Chapter 1661: Wooden armor and Indian liquor trade

Under the leadership of the original 2000 colonial army led by Albert, 3000 selected honest and strong German peasants began to put on new weapons and armor for various combat training in the jungle.

And what is very interesting is that the armor they put on is called plate armor, but it is not a plate armor made of steel, but a plate armor made of wood ...

In other words, these 3,000 honest and strong recruits are wearing wooden plate armor. Why is this so? At the beginning, the armor promoted by Marin was actually a piece of wood armor similar to a mahjong mat. In Europe, in order to enhance the defense force, the wood chip armor worn by ordinary soldiers will also nail a thin iron piece on the surface of the wood chip to enhance the defense force against the cold weapons.

But in the North American colony, when Albert ordered the craftsmen to build the wood chip armor, a group of carpenters was lazy and troubled to make the wood chip armor. They simply put the wood chip armor on the breastplate, simulating the shape of the authentic plate armor, and directly using a saw It was sawn into the shape of two boards at the front and back, and made into a breastplate similar to the breastplate cavalry.

Albert started to be angry, but the lazy carpenter was eloquent, saying that this plate armor was enough to defend against the inferior weapons of the Indians. As a result, after testing, this humble "plate armor" of two wooden boards was actually able to withstand the Indian bow and arrow ...

Of course, for the lower body, you can't just saw wood for leg armor. Reluctantly, she had to use wood chips to make skirts. As for the protection on the arm, after the arrival of the Han artificial boat craftsman, weaving the willow basket and weaving it into a shape of arm guard with two branches were placed on the arms at both ends. As for the helmet, it is naturally a wooden helmet ...

In this way, a set of nondescript "plate armor" consisting of a wooden helmet, a wooden breastplate, a wood piece armor skirt and two armguards made of branches was popularized in the American colonies.

The original two thousand colonial army still wore a full set of wood chip armor that had been made before, and many veterans' wood chips were also covered with iron skin. Of course, Albert also has a very special army of 50 members of the Spike Commando who participated in the killing of King James IV of Scotland. However, because these 50 Spike Commando members bear undisclosed charges, they are usually low-key, do not wear plate armor, and do not use mace. Only when New York where Albert is located is under great threat, these masters dressed as ordinary guards will put on a full set of plate armor and play in the Langya list ...

As for the 3000 recruits, they are all new wooden "plate armor sets". As for weapons, recruits use shields and one-handed swords because of their strong bodies.

But their shields were also weakened, and the shields they used were basket-like shields woven from branches cut from locally cut trees.

This kind of basket shield has no defense against guns. Even in the face of swords and strong bows of the old world, the effect is not very good. However, the weapons used to defend the Indians ... such a willow-like gadget is enough ...

Albert was a little uneasy, and he let 1,000 veterans under the guidance of old hunters and hounds, with 3,000 recruits, launched a new round of offensive. As a result, a Shawnee tribe on the west bank of the Delaware River was defeated.

The Shawnee ’s weapons were so bad that they could n’t get the shields of the recruits similar to the baskets. Then, more than 600 people from this tribe were defeated and captured, and they were escorted by the soldiers to help cut trees and work.

The Shawnee are a group of Indians. At present, there are several tribes that live in Pennsylvania and parts of northwest Virginia, as well as later forests in eastern Ohio.

By the 17th century, the Iroquois who had made friends with the British went south from the north and drove the Shawnee from the central and eastern Pennsylvania area to the Ohio area.

But now, the Pennsylvania area is still dominated by the Shawnee. However, it seems that the Shawnee are really not very good at fighting. Their rough stone weapons make it difficult to break through the defense of the North Sea colonial army, even the most rough wooden "plate armor set." Before conquering the tribe called Sosi's Delaware West Bank, none of the colonial army died. Only two recruits were injured by the enemy's stone hammer because of inexperience. But the injuries were not serious.

Because there were no casualties, the leader of the colonial army, Klenks, did not kill the Shawnee, but only drove them to work. Outside of work, Kronx gave the young Shawnee a full meal.

In the process of eating and drinking, Kronx discovered a very unexpected situation. Shawnee loves to drink ...

Because there is too much grain production and nowhere to sell, the brewing industry in Beihai is very developed and the wine is extremely abundant. In order to appease the homesickness of the colonial soldiers, Marin provided them with enough wine.

For example, Kronx, the colonial army he led, the most important supplies, there are large barrels of wine. Among them, the most popular is probably rye Erguotou mixed with sucrose.

However, the authentic Erguotou is too strong for Europeans to drink. Therefore, the rye Erguotou supplied to the army is actually only a moderate wine with more than 20 degrees. This kind of wine is actually a dark beer brewed by rye. It has been distilled a few times and deliberately formed a moderate wine. After adding sucrose, it is very suitable for the booze of the rough man.

Not only the colonial army generals liked it, but even the Shawnee who were forced to work also liked it. The first time he drank this moderate wine, the Shawnee drunk. But when eating the next day, the Shawnee clamored for drinks ...

Kronx was very upset, but suddenly thought of something ...

A few days later, Albert received a letter from Kronx. In the letter, Kronx suggested that Albert use the ship ’s wine from the country to trade with the Indians.

Albert was suspicious ~ ~ and sent someone to Albany to invite some Delaware, let them help contact those Shawnee people, intends to use wine to trade with each other and buy fur.

As a result, several Delaware men invited by Albert secretly drank the wine first, and they were all drunk and unconscious ...

"Well, no need to ask, I know the preferences of the Indians ..." Albert concluded.

Then, multiple caravans went to the western jungle area, under the protection of the guards, and several Shawnee tribes took over, and successfully reached a trade agreement.

With the temptation of drinking, several Shawnee tribes did not hesitate to agree to help hunt beavers to obtain **** skin and **** incense.

At the same time, Albert also sent a letter to Garland of Cape Breton Island, asking him to try to trade with the Indians in Canada with wine.

But unlike the Penn area, the northern Indians across Cape Breton Island seem to prefer the 40-degree version of rye Erguotou because of the cold climate, and some even prefer the authentic Erguotou above 53 °. However, Albert's judgment is not wrong. Most Indians like to drink ...