Chapter 1795: Wide wheel unicycle and gun assault

Because of the last defeat, Mosingen did be a lot more careful this time. Moreover, following the lesson from the previous back-and-forth attack by enemy cavalry, Mosingen also brought many unicycles this time to form an array to block the impact of enemy cavalry.

However, in the desert, the unicycle is very difficult to walk. Because the sand is too soft and the wheels tend to sink. Fortunately, the capable carpenter under Governor Ayun Coton had transformed the wheels and produced very wide wheels. In this way, the unicycle is not easy to sink into the sand in the desert.

In addition, in order to reduce the physical strength required by the stroller, the wheelbarrow Mossingen brought this time will not carry too heavy things, except for the four spears on the car that resist the impact of the war horses, but also each car Goods over 200 pounds. Moreover, most of these goods are water ...

These are fresh water sterilized by high temperature, which is not easy to deteriorate. The method of high-temperature sterilization is very simple-after putting fresh water into the skin pouch, it is thrown into the big pot and boiled. Of course, the wooden plug of the water bladder cannot be tightly plugged. Because the expansion and contraction of heat, the boiled water sac is easy to break. Therefore, the mouth of the general water sac will be clamped by the clip and lifted above the water surface of the steamer. When the steamer boiled, the water in the water bladder was almost sterilized by high temperature, and then let the workers in leather gloves take the water bladder up with a clip and quickly plug the bag with a cork stopper. Then, add some mud and dry it. In this way, a bag of water that can be kept for several months is not processed like this ...

In this team, Mosingen brought a total of 400 Yu Dayou unicycles with spears and wide wheels. During the march, Mosingen would bring another 400 slaves, pushing this wide-wheeled unicycle, following the 800 cavalry and 100 musketeers in the desert. There are not many things loaded on the wheelbarrow, but they are very important food and water. Moreover, food can be replenished when passing through oasis that can supplement fresh water.

According to the principle of desert marching, Mosingen requires that those specially treated fresh water can be used without use. When passing an area where fresh water can be replenished, try to drink fresh water obtained locally. Of course, it is after the boiling water cooked in a large pot has cooled down. Only when walking in the depths of the desert and when it is really impossible to replenish fresh water, you can use the reserve water bag on the unicycle.

In fact, this wide-wheeled Chinese unicycle is not only a tool used by Mosingen to transport fresh water and defend against enemy cavalry, but also intended to be used to transport slaves in the future.

Of course, it is inappropriate to say "shipping" black slaves. Because Mossingen ’s plan was to let the black slaves walk away with a wheelbarrow carrying fresh water. In this way, there is no need to tired camels to help the freshwater needed by the black slaves.

The slaves of the Songhai Empire are very cheap, and a small bag of salt can be replaced by a strong and honest slave, which is much cheaper than the Portuguese slaves. But the problem is that it is very difficult to take the black slaves across the Sahara desert. The difficulty lies in how to transport the fresh water needed by the slaves.

If the camel is used to help carry the water sac in a traditional way, the camel's burden will be heavy. Moreover, not many slaves can be brought at a time. After all, the camel's ability to bear is limited, carrying up to 300 pounds.

It would be easier to let the black slaves push the cart by themselves. They push the wheelbarrows they need to eat and drink without straining the camels. As many wheelbarrows as there are black slaves.

Previously, because there was no unicycle with wide wheels, it was naturally difficult to cross the desert. However, since the great carpenter Collier under Corton invented such a wide wheel that can walk freely in the desert, it is no longer difficult for unicycles to carry things on the desert. It is difficult to fall into the sand as long as you do n’t install too many things. For example, a Chinese unicycle that can hold five or six hundred pounds can only hold more than two hundred pounds, so that people can easily push it up, and it is not easy to fall into the sand.

In addition, Mo Singen also came up with a trick-that is, the black slave was chained to the unicycle. In this way, you don't have to worry about the black slaves running away in the middle of the night. Mainly, in the territory of the Songhai Empire, those black slaves tended to run quietly in the middle of the night when they were unprepared. After all, most of them were unlucky nearby, prisoners of war or forced into captivity as slaves by the nobles of the Songhai Empire. As long as they left the territory of the Songhai Empire, the slaves became honest. After all, they are not locals, and they dare not be arrogant ...


However, during this expedition, Mo Xingen did not want to bring many black slaves, but brought a group of slaves himself to help push the strategic supplies in the desert, such as Tamsui, to deal with the fighting in the desert. Moreover, this group of slaves was simply trained in combat. If necessary, one of the four spears can be drawn from the car, hide behind the car, and use the spear to poke the enemy's scimitar cavalry.

But that usually happens only in emergencies, and Mosingen doesn't think his 800 Mamluk slave cavalry can beat the cavalry of the North African bearded merchants. Because the scimitar cavalry, most of them are irregular tribal cavalry, seemingly brave, in fact, the quality is far inferior to those Egyptian slaves trained in regular Mamluk cavalry.

What's more, in the past few months, Mosingen has also trained these Egyptian slaves trained in Mamluk cavalry in discipline and tactics, making the group of slave cavalry more disciplined than the authentic Mamluk cavalry. In the words of the emperor, this group of Egyptian slave Mamluk cavalry is no worse than the authentic Circassian Mamluk cavalry. They may not be the opponents of the authentic Mamluk cavalry in individual and small-scale confrontation, but the number is larger. They rely on the discipline and formation of repeated training over the past few months. They are no worse than the authentic Mamluk cavalry.

As for the Arab tribe cavalry led by the North African bearded men ... just ask you if you are afraid of the Egyptian Mamluk cavalry who will charge the wall ...

In order to facilitate the straight stab during the wall charge, all Mamluk cavalry from Egyptian slaves are all changed to use a relatively straight type 65 cavalry knife, which can stab and cut. Although a little unfamiliar at first, these people were also trained for many years, proficient in a variety of weapons, and even learned the usage of European knight straight swords, so it is not difficult to get started. In a few months, these 800 Egyptian Mamluk slave cavalry also adapted to the use of the 65-cavalry saber.

In the case of complete crushing of personal force and tactics, Mosingen does not think that these 800 people will lose to the one or two thousand bearded North African tribal cavalry ...

You know ~ ~ In the original history, Austria has never lost to Turkey in a cavalry duel since it learned to use a knight straight sword to launch a wall charge. The Austrian cavalry in the 18th and 19th centuries were only second-rate in Europe, not as good as the French cavalry and the Prussian cavalry. Even, it may not be able to fight the cavalry ...

However, they are the traditional scimitar cavalry who can abuse Turkey. Since then, the "European bulldozer" Turkey has been turned into a native chicken ...

Of course, it is not the Austrians who actually make Turkey decline, but the ferocious Tsarist Russia. Starting from Peter the Great, Tsarist Russia launched successive Russian-Turkish wars, and severely maimed Turkey, the "European bulldozer".

But it is undeniable that Austria, which has been besieged by Vienna many times in Turkey, has mastered the wall charge, and has no longer prevailed in the conflict between the Balkan Peninsula and Turkey, but has begun to take advantage ...

However, Austria has been busy annexing Italy and competing with Prussia for the status of the German leader, so it has no energy to engage in Turkey. Later, he finally realized the reality and gave up Italy and began to turn around and annex the Balkan Peninsula. As a result, the assassination of Sanajewo detonated the First World War and was defeated.