Chapter 1785: Colonial plan readjustment

If it were to be changed, Marin would not dare to send troops to the tropics casually, so as not to cause dissatisfaction and even non-combat reduction.

However, since Kong Tai returned the betel nut from Daming, everything was different. Although chewing betel nut has the risk of oral cancer, it has to be overdose, in fact it is all right. Moreover, the soldiers sent to the colony did not stay for a lifetime, but were transferred back after a few years. Or, transfer to another place.

Marin coveted Haiti, mainly because of the large population of Haiti. After all, there are millions of people, how much land can be planted ...

In fact, Marin had such a plan-to capture a batch of Taino people from Haiti and send them to the New York colony to become serfs!

The Tainois are not as fierce and relatively gentle as the Indians in the North American jungle. The accident was mainly due to an indigenous man named Carlos who had learned Spanish craftsmanship and military command. Without this person, the local aborigines would simply be scattered sand, and the climate would not be formed.

Moreover, unlike the black slaves, these Taino people are not well adapted to the farming life. The Taino people on Haiti actually started to grow sweet potatoes and cassava. The sweet potatoes that Columbus brought back to Europe were obtained from the Taino people on the island of Haiti.

In other words, these Taino people actually know how to grow land. Although the technology is average, as long as you teach it by hand, you can still farm normally.

In addition, bringing these relatively gentle Tainos among the Indians to the New York colony would help the Taino to leave their familiar hometowns, and they would also be more restrained and not dare to mess up.

Generally speaking, most of those who resisted colonization were indigenous. The foreign households, on the contrary, will hold a group with the colonists. Just as the Dutch colonized Indonesia in the early days, they relied heavily on Chinese immigrants in the early days. At the same time, Chinese immigrants were very loyal to the Dutch colonists and sold their lives to exploit the indigenous people.

However, the Dutch later discovered that Chinese immigrants were too clever and their ability to gather wealth was too strong. Therefore, afterwards he became jealous and united the indigenous people to persecute the Chinese.

Of course, the Taino people in Haiti are definitely not as smart as the Chinese. Therefore, Marin has no worries that they are mainly anti-guests. As long as these Taino people are full, and from time to time give some salted fish and other things to improve their lives, Marin feels that they are unlikely to resist.

You know, the Spanish colonists were so cruel, they had colonized Haiti for decades, and they did not see how fierce the Tynos rebelled. And Marin is gentle, willing to feed, who can risk his life to rebel?

To put it bluntly, Marin ’s plan is to transform the 1 million Taino people on Haiti into their own serfs |!

This is one million people! Indigenous people have a short life span and a higher proportion of strong men, estimated to be over 300,000. Coupled with those middle-aged women, they are also excellent laborers!


Previously, the reason why Marin did not deal with the Taino people on Haiti Island was because they worried that these Taino people would be infected by smallpox by Europeans and they would be unlucky as they were in history.

In addition, the transmission rate of syphilis among the Taino people on the island is relatively high.

"What should I do? It seems that the problem of syphilis cannot be solved in a moment ..."

Marin suddenly discovered that if he wanted to control Haiti Island at once, it seemed that he needed too much troops. The 500 soldiers wearing rhinoceros armor sent this time can only guarantee to defeat Carlos' rebels. But if you want to control the whole island, this person is far from enough ...

At this time, Marin suddenly remembered a report I saw a few days ago ...


From a pile of documents, Marin found the less important document-a group of 2,000 strong Mao Gongpao arrived ...

These 2000 grandpas were prepared by Marin to check the syphilis infection of the women on Haiti Island. After all, to check for syphilis, you need to check the following. If you are a normal young man with good blood, you might not be able to resist something happening. At that time, a new syphilis patient may be born ...

But this group of grandfathers who had been castrated by the Crimeans is different. They have no desire and no need. For checking whether the Taino women have syphilis, there will be no accident in the middle.

According to the original plan, Marin planned to send a large army to conquer the entire island of Haiti. Then, control the people on the island, and then send these 2,000 Mao Gonggong to the island women to check the syphilis ...


But now, Marin suddenly changed his mind ...

What new idea does Marin have? Before, he planned to develop Haiti Island, but it was the 1 million people on Tu Island. But now, Marin suddenly figured it out-since it is the population, why do you want to develop Haiti Island? Would n’t it be enough to just catch it and send it to another colony?

Moreover, it is easier to manage the local Taino people in other colonies. After all, when you leave your hometown, the average person will panic and become cautious. How dare you blast a spear?


In addition, it is also very important that Marin has insufficient manpower to control the population of the island at once, and it is difficult to complete the inspection of syphilis carried on the island residents.

However, if instead of plundering the population, all this is not a problem!

First, to plunder the population, less manpower is needed. Even a few hundred people are enough. The big deal is to bring back the population of a village every time you go out. Although there are few hundreds of people, the number of times can be increased, and the number can be reduced.

Moreover, it is very important that if there are only a few hundred people at a time, it is easy to check the syphilis carrying status, and the manpower is absolutely enough!

Then, the healthy Taino who passed the inspection will be sent to New York and other colonies as serfs. And those who have not passed the inspection and have syphilis on their bodies ... are naturally sent to the desert island to give them the tools to hunt and let them die on their own ...

Only by isolating these sources of syphilis from normal people will normal people be harmed. Moreover, those who are proven to be healthy will not be infected with syphilis after arriving in the new colonial area, and are very safe.

In this way, the pressure of insufficient manpower to solve and check the problem of syphilis among the local people was solved perfectly. In addition, they can also take the opportunity to plant them with vaccinia to prevent them from being destroyed by smallpox in the future.

Marin had already planned to get the Taino strong men and 100,000 women to the New York colony. If nothing else, first develop the later Pennsylvania area. The 200,000 young and strong men and women came to cut trees first. With so many young and strong laborers, the efficiency of cutting trees is definitely greatly improved. Then, develop the local farmland to to produce food and raise livestock.

As for the original German immigrants, part of the Zhuang Ding will be drawn and organized into militiamen, who will be responsible for supervising these Tylenos and preventing them from running away.

In this way, with the participation of 200,000 young men and women, at least 3 million mu of cultivated land can be developed, and many cattle and sheep can be raised. At that time, Marin should not have too many food supplies ...

In addition, Marin also plans to immigrate tens of thousands of Taino to the Savannah colony, assist the colonial team there, and develop the Savannah colony.

The Savannah colony is different from the New York colony. It has a subtropical climate, which can not only grow wheat and peanuts, but also grow cash crops such as cotton. Marin wants to promote cotton fabrics, as well as cotton coats and quilts in the future, and must expand cotton cultivation in the Savannah colony.

So, it seems that the Savannah colony's demand for Taino serfs is greater ...

Marin thought about it and made adjustments again-first to provide Savannah with 20,000 young Taino men and women, giving priority to ensuring the development of the cotton plantation industry. As for the colony of New York, wait for a while ...

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