Chapter 1766: Gonzalo punishes kneeling confession

Marlin naturally agreed with Gonzalo's help. After all, Gonzalo ’s cancellation of the penalty was also in his interest. Moreover, Marin also respected General Gonzalo. His so-called "Marin Phalanx" actually plagiarized other people's ideas.

Marin not only agreed to help and allow Gonzalo to go to the toilet during the kneeling, but also provided Gonzalo with additional convenience-allowing Gonzalo to eat when he was hungry.

He used the pigeons to communicate with the pope's father-in-law. He didn't need to mention the toilet, as long as Gonzalo and the gatekeeper outside the church asked for instructions. Marin said hello, the gatekeeper certainly would not embarrass Gonzalo. Of course, you can't go to the toilet in the church. Because people who have been exterminated cannot enter the church.

As for eating and drinking, Marin also gave a good plan-once he was hungry, he just fainted. Then, there will be a church guard who was greeted to carry him to a room beside the church to "cure". At that time, Gonzalo can eat and drink there, including going to the toilet or something.

As for giving some cushions, naturally it is not a problem. And the Holy See does not care. After all, people want face. A Spanish earl and commander of several tens of thousands of troops came to Rome to punish his knees and confess himself.

After Marin greeted him, Gonzalo was also escorted by a team of guards and entered the gate of the Lateran Basilica in the headquarters of the Holy See in Rome.

Gonzalo knelt down in front of the church of the Holy See headquarters and repented of his sins, causing a huge sensation. After all, people haven't seen such a "grand scene" for hundreds of years since the "Shame of Canossa" in 1077.

So, many Roman citizens came to watch the crowd and give pointers to Gonzalo ...

Gonzalo is already an old man who has gone through vicissitudes of life. He naturally does not change his color, ignores the instructions of the people who eat melons, but maintains a humble look, and respectfully punishes his knees outside the church door. From time to time, he also repented loudly and asked the Pope for forgiveness.

When a believer entered the hall, Gonzalo also begged them to help him pray to the Lord to relieve his sins ...

Gonzalo's faceless move made the Holy See earn a full face. This was rare in the 16th century when the authority of the Holy See declined.

Know that when Henry IV prayed to Pope Gregory VII for forgiveness in Canosa, it was 1077, and the authority of the Holy See was at its peak.

After the prince Philip IV forced the Holy See to move to Avignon in France in 1309, the authority of the Holy See has actually fallen sharply, and there is no longer any deterrent to the outside world.

For example, Charles VIII, when he was expedition to Naples, he brought soldiers into the city of Rome to show off, leaving the Holy See very shameless.

And Spain is a power that is comparable to France. Their army coach knelt in front of the hall of the Holy See headquarters, but the prestige of the Holy See rose. This kind of power is very rare since 1309.

Therefore, the priests at the headquarters of the Holy See have a good opinion of the gentle and humble Gonzalo. Some missionaries even helped Gonzalo to plead before Pope Julius II.

In fact, they didn't know that this was the two people playing the double spring. Gonzalo's knee was covered with a sponge, which was very soft. Whenever he felt unable to hold back, he would humbly ask the door for the guard to allow him to leave for a while and go to the toilet. The reason is-the door of the holy Latran temple must not be stained. The guards had been instructed for a long time, and they enthusiastically pointed out the direction of the toilet outside his church ... everything is so harmonious and beautiful ...

On the first night, when Gonzalo felt very hungry, he simply pretended to be dizzy according to the agreement with Marin. Then, the guard who was at night at the door of the church also sent him to a room not far from the door of the church to "rescue" as scheduled. And in this room, a table of wine dishes has been set up ...

Gonzalo was fed and drunk, and went to the toilet before continuing to punish his knees with vigor.

And this time, it is exactly June, the weather is very warm, even a little hot. Therefore, Gonzalo punished kneeling in the middle of the night and didn't feel cold at all. The only trouble is that there are more mosquitoes at night.

But Marin had already prepared the toilet water. Gonzalo wiped the toilet water with pyrethrum ingredients when he went to dinner. The mosquitoes did not dare to come close, giving Gonzalo a lot of peace of mind.

When was sleepy, Gonzalo simply lay there in a kneeling position with five bodies. Actually, he is resting ...

Because no one saw it in the middle of the night, the Spanish guards on the side simply took out the sponge mat and let Gonzalo lie on the sponge mat for a while ...

Before dawn the next morning, the sponge mat for Gonzalo to sleep on his stomach was taken away by the Spanish guards, and Gonzalo regained his humble and pious look. When meeting believers in and out of the pope, they still ask them to pray for themselves ...


In this way, after kneeling through the field for three days and three nights, on the fourth morning, Pope Julius II, who felt almost the same, came to the gate of the church surrounded by a group of church deacons. Gonzalo had a meal, and then imitated the story. He kissed Gonzalo on his forehead, forgiving him the most expensive, and pardoning the penalty ...

After being pardoned, Gonzalo also took a long sigh of relief, and then lay there directly, letting his guards back. After all, he was 62 years old. Although Marin provided him with a lot of convenience, it was really uncomfortable to kneel there for a long time. Even, he failed to stand up for a while.

And Pope Julius II subsequently issued a public statement, saying that he was willing to pardon Gonzalo. In addition to Gonzalo not really spreading smallpox, there are also reasons for reading him as a first offender and Ken piety. ~ ~ However, Julius II warned that if anyone dared to chaos in the future, he would be permanently punished. And, never pardon ...

In fact, Julius II's statement was strongly requested by Marin. Because Marin worried that the French saw Gonzalo kneeling and was pardoned, and came to follow suit. For example, first frighten England, recapture the Calais fortress, and then let the coach come to Rome to ask for forgiveness ...

Therefore, Marin timely "patched" to prevent the French from taking advantage of this loophole to seize the fortress of Calais.

Know that Marlin's son Caesar will unite England in the future. If Caesar was in the hands of the French when Calais was in the hands of the French, it would be troublesome. Because if Caesar sent troops to capture the Calais fortress, the French had no way to take England across the sea, but they could attack the North Sea country that was also on the European continent. After all, Caesar is also the heir to the North Sea.

If Calais Fortress has been in England, it will be different. Just as the algorithmic country threatened the North Sea country to ask for the Calais fortress, Caesar could also refrain from saying that the main battles in England would not let it. When the time comes, looking for his generals to act as a "disagreement between the king and the minister" will be able to dump the pot.

Therefore, at this juncture, Marin does not want the French to use this loophole to seize the fortress of Calais. Then he asked the pope's father-in-law to help Gonzalo make an "first offense" excuse, and emphasized that he would no longer pardon such behavior in the future ...

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