Chapter 1699: Arrival in Persia

The pig breeds brought by the Spanish from the homeland are very famous in later generations. Of course, not this kind of pig is famous, but the food made by this pig-Iberian ham is very famous.

This native Spanish pig called Iberian black-hoofed pig is not large in size and has little reproductive ability. However, it is the closest breed to wild boar in European domestic pigs, so after returning to the mountain forest, its character is also more fierce than that of ordinary wild boars.

Its flesh is not tender and rough. However, it is good for curing ham. Moreover, this domestic pig is also raised in a unique way in Spain-it is free-range.

Generally speaking, the Spaniards will stock Iberian black hoof pigs raised to 10 months old in the wild. Of course, not just in the wild, but in the oak forest. From 10 months to 24 months, these Iberian black-hoofed pigs mainly feed on acorns and weeds that fall in the oak forest and grow freely. Because they happily spread in the woods, they were all muscles and had no fat. If it is cooked or braised, it is not suitable. However, it is a must for making ham.

Of course, this group of Iberian black-hoofed pigs stocked on the island of Haiti has a problem, the main problem is-these pigs are not castrated ...

Pigs without castration will inevitably smell fishy. Only underage piglets and suckling pigs do not have those strange smells. Therefore, roast suckling pigs are very popular in Europe. But I really want to eat adult pork, especially boar that is not castrated ... that's okay ...

Fortunately, the curing of ham and sausage requires the use of spices, but it covers these odors. Of course, the smell of adult boar meat is still relatively difficult to cover, sow is okay. However, if you put enough spices, you can cover up the smell, but you can't eat the original taste of pork.

Marin planned to send people to dig traps and set traps to wipe out these wild boars. Then, killed too fiercely. Others, except those that were kept, were castrated and returned to the forest for free-range rearing. Then, he sent people to Spain to learn the technique of making ham, and made a copy of Iberian ham.

As for horses and cows, including goats, naturally they all came back to continue to raise and serve. It is said that the famous American Pinto and Texas longhorn cattle of the later generations were all the cattle and horses that were raised after Spain abandoned the colony on the Texas side. Then, it was used by local Indians for capture service. The famous Indian cavalry was developed by picking up the horses of Spain's abandoned colony, mainly developed near the border between the United States and Mexico in later generations.

The same is true of the origin of Texas longhorn cattle, which breed quickly in the Texas area. By the time of the American Civil War, it actually bred to the scale of 5 million cattle.

The emergence of American cowboys has a lot to do with the Texas Longhorns. At the time, after the end of the American Civil War, the northern industry developed greatly, but the northern industrial products and food were both in short supply, except for cattle, especially cattle.

In Chicago, a cow sold for $ 40 (one dollar at the time was equivalent to 1.6 grams of gold or 24 grams of silver, equivalent to an ocean), and it was in short supply. In Texas, the population was only a few hundred thousand at the time, but cattle were more than 5 million. The most important thing is-the local Texas longhorn cattle only sell for 2 dollars per head ...

Twenty times as much profit drives some daring young people to drive a large herd of cattle through the entire state of Texas and to the Kansas State Railroad to transport cattle to metropolises such as Chicago.

Along the way, not only do you sleep in the wind, but also deal with robbers. Therefore, the cowboys at that time were accustomed to carrying revolvers, riding horses, and chasing longhorn bulls all over the mountains ... Then, with the development of the "Western Movement", these bold cowboys with revolvers , And broke into the west to find a chance to make a fortune, or go to herd ...

Revolvers, horses and longhorns are classic images of American western cowboys. Of course, it is not as good as it is in the movie, but full of blood and killing.

Marin is actually not interested in longhorns, mainly because their horns are too long! Even if they are very docile and can shake their heads casually, they may accidentally hurt their companions or cowboys.

Therefore, Marin actually prefers hornless cattle. Even if there are thousands of such cows, there is no need to worry that the cows use the horns for **** fights, nor do they have to worry about the cows being hurt by the cows.

However, there are thousands of longhorn cows on Haiti Island right now. Exactly, it is not a waste to cultivate land and grow tobacco.

In fact, the best service cattle in the tropics is the zebu in India. But now Marin doesn't have many oxen, so he can only make use of those long horns first. Thousands of longhorn cows are used well, but they can grow tens of thousands of acres. In any case, these cattle are adapted to the hot climate of Haiti. Because, those long-horned cows that have not adapted to the tropical climate have long died ...


Just when Marin was exhausted about the tobacco growing industry and livestock problems on the underwater island, a team of ships came to the Strait of Hormuz in Asia ...

This is the fleet of artillery traders sent by Marin to Persia, consisting of four 250-class armed merchant ships. In fact, only one boat is enough to sell artillery. After all, this is just the first contact.

But ~ ~ This year had a high risk of navigation, and the Persian route was opened for the first time, so for safety, Marin sent four armed merchant ships.

Moreover, these four ships, although the other three ships did not bring the goods back, but they can bring the goods back!

Although after consultation with Portugal, the merchant ships of the North Sea country are not allowed to purchase the most famous popular goods such as Persian carpets and silk from Persia, but they can carry animals in large quantities!

Persia is a country with a major animal husbandry. Although there are also agriculture in the two river basins under Iraq and in the northern Caspian Sea, most areas are still dominated by animal husbandry. Therefore, the most important thing in Persia is the horses, cattle and sheep. Of course, there are fewer cows, because cattle are mainly used for agricultural areas, and the other is to eat meat. But cattle have horns, and bulls are more combative, and are more likely to hurt each other or even herders. Therefore, in the animal husbandry area, the proportion of cattle raising is relatively small. Unless, you can find a more gentle breed. But compared with horses and sheep, the amount of cattle raised is still relatively small.

This time, the four 250-class armed merchant ships carried a total of 40 "Fran machine guns" as trading commodities. In addition, there are 200 matchlock guns.

Moreover, Marin also sent artillery and musketeers who were acquainted with the operation, intending to personally show it to Persian Shah Ismail I ...