Chapter 1693: Benefits of apprenticeship

Although Robert has been announced by Yulius II as a cardinal, he can only assume his role as an adult. However, Robert is seven or eight years away from adulthood, and Julius II may not be able to wait for that time.

Therefore, in the future, Robert will be in the Holy See, and he needs to hold another thigh. And what thigh can be thicker than the next pope?

In fact, Marin had already greeted Giovanni di Lorenzo de Medici before, but Giovanni di Lorenzo de Medici seemed to pay little attention to this . After all, Marin did not explain Robert's relationship with him.

After consulting with the pope's father-in-law, this time Marin finally decided to showdown with Giovanni Di Lorenzo de Medici to reveal Robert's identity.

Sure enough, after listening to Marin's words, Giovanni Di Lorenzo de Medici's doubts finally figured out. No wonder Marin will send troops south to **** Julius II to compete for the position of Pope. It turned out that he had long slept with his daughter and had children ...

The son-in-law sent troops to help his father-in-law fight for the pope ... Hey, it's exciting ...

Giovanni Di Lorenzo de Medici did not dare to reject Marin, because Robert was the grandson of Pope! If he refuses to take care of him, the pope will be able to find another obedient training instead of himself. Moreover, as the majority shareholder, Siena Bank, Marin, will also support another person ...

Therefore, he must accept the student and be a baby. Although the teacher-student relationship in Europe is not as close as in ancient China, it is much more intimate than the average person. At least, in the future, Robert will have an open pope teacher in the Holy See, and most people would not dare to offend him easily ...

When Giovanni Di Lorenzo de Medici very solemnly touched the Bible and vowed to take care of Robert like his own children, from Marin's smiling face, Giovanni Di Lorenzo de Medici knew that his future pope ’s seat was stable ...

This is the exchange of interests. Giovanni Di Lorenzo de Medici agreed to take care of Robert in the future, and vowed. In return, Robert's pro-papal pope will also vote for Li and even help him suppress his competitors. And Marin, the rich man, will not be stingy with funds to support him.

Of course, Archbishop Giovanni is still young and has never seen Angela before. If he knew that Marin ’s real wife Angela was also the daughter of the Pope, it would be crazy. After all, one person monopolizes the two daughters of the current pope, this story is crazy ...

In order to protect Angela, Marin arranged Angela's new identity from the beginning. And Julius II also announced that Angela was gone long ago. Change to an older cardinal Roman cardinal, and see Angela probably recognize it. And Giovanni Di Lorenzo de Medici was too young. When he went to Rome, the family of Julius II, who was Archbishop of Rovere, was killed by the former Pope Alexander VI. Long ago fled Rome. Therefore, he naturally had not seen the two daughters of Julius II.

Marin and Julius II did this because according to European inheritance law, the descendants of illegitimate children had no right to inherit. Therefore, Marin Ning Angela is the daughter of the ordinary knight Nelson family, not a pope illegitimate daughter. Otherwise, there will be a lot of trouble in the future.

And Robert is taking the church route, without this trouble. Because there are too many illegitimate children of nobles in the church ... Moreover, the church does not stipulate that illegitimate children cannot be popes. Only the secular nobles have such restrictions ...

Therefore, Marin and Julius II desperately covered up Angela's origins, but did not intend to completely hide Robert's origins. Anyway, the church doesn't care about that. Of course, not everyone can know these secrets. Only the future Pope Leo X is qualified to know such secrets ...


However, Marin did not propose any conditions for Leo X to train Robert as the Pope's successor. Because, it is too early to say this. Even, Robert himself did not know that Marin had such a plan.

After all, Robert is still a child, and if he knew this at this time, if his mouth was not strict, he shook the secret out ... Maximilian I ’s lesson is not far ...

At that time, Maximilian I had not yet grown into a wise monarch, and he was still a bear child and a second grader. Because he publicly expressed his desire to unify Germany, later, it became the nail of the German princes ...

Robert would shake this secret out at a young age. When he arrives in Rome, he will surely become a target, even if he becomes a pope student. Before the competition, everyone will work together to suppress him ...

Therefore, Marin would never mention that plan until Robert matured. Even Felix knew that it was very important and would not talk casually.

In fact, it seems that Leo X did not live for a few years. However, the few years he was in power happened to be the most important years for Robert to grow into adulthood.

Moreover, within a few years of Leo X ’s death, his cousin Giulio di Giuliano de Medici would become Pope Clement VII and continue to occupy the Pope for the Medici family Bit.

Clement VII probably lived around 1534, that is, 20 years later. Twenty years later, Robert is 30 years old and has the capital to stand on the Holy See. At that time, it was when he was operating as the pope. Before that, what Robert had to do was to have a firm foothold in the Holy See and had the right to speak.


In fact, to recognize a future pope as a teacher, in addition to the backing, there is a hidden benefit, that is-easy leave!

Marin did not actually intend to allow Robert to stay in the Holy See for a long time before he became an adult, but intended to allow Robert to take a long vacation at home. You can teach him if you have time.

If there is no strong relationship in the Holy See, it is usually difficult to return home to visit once. But with the future pope as a teacher, it is different. As the teacher and the pope's biggest priest, the pope is fully qualified to grant Robert a long vacation so that he does not have to stay in Rome all day.

The reason for the leave is also very simple-study tour!

It is not only the ancient Chinese scholars who will travel around. In Europe, church priests can also travel around. Moreover, because all European countries are within the sphere of influence of the church, priests can travel and eat anywhere in the local church for free.

For example, Copernicus, the great astronomer, was born into the church, and his uncle was the local archbishop of Poland. There was an uncle who was Archbishop, and Copernicus was also a second-generation senior in the church. Therefore, when he was young, he could travel around Europe. There is a letter of introduction from the uncle of the Archbishop, so I do n’t worry about others not giving face. Moreover, Copernicus University can also go to any place. First went to university in Krakow, and then went to the University of Bologna at Italy for further education, and then went to the University of Padova ...

When I was 40 years old ~ ~ I went to Ferrara University to get a doctorate in religious law. It can be said that this buddy is addicted to college, and he does not stop when he is 40 ... Of course, they are the nephew of the archbishop, and it is easy to say that entering a church-run university ...


By analogy with Copernicus' experience, Marin did not want to add Robert to college. However, it is possible to stay in Aurich for a long time in the name of studying abroad. After all, Aurich also has a university and a theological department. Robert can follow the instruction of Master Flicker Taylor to teach Flicker skill a little bit.

Not right. Bishop Taylor flickered, mainly civilians with little culture. The old foxes who want to flicker the Holy See are not successful. However, learning more is not a bad thing. Moreover, staying at home before adulthood can also cultivate good brotherhood with Caesar. After all, Marin still expects the two brothers to cooperate with each other ...

Otherwise, if it does n’t matter, poor little Robert, he will stay in the old fox all over Rome for a long time. I do n’t know what will be done by those old foxes ...

In short, after worshipping the future pope as a teacher, not only will no one dare to bully in the future, but also to take long vacations to stay at home for a long time, without having to go to Rome too early to face the old foxes.