Chapter 1653: French Mamluk?

The French population composition is very complex, and its indigenous people are Gauls. Therefore, France was later dubbed the "Gaul Rooster". But the Gauls were first conquered by the Roman Empire and began to be Romanized. Subsequently, with the collapse of the Roman Empire, the Germans invaded again.

The origin of the name "France" comes from the most important Germanic group that invaded France-the Franks. However, after all, France was dominated by Gauls. Although the Franks conquered the French region, the number was not dominant, so they gradually merged with the Gauls. Even language has begun to influence each other. In the end, the Germanic language used by the Franks and the Latin language used by the local Gauls merged into another language, Romance, the official name of which is French.

In other words, the conquest of France by the Franks is a bit like the entry of Manchu and Qing Dynasty, but it is quite different. With the entry of the Manchus into the Qing Dynasty, the number is too small, and there is no cultural heritage in itself. Therefore, in addition to the ugly braided head and clothing, in fact, the culture is assimilated by the Han people.

Unlike in France, the Franks have a firm foothold in France. Moreover, although the Franks are at a disadvantage, the number of tens of thousands is not as high as the tens of thousands of Hans as in the Manchus. Therefore, there is no question of who is stronger than anyone in the integration of both sides. In other words, the Franks and Gauls were all illiterate. Therefore, when the two ethnic groups merge, they can only compromise with each other, and then get a French that is neither Germanic nor Latin, which is a mix of two languages.

As a simple example, this is like a mix of Chinese and Japanese. A man was angry and yelled-"Ba Ga, I will kill you tenderly!" ... It's just so nondescript ...

In terms of race, the French nation has not yet formed. The main population in the northern part of France is a mixture of Franks and Gauls, while the southern part is mainly of Gaul descent. In addition, there are many Burgundian (also Germanic) descendants in the eastern border area, and some Basques in the southwest ...

The French have really begun to merge north and south, but also thanks the British. Through the "Hundred Years' War", the Germans, Gauls in northern France and Gauls in the south began to unify and began to merge.

However, the northern Germanic and Gaul races have too much political advantage. Therefore, in later generations of France, Northern French was the main language, and Southern Gaul was gradually replaced by French in the Paris dialect.

The integration of France between the North and the South began with great strides since the end of the centuries-old war between Britain and France. Before, there was a big difference between North and South. However, only a few decades after the end of the Hundred Years' War, the southern region is still highly luxuriant, but the influence of the northern culture dominated by Greater Paris is deepening ...


In other words, France has not yet formed a unified language and culture. Not only is there a difference between North and South, but there are also large differences in the eastern border areas. For example, the Burgundians on the eastern border are more complicated. The original subjects of the Principality of Burgundy had a very complicated lineage. They were originally descended from a Burgundian of the Germans, but after coming to the border between France and Germany, they later intermarried with the Franks and Gauls, forming a hybrid of three major bloodlines. Of course, because two of the three lineages are Germanic. Therefore, the Germanic culture is preserved more. Moreover, the locality and the German region are close to each other and are greatly influenced by German culture.

Moreover, in this era, Burgundy is the most famous wine producing region in Europe. Before the rise of wine in Bordeaux, Burgundy was the most famous wine region in Europe. Moreover, many top wineries in later generations are also in Burgundy. In front of Burgundy wine, Bordeaux wine is a younger brother. Right now, the wines of the Bordeaux region can only be regarded as middle and lower class, and the top class wines are in Burgundy.

Because of the French-German border, the German nobles and priests also favored the high-end wines of Burgundy. Therefore, the Burgundy region and the German region have very close contacts. Many Burgundians speak not only French but also German.

Marin sent a spy to buy wine in Burgundy, a Burgundy who can speak German as well as French. However, the man is currently from the Franche Comté region under the control of the Habsburg family, and was formerly the Grand Duchy of Burgundy. Currently, Franche Comté is under the Habsburg family and the official language is German. Therefore, it is easy to recruit talents who understand both German and French in Franche Comté.

Because of the great influence of the German region, it was only a few decades after it was incorporated into the Kingdom of France, that was, it was annexed after the death of the bold Duke of Burgundy in 1477. Therefore, the original Burgundy region has not yet fully integrated into the French cultural circle, but is influenced by both French and German culture. Serfdom, for example, is relatively common in Burgundy. The spies under Kohler's men also saw the sale of serf boys at the fair in the Principality of Burgundy.

Moreover, the Principality of Burgundy, later Burgundy, is a densely populated area. However, except for the area within the Paris basin in the northwest corner, most other areas are plateaus and hills. Otherwise, it will not help growing grapes. Because the grapes do not need to be plain, it is very suitable for planting on the hillside.

However, because the farmland is scarce, in this agricultural era, there are not many people to feed. Most of the local million people are engaged in wine-related industries. Many of the manor serf-children had too many children, so they could only find ways to send the children to other manor houses or sell them to others as servants. Otherwise, you can't support yourself.

It is said that every year thousands of surplus population are exchanged by manor owners in Burgundy, or forced to travel far away to make a living.


After hearing all of this, Malin suddenly thought, intending to buy some Burgundy boy back, and then cultivate into the male labor needed. In the years when these Burgundian boys grew up, Marin can send people to teach them German ~ ~ while brainwashing education, make them forget the past, and be loyal to themselves.

In this era, there was no nationalism in France, nor was there a big flicker called Dude. Therefore, Marin can safely train those French teenagers into the labor force he needs.

In fact, this is not unusual at all. For example, England has been digging the corners of the Flemish region for years to recruit local woolen craftsmen and woolen workers. Otherwise, the wool industry in England will not develop.

During the Protestant War, many religious refugees from the old and new sects could not keep moving between Germany and France. In short, this is an era of less national attention. As long as there is food to eat, ordinary people don't care which country they live in. Of course, in this era of Europe, it is difficult for people of different religions to coexist. Like Turkey, because it is of different religions, it was jointly targeted by Christian nations across Europe. As for the nation, it is secondary.

Suddenly, Marin remembered that the Egyptian Mamluk cavalry seemed to be a cavalry of the deceased class trained with Circassian slaves.

"Maybe, can I train my Mamluk cavalry with a French teenager?" Marin suddenly thought of this ...

Marin doesn't care about the life and death of French teenagers. He can buy a group of strong French teenagers and then throw them into the brutal Mamluk cavalry training camp. Then, let them fight each other, and the person who finally survived becomes their elite cavalry ...

Then, Marin attacked France with the Mamluk cavalry composed of French teenagers, plundering more people ...

"Gquack--" Marin made a murky laugh when he thought of the excitement ... what could be more exciting than using the French to cut the French?