Chapter 1650: Kong Tai suggested chewing betel nut?

In fact, when the Portuguese explored the Indian Ocean route in 1507, they sent ships to the Indian Ocean east of Madagascar to find new routes. At that time, the Portuguese failed to explore a new route, but they stopped at Mauritius Island and saw such a huge, stupid bird.

However, because of the failure to explore new routes, the Portuguese never visited Mauritius in the future. It was not until 90 years later that the Dutch also came to Mauritius, and humans began the process of hunting the dodo ...

Marin wanted to get the specific coordinates of Mauritius from the Portuguese sailors, but the Portuguese sailors did not know the latitude and longitude, just said that in the east of the island of Madagascar, it did not say. Therefore, we have to rely on Marin's fleet to find it himself.

Of course, looking for the dodo is just incidental. It is the right thing to find Perth for Merino. At most, when returning home, the fleet can only find a dodo.

Malin thought about it and canceled the plan to return to Australia's southern coast. Instead, he planned to allow the fleet to return from the east wind of the Indian Ocean at 30 degrees south latitude and find Mauritius by the way.

This is so because Marin does not want the fleet to find the southeastern Australia with a good climate. The climate there is indeed very good, but Marin has no population to immigrate to Australia. Therefore, it is better not to let those sailors to find there.

As for the coastal areas of Perth and Western Australia, even if the news spreads, no one will care about Australia. Historically, after the Dutch occupied the Spice Islands and Java, they sent people south to visit Australia. As a result, the western coast of Australia near Java Island is mostly a tropical desert area, and only Perth can live barely because of the river nearby. Therefore, the Dutch have little interest in Australia at all. Even if the navigator Tasman later discovered Tasmania and New Zealand on the southeast, it was not too remote and did not interest the Dutch.

After all, the Netherlands is a commercial country, with more emphasis on spices and trade and no interest in farming. It wasn't until the British lost 13 North American states that there was no place to exile prisoners.

Marin now has no manpower to develop Australia, so I do not want to leak out the news about the suitability of immigrants in the southeast of Australia. Therefore, it is appropriate to find only arid areas on the west coast of Australia. By that time, Spain, which already occupied the Spice Islands in the north, even sent people to see only the endless tropical desert on the northwest coast of Australia, and there was no idea of ​​competition.

Marin intends to now graze Merino sheep in large numbers by the Swan River in Perth and introduce Arabian horses for breeding and expanding herds. In addition, Marin also intends to introduce Scotland's Hornless Angus cattle and throw them in Perth to graze.

Hornless Angus cattle are small and not suitable for farming, so they are only suitable for raising meat. The Australian prairie is obviously also a suitable place for Angus cattle to survive. After all, the Angus cattle of later generations in Australia are also quite famous.

In the future, the Western Australian grassland on the Swan River near Perth will provide merino wool, Angus beef and Arabian horses for the North Sea country ...

However, Marin suddenly remembered-it seems that Australia is still an indigenous world in this era. If only dozens of ordinary farmers were sent in the past, they might be destroyed by the native Australians.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Mariinth decided to send 500 German Cossacks to establish a small town in Perth, and also to drive and destroy the local indigenous people.

The authentic Cossack Marin certainly does not want to be sent here. If they are occupied by the anti-guests and build a country, Marin will be ashamed. Therefore, Marin will only send German Cossacks composed of Germans to develop here. Moreover, it must be a German Cossack loyal to himself. Only in this way can we ensure that this part of Australia is free from its control.

In fact, for the arid grasslands of western Australia, Hungarian herders who are used to nomadic life are more adapted. In particular, of the tens of thousands of Hungarian prisoners of war that Marin had previously obtained, there were 20,000 or 30,000 cavalry prisoners of war. These people are all ruthless characters who are good at riding and cutting people, and they must adapt to the grassland life over there.

But where did Marin dare to let Hungarians go to Australia? Sure, the gang would be out of their control right there, and a Magyar country in the city would let Marin fly. Therefore, Marin is only willing to let those Hungarians go to North America. Moreover, they must live with German farmers from Württemberg. Moreover, they must learn to speak German and become German as soon as possible. Otherwise, it is a huge hidden danger.

Therefore, in the face of the vast Australian continent, Marin would rather only build a German Cossack village, and would never be willing to let the more suitable Hungarian Magyar go there.


Just as Marin was planning to send a fleet and was looking for a route to Western Australia, there were two more 250-class armed merchant ships filled with Ming cargo in Panama.

The large amount of silk, porcelain and tea on the ship made Marin's eyes full of light. These are all money! As long as it is auctioned in major European cities such as Paris, London, Hamburg, Lübeck, Venice, Rome, Milan and Florence, it can bring a lot of cash flow to Marin.

Marlin's surplus food may not get much cash flow. After all, for the average person, food is enough. However, for those rich aristocrats and businessmen, luxury goods are indispensable. Only these luxury goods from the Ming Empire can meet their "noble identity".

Why are most European nobles of this era unable to make ends meet? Not because they spend most of their money on luxury goods. If you simply eat, wear, and live, you won't spend a few dollars. But most European nobility owed debts in this era because they spent too much money on luxury goods.

But their luxurious lifestyle is Marin's favorite. Because they may not pay for more food (after all, European nobles are big landlords, whose family has no surplus food? The poor people who lack food cannot pay), but when they encounter luxury goods they like But he would throw a lot of money without frowning. Moreover, they compare with each other ...

If there are two big nobles with similar status, if your family has porcelain and the other family does not, the family without it will feel very disgraceful. Then, if you smash the pot and sell the iron, you have to buy it back to support the scene ...

So, whether you can get the gold and silver hidden in those nobles' houses depends on these luxury goods. Although, these so-called luxury goods are also ordinary goods in the Ming Dynasty ...


However, what surprised Marin was that the Ming dynasty cargo returned with the ship also included a letter from Kong Tai and a batch of special cargo ...

What letter and what special goods? It turned out that ~ ~, the governor of Dongfan Island, suggested that chewing betel nut should be promoted in colonies in the tropical area of ​​the North Sea. And that special batch of goods was the dried betel nuts returned by Kong Tai for Marin to try ...

Marlin was full of black lines-Nima. Before Lao Tzu crossed, the whole world was discussing the carcinogenic characteristics of Penang. You also suggested that Lao Tzu chew the Penang.

However, continuing to read Kong Tai's letter, Marin's anger disappeared ...

Why? Because Kong Tai said, in the past few years as the governor of Taiwan, he found that Hakkas introduced from Hu Jian and Guangdong often chew betel nuts. Moreover, it is said that chewing Penang can resist the miasma of the southern tropical jungle ...

Contai was suddenly excited, but this is the biggest problem of colonization in the tropical jungle! Although Kong Tai has Malin's artemisinin, a magic medicine for malaria, in his hand, artemisinin is only used to treat malaria. Many of the frail people in the deserted tropical jungles often get sick because of the malaria in the jungle.

Therefore, those who have not completed the reclamation in the tropical jungle area are not suitable for the survival of ordinary people. Otherwise, it is easy to get sick.

For example, Panama controlled by Marin is a place with severe malaria. At present, Marin has only sent a thousand strong young people to control there. As for what is produced, it mainly depends on the black slaves adapted to the tropical rain forest climate. Otherwise, immigrants from the past can easily die in large numbers.

Chewing Penang can resist malaria and allow ordinary people to live normally in the tropical rainforest area, an absolute artifact!

Therefore, Kong Tai wrote to Marin, highly recommending the promotion of Penang in the tropical rainforest colonies of the North Sea country, so that everyone can chew Penang, especially the average body, to resist malaria and improve survival rate ...