Chapter 1676: Portuguese want to expedite Daming?

In fact, the Portuguese are very envious of Marin's use of the island of Taiwan as a territory to challenge the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, and they also want to learn.

However, they did not know that the reason why Marin passed through and became Daming himself was not because he was willing to be a champion, but because he offered the high-yield sweet potato crop. For the Daming empire based on agriculture, Marin has made great contributions to this move, and is naturally eligible to become Daming's "own man".

Portugal is different. The Portuguese do n’t have this kind of artifact to offer food, they only know how to use money to buy things. Such a person is optional for Daming, and naturally he can be a bird.

What's more, Portugal actually occupied the capital of the Kingdom of Manchuria (the Kingdom of Malacca), and also occupied a large amount of his territory. This is just hitting the face of the Ming Dynasty. If Liu Daxia had hidden the nautical charts, the militant Zhengde Emperor almost wanted to restore the treasure ship team and went south to compete with the Portuguese.

Fortunately, the most important enemy of the Daming Empire is Mongolia. Zhengde is now thinking of preparing for Mongolia, so he has no trouble finding the Portuguese who occupy Malacca.

However, several times the Ming court sent messengers to ask the Portuguese to withdraw, but they were rejected by the Portuguese. At this time, the face of the Daming Empire could not be held. As a result, the Portuguese were completely banned from coming to Daming, and any officials who colluded with the Portuguese were severely punished. As a result, both sides turned their faces completely.

The Portuguese are also depressed. If they had discovered the super tin mine Kuala Lumpur with huge reserves, they would have nothing to do if they gave up Malacca. Big deal, go to occupy Luzon Island, learn Marin to Daming as a vassal state. But the existence of Kuala Lumpur's super-large tin mine makes the Portuguese really unable to let go. Therefore, he could only watch He Daming turn over.

Right now, since the two parties could not get along peacefully, the Portuguese government and opposition began to discuss how to deal with it.

Obviously, without intending to give up Malacca, Portugal and the Daming Empire have no possibility of getting along peacefully. However, they were reluctant to let the Portuguese give up the trade benefits of the Daming Empire.

In the end, the Portuguese government and consensus reached a consensus that Portugal intends to dispatch the fleet, expedite Daming, attack the coastal areas of Fujian and Guangdong, and force the Ming Dynasty to make concessions.

The Portuguese were not as arrogant as the Spaniards, and they did not think that sending a fleet would conquer the Daming Empire (historically the Spaniards really planned to send more than 10,000 people to conquer the Ming Empire). Of course, the reason why the Spaniards put forward such a brain-dead plan was probably because the Aztec empire and the Inca empire were conquered by a small number of people.

But the Ming Dynasty and those barbarian empire were not the same thing at all. Neither the Aztec Empire nor the Inca Empire had metal weapons, cavalry, or firearms. But the Ming Dynasty had it all. Although the fighting power of the Ming Dynasty Southeast Guard was worse, the northern frontier was still very powerful. Therefore, after hearing about this plan, the Chinese people in later generations felt extremely funny.

The Portuguese were not as mentally handicapped as the Spaniards, but their ships surveyed the coast of the Ming Dynasty until the navy of the Ming Dynasty had average combat effectiveness. Although there are many ships, they are mainly small boats and still at the level of side-by-side battles.

The Portuguese government and the public believe that if a powerful fleet of 30 warships is dispatched, it will not be said that they can defeat the Ming Dynasty, but there is no problem in destroying the Ming Dynasty sailors. Once you have gained a huge advantage in naval battles, you wo n’t worry about the Ming Dynasty ’s uncompromising ...

Therefore, the Portuguese concentrated their national strength and formed a fleet of 30 warships of two to three hundred tons. The battleship was equipped with a lot of Franc cannons, ready to be used against the Ming Dynasty naval division.

And the commander of this expeditionary fleet is the famous Dagama ...


After the Marin spy stationed in Lisbon learned the news, he quickly sent his pigeons to report to Marin. After receiving the report, Marin was also dumbfounded that the Portuguese played a lot ...

Marin shook his head and smiled because he knew that the Ming Dynasty was a country that would never give in. Even if the Portuguese navy really wiped out the sailors, the Ming Dynasty would never succumb. What's more, the current emperor Daming is an extremely warlike Zhengde.

Therefore, the Portuguese will not get the desired results. Even if it prevailed for a while, it would anger the Daming Empire. By that time, the Ming Empire was fighting with the power of the whole nation, and the Portuguese were absolutely not pleased.


However, after thinking about the consequences, Marin's face changed ...

Why? Because Marin thought that if the Portuguese really angered the Daming Empire, Zhengde might develop the navy desperately. By that time, Daming had a navy and was likely to go to sea to **** profits.

After all, Liu Daxia must get the nautical charts and shipbuilding materials no matter how hard it is to fight with Portugal. Otherwise, it will inevitably last forever.

By that time, the Ming Dynasty, which restored the treasure ship fleet ~ ~, it was easy to make a few more "Zheng He's Voyages" Once the people of the Ming Dynasty went abroad, what was Marin?

Presumably, when Marin dispatched a large army to invade Japan, the Japanese Japanese king asked Daming for help, and the Ming Dynasty Bao Fleet would also intervene.

Marin is not afraid of the strength of the Ming Dynasty fleet, but is afraid that both sides will turn their faces and break the trade route ...


Therefore, this battle cannot be lost in the Ming Dynasty. Otherwise, the enraged Ming Dynasty might explode the treasure ship. Once the treasure ship is built, it will definitely not be put in the port to rot.

In order to ensure that the Ming Dynasty can win, Marin can only find a way to secretly help the Ming Dynasty ...

After thinking about it, Marin finally decided to send a letter to the Ming Dynasty in advance. At the same time, he sent a batch of 12-pound Napoleon guns to the Ming court. He even dedicated the cannon casting method to Zhengde.

Right now, the Portuguese warship is not big, and the main gun is 12 pounds. If there were a batch of 12-pound guns in the Ming Dynasty, the Portuguese warships would not be lost. Even if a few guns could not be placed on the Ming Dynasty warships, the Ming Dynasty sailors could not be built. A ship is equipped with three or four doors, and hundreds of ships are thousands of doors. I am not afraid of the small Portuguese warships.

Therefore, Marin sent 20 12-pound Napoleon guns, and sent a craftsman who knew how to use mud film to cast cannons (iron mold casting cannons are the secret of the North Sea State, not to be told), personally went to Daming to guide the Ministry of Industry The cannon craftsman casts a 12-pound Napoleon cannon.

Marin's men took the route to Panama first and then across the Pacific Ocean. Although the road is further away, it is faster than the Portuguese fleet because of the smooth sailing in the Pacific Ocean. As long as the Ming Empire is prepared in advance, the Portuguese will not be pleased.

Of course, Marin is not concerned about whether Portugal can take advantage. He was only worried that the Ming Dynasty would restore the treasure ship fleet. As long as the treasure ship fleet did not resume, the Ming Dynasty's trade was still monopolized by him. This is huge profits, and there is no room for loss ...