Chapter 1636: Timbuktu's slave trade

In fact, it was not a day or two since Marin bought local slaves from Egypt. Previously, in order to develop the saltpetre mine in Chile, Marin bought many slaves from Egypt. Right now, Chile's saltpeter mine has been initially developed. In order to expand the scale, Marin had planned to continue to buy Egyptian slaves.

All in all, the Egyptian Mamluk dynasty is a slave dynasty. Even the name Mamluk means slave. The officers in the court were also mostly slaves of the Circassian slaves. They were trafficked to Egypt that year and entered a brutal training camp. Only the strongest group of people can survive. Then, enter the Egyptian army to serve.

However, with the expansion of the Mamluk slaves, many Mamluk slaves married and had children in Egypt, and had Mamluk offspring, which is the local Mamluk. Then, many civil servants in the Egyptian court were basically descendants of these native Mamluk slaves. However, the Mamluk dynasty's most powerful imperial guard still insisted on selecting from the Circassian slaves in the western Caucasus. However, because the Turks blocked the Turkish Strait 40 years ago, the source of Mamluk slaves was cut off, and now Egypt can only rely on the local Mamluk to fill the facade.

The Egyptians are more sad. Because the Egyptian Mamluk dynasty, whether it is a civilian or a general, is basically a descendant of the Circassian slaves, and has nothing to do with the locals.

This is similar to India. The dark-skinned native Indians eventually became untouchables and were conquered and ruled by the Aryan descendants from Central Asia.

Egyptians and Indians can be regarded as a pair of brothers and brothers. The same is the four ancient civilizations, but the natives eventually became slaves. But the original slave soldiers have become Mamluk nobles ...

Originally, Marin planned to continue buying thousands of Egyptian slaves from Egypt to dig saltpetre in the Atacama desert in Chile. However, since Mossingen opened the trade routes of the Songhai Empire, Marin changed his mind-he decided to buy local slaves from the Songhai Empire to dig the saltpetre in Chile.

Why? Because the slaves of the Songhai Empire are really cheap!

To what extent are slaves in the Songhai Empire cheap? According to Mosingen, a local black slave, a sack of salt (1 British weight, 112 pounds) can be exchanged for 10 strong and obedient black slaves, dare you believe it?

According to the price of 2 fenny per pound of salt in the North Sea country, a sack of salt is worth 224 fenny, which is 373 Gulden coins. 373 gold coins can buy 10 slaves, each slave is worth 0373 gold coins, how much cheaper?

The black slaves that Marin bought from the Duke of Coimbra in Portugal had a price of up to 40 gold coins! There is no harm without comparison, 40 gold coins and 0373 gold coins ...

Egyptian slaves are cheaper than black slaves, but they also cost a dozen or twenty gold coins, which is much more expensive than the black slaves of the Songhai Empire.

What makes Marin most tempting is that the black slaves bought from the Timbuktu market are also adapted to the harsh tropical desert climate. Because Timbuktu itself is a city on the southern edge of the Sahara Desert!

That is to say, the slaves of the Songhai Empire purchased from Timbuktu worth 0373 gold coins, like Egyptian slaves, can adapt to the climate of the desert of northern Chile, and are dozens of times cheaper!

In addition, the black slaves of Timbuktu can adapt to not only the desert climate but also the tropical rain forest climate. Because, many of the black slaves in Timbuktu were taken by the Songhai Emperor from the West African tropical rainforest area south of Timbuktu!

Therefore, Marin quickly adjusted the direction of buying slaves. As for the Egyptian slaves, he changed the method of use-all trained as Mamluk cavalry to help him fight. The Egyptian slaves in the Chilean desert were also trained as supervisors to supervise the future slaves of the Songhai Empire in Chile to dig saltpeter.

In this way, Marin can also save a lot of troops to control Chile, just send officers. Egyptians and blacks belong to different races, and they cannot collude to rebel. In this way, the use of Egyptians to manage black people can also avoid the runaway side of the saltpetre mine in Chile.

Of course, Marin couldn't just use salt to replace Timbuktu's slaves. Because if he sells too much salt, he may put down the price of Timbuktu ’s salt, resulting in not getting enough gold. Therefore, Marin intends to use other commodities and go to Timbuktu with salt to change slaves.

According to Mosingen, in Timbuktu's market, in addition to salt being expensive, sucrose from North Africa is also expensive. Mossingen saw with his own eyes that a North African beard used a small bag (about 5 pounds) of sucrose for a strong black slave.

In other words, using sugar to trade black slaves is also a way ...

On the Timbuktu market, goods from North Africa are mainly salt, weapons, horses, copper, glassware, sugar and North African handicrafts, such as footwear and woolen fabrics, and European cloth. The merchants of the Songhai Empire exported gold, slaves, ivory, spices, kola nuts and cotton fabrics.

Among them, the slave trade actually ranked ahead of the ivory trade and was the second largest category of export "commodities" in the Songhai Empire. No wonder, it seems, that the Arabs in North Africa had the vice of selling slaves hundreds of years ago. Where is there no demand?

The cruelest thing about the Arabs is that they have castrated the black slaves they bought back ... castrated ...

Many of the Kunlun slaves in the Tang Dynasty market were castrated black slaves brought by Arab merchants. They were strong and honest-can they be honest? All were castrated ...

If they were not castrated, and the openness of the Tang Dynasty women, there might be scandals that gave birth to little blacks in those giants. But the Kunlun slaves of the Tang Dynasty did not leave little black in the Central Plains. So, before they were trafficked, they had been castrated by cruel Arab slave traders ...

Of course, Marin will not be so cruel. However, in order to control Uncle Black's powerful reproductive bathing, he will first send the Black Slaves to Grenada, where there is a special ligation hospital to perform ligation operations for Uncle Black. In this way, it is not so cruel, and it controls the uncle's hopes ...

In addition to using sugar to trade black slaves, Marin also intends to use weapons to exchange black slaves. For example, the scimitar that the Arabs like to use, it is still very simple to produce in Beihai factory.

There are also muskets ~ ~ can also be sold. However, what Marin planned to sell to the Songhai Empire was the imitation of the Turks, Lu Mi. Moreover, when trading, it will also be in the name of an Egyptian businessman, not in the name of the North Sea State. Anyway, it ’s time to find some Egyptian slaves posing as Egyptian businessmen. The Arabic used by the Egyptians can be directly communicated with the merchants of the Songhai Empire. Because the Songhai Empire is also a green religion country, many people speak Arabic.

It is also sad to say that Egypt, once an ancient country with the world's first civilization, could not keep its own language. After being conquered by the Arabs, they all changed to Arabic. The ancient splendid ancient Egyptian civilization was destroyed by a group of turtles from the desert. Although Persia was also conquered by the Arab Empire, it was preserved in Persian. Of course, Persian is also deeply influenced by Arabic, and even the letters have become Arabic.

Of course, the tragic Marin of Egyptian civilization does not care. Moreover, the Egyptians speak Arabic, which saves Marin the trouble of hiring a translator. As long as the Egyptian slave German is taught, this saves the trouble of hiring an interpreter.

In the future, Marin intends to use the pseudo-Mamuruk cavalry composed of thousands of Egyptians to open up a trade route from Ayun to the Songhai Empire to transport slaves. After all, escorting slaves requires a lot of manpower. Then, these black slaves will board the ship in Ayoun and ship to America ...
