his mind to make a vote!

If successful, the benefits of tens of thousands of gold coins can be used to bribe the high level of the Portuguese court. Then, seek to be transferred to a place with richer oil and water as the governor's district ...

In this way, Rui Silva made up his mind to send the Azores fleet under his control, disguised as a pirate, and attacked a passing North Sea transport ship, grabbing hundreds of tons of sugar and rice ...

On the Portuguese side, Lisbon was subsequently reported. But Portugal did not pay attention to this matter, just like the news that Rui Silva had probed before-Portugal generally believed that the maritime strength of the North Sea State was not worth mentioning before Portugal ...

In addition, Rui Silva's sister Stella is a celebrity around Manuel I. There is no need to offend such a person. Therefore, everyone is helping to conceal and cover up the matter, and intends to pass through. As for the loss of Beihai, who cares?