Chapter 1822: Savage Squad

As long as he can win this decisive battle, Marin's road to the European Emperor will be a smooth road without any obstacles. on the contrary……

Therefore, Marin no matter how much he values ​​and overestimates his opponents, it is not an exaggeration. Only by paying attention will it be more likely to defeat the opponent. And if you don't pay attention or arrogant self-esteem, you may lose your life.

Malin is a greedy and fearless person who not only likes hiding high-manganese steel chest plate armor in silk robes, but also likes to do everything to avoid GG.

After starting the construction of border defenses, the only thing that worried Marin now is probably the lack of troops. Ordinarily, Marin now has 6 legions, plus 10,000 sailors, it is estimated that 60,000 or 70,000 troops can be made.

However, two legions were stuck in England and could not be used at all. Therefore, at present, Marin can really be used for local operations, there are only 40,000 army, and more than 10,000 sailors.

But the Sixth Army needs to protect Goslar, the silver capital, and cannot easily give up. Therefore, there are currently only 30,000 regular troops and 10,000 sailors.

Of course, Marin can also gather 20,000 or 30,000 soldiers who have been fighting with the army all year round in East Friesland and train them to have a certain combat effectiveness.

But Zhuang Ding is Zhuang Ding. Although he has strength, he is not necessarily suitable for fighting as a soldier. Just like Marin's selection of soldiers, qualified soldier seedlings do not depend on whether you are strong and powerful, but on whether you have courage.

Only those who have courage dare to move forward on the battlefield and fight against the enemy. Even if the strength is not enough, even if he can't fight, he dares to show his sword and fight desperately with the enemy.

A person without courage, even with muscles, is afraid to fight against the enemy. Seeing enemies coming in, they are easily scared to lose their weapons and run.

Therefore, for soldiers, the body can exercise, and the shooting level can also be fed with bullets. However, courage is born and cannot be practiced.

Just like Uncle Marin in his previous life, when he was sent to South Vietnam as a volunteer army, the commander who picked people at that time was given a task-alone in the middle of the night, without a flashlight, carrying a female body in a small mountain house A hill ...

In those days, despite the propaganda against superstitions, people were still afraid of ghosts. Anyone who can carry a female corpse in the middle of the night alone is emboldened. Then, Uncle Marin was selected and went to South Vietnam to work as an artillery.

This experience, Marin's previous life often listened to the uncle at the wine table. Therefore, the ears have cocoons. After crossing, also use this as a criterion to choose warriors, so as not to choose a strong young species.

And because this era emphasizes the cold weapon fighting, Marin simply selects those who are not afraid of injury and perseverance in the competition, which is also a modified version of "carrying a female corpse in the middle of the night."

In fact, Marin did not know that this courageous selection method is generally used to select elite or dead, not to select ordinary soldiers.

Therefore, after so many years, Marin has selected tens of thousands of mercenaries. In fact, ordinary mobilized soldiers do not value courage when selecting, as long as they are strong.

Even, it doesn't matter whether you obey or not. Anyway, when you get into the army, you will be beaten if you are not obedient. As for the deserter or something, the execution is ...

Like those conscripts recruited by Zhuang Ding, including the conscripts of later generations, how many are really **** and brave? In the end, they still have to use harsh military methods to force these people to grow.

The most brutal elimination method is probably actual combat training. Many anti-Japanese troops were often formed in haste. The recruits are young and strong recruited from villages that have been devastated by devils. They have no foundation.

Of course, this is also a means of picking troops-using their hatred for devils!

Sometimes, hatred can make a coward burst out of courage. Ordinary people can become brave as long as they fight more. No, it should be said that it has become numb ... Only the few people who can't help the wall with the mud will be hopeless ...

However, to be honest, in the era of hot weapons, fighting a little bit of luck. Lying in the trenches, the ghost knew if the enemy's shells happened to fall beside you and explode ...

Sometimes, when you blink, your head is gone ...

That is to say, in the war of hot weapons, many soldiers took the lunch before they could express their courage or fear.

In the cold weapon era, they were fighting face to face, not by chance. Therefore, the requirement for courage is even higher. Because, fighting in person and fighting with the enemy in person is not the same as bad luck and killed by stray bullets. It requires different courage.

Of course, the most test of courage is actually not a cold weapon battle, but a queue to shoot ...

This is a real test of courage, because you are not even allowed to look for bunkers to avoid ammunition. You can only stand there stupidly and wait for the enemy to shoot. It's a bit like a turn-based game, but it's cruel. Therefore, the harsh military laws of the modern army are needed. Otherwise, ordinary soldiers really can't stand it.


That is to say, the reason why the Beihai army is strong is that besides Marin's use of advanced battle array tactics, the highly demanded method of selecting soldiers is also an important guarantee.

This kind of method similar to the selection of volunteers or deceased soldiers makes the regular army of the North Sea country have a high fighting will, and the army is not easy to collapse.

But because of this high demand, the number of people he recruited is also limited. It is also because Marin recruited soldiers in the German region. In other places, he may not be able to recruit tens of thousands of people.

You know, the German region has a tradition of martial arts, and the people have always been tough. Coupled with the fact that Marin is picking people among the more savage mountain people, it is easy to recruit suitable soldiers. If he changed to another area, he would not be able to recruit tens of thousands of people ...


However, the biggest problem is that many princes in the southern region have prohibited Marin from recruiting troops in the mountains of southern Germany.

This makes Marin very uncomfortable, because many good soldiers are in the small mountain villages in the southern mountains ...

Those brave and even savage mountain people are full of brave men. It is a pity that their lord did not allow Marin to pick people ...

"I lack a brave warrior, how can I break it?" Marin asked Cangtian silently ~ ~ Marin had decided that once the prince coalition forces and France attacked themselves and waited for victory, the first requirement was not to let those The princes ceded the land to pay compensation, but let them allow themselves to go to the princely countries of southern Germany to choose the brave mountain people as soldiers.

But how did you get so many brave and fearless warriors before then?

"Brave ... barbaric ..." These words flashed through Marin's mind. Suddenly, a thought jumped out ...

"Otherwise, I will learn wild boar skin and go to catch wild people to be the death squad?"

Although he did not agree with the brutal dynasty of "I Da Qing", Marin had to admit that after the establishment of Hou Jin, it was really strong to catch wild people in the northeast of Baishan and Heishui to serve as the "dead army" for the death squad charge.

Those raw daughters who were caught from the old forest in the deep mountains are really barbarians and ignorant. As long as you catch it, take a good whip, and then wash your brain, and then ... well, put on cotton armor and ride a stallion, you can act as a cavalry for the death squad ...

"Maybe, I can also grab some fierce savages from the North American jungle and act as a death squad?"