Chapter 1623: Spirits for population

Cultivated land has a "Prad plow car" with 30 acres of cultivated land per day, planted Aquilegia planted with 40 to 50 acres of land per day, harvested wheat samarium harvested with 20 acres per day, threshing has a pedal thresher ... this is all It is a 19th-century technology, and it is very appropriate to say "modern agriculture"!

The Beihai country already has more than 300,000 peasants (not including herders and fishermen). If each person grows more than 100 acres, then the Beihai country can plant 30 million acres. Even if the average yield is 200 pounds per mu, the annual grain output will be 6 billion pounds. If the average yield is 400 pounds per mu, it is more than 12 billion pounds ...

So much food can directly reduce the impact of food prices in the European market by half ...

In fact, it's more than that. Because, this time Marin also got 26,500 farmers from Württemberg, 3000 farmers from Breschgau, and 67,800 Hungarians from Hungary ...

Even if the 29,500 German farmers and 67,800 Hungarian farmers have a total of 93,700 farmers, only 50,000 people are busy planting land. Based on 100 acres of each farm, it can grow 5 million acres!

In short, the North Sea country will inevitably usher in a major agricultural outbreak, there will be a lot of food!

What do you do when you have food? Naturally it encourages childbirth!

Human reproductive potential is great. If you let go of the next life, one child a year is not a problem. But the problem is that the average poor family dare not let go of the afterlife! Because, even if you are born, you can't live!

Think about it, if a farmer has only a few acres of land, he can only produce a few thousand kilograms of grain a year (this is the level of ancient China). So, do you dare to have so many children? Thousands of pounds of grain pay taxes, leaving only a few hundred pounds. If there are few children, the couple is diligent and frugal, and usually digs more wild vegetables, but it can barely maintain. If there are many children ... they can only starve to death, or they can't help selling them to slaves in large households ... Otherwise, staying at home will starve to death ...

The reason why the population of Huaxia will skyrocket to hundreds of millions in the Qing Dynasty is because the Qing Dynasty promoted high-yield sweet potatoes and also exempted the poll tax during the Yongzheng period. The sweet potato yields more than two kilograms per mu, and planting two mu of sweet potatoes can feed several children. After that, everyone was relieved to start having children and the population skyrocketed ...

The same is true in Ireland. Before the introduction of potatoes, Ireland had less than 2 million people. After the introduction of potatoes in the 18th century, the Irish population grew explosively in just over a hundred years because of sufficient food. By 8.4 million people in 1841!

However, the success of potatoes, defeated potatoes. The Irish famine that occurred between 1845 and 1850 was not caused by natural disasters, but because the Irish potato had a widespread late blight and spread. The original high-yield potato harvest, the Irish naturally lost enough food sources. Then, a terrible famine broke out in human history.

This famine caused millions of people to starve to death in Ireland, and millions more went across the ocean to find a way of life in the United States, which allowed the United States to earn enough demographic dividends.

In addition, the reason why Prussia dared to wage war frequently in the 18th century was because Prussia planted potatoes extensively, resulting in no shortage of food. Then they had the confidence to start the war. Without potatoes, Prussia would not be able to fight at all. The food gap alone can make the poor Prussian collapse ...


It can be seen that whether food is sufficient is a prerequisite for population growth. Otherwise, if people are not willing to have more children, even if they are born, they will starve to death if there is not enough food.

Therefore, food for Marin means not only wealth but also population!


However, the food exchange population in Marin is still far away, but in Kiev, Ukraine, in the northern prairie of Eastern Europe, Simon this guy feels the charm of food exchange population ...

That ’s not right either. It ’s not grain for population, but grain by-product spirits for population!

At this time, there were about 3 million Ukrainians on the prairie of Eastern Europe. Most of them gathered in the northern region and were sheltered by the powerful Grand Duchy of Lithuania. But there are many people who are not afraid of death, reduced to Cossacks, wandering on the prairie in central Ukraine ...

What, you ask why you do n’t wander on the southern grasslands? Sorry, those who dare to wander on the grasslands of southern Ukraine are caught by the cavalry of the Crimean Khanate and sold as slaves ...

Therefore, most of the Ukrainian Cossacks only dare to wander on the grasslands of central Ukraine. Sometimes, they will bring herd animals to the northern region and exchange goods with merchants from Lithuania and Poland.

Among them, the rye Erguotou produced in Beihai is very popular among Ukrainian Cossacks. Even, a small bottle of rye Erguotou can be changed to a fat sheep.

After Simon became the earl of Ukraine, under the guidance and funding of Marin, he built a large outer city south of Kiev. There is a super market in the outer city, which is specially for Ukrainians to carry out various trades.

In this Kiev hypermarket, spirits and ironware are the most popular commodities, followed by horses, cattle and sheep.

In order to solicit the population, Marin gave Simon a trick-Simon announced that all Ukrainians who surrendered to the Ukrainian Count would buy a 30% discount on spirits (rye Erguotou). Those who did not take refuge will purchase at the original price.

This trick is naturally not attractive to the rich. However, for poor Ukrainian Cossacks, the attraction is too great. Because they do n’t have that much money! The sudden reduction of 30% of the cost of buying spirits is too attractive to the poor Cossacks!

They didn't think about playing humor, but Simon had already prepared a large army to guard this super market day and night. Even if someone wants to move, ask the powerful guards whether they agree or not ...

Moreover, for the benefit of a small bottle (250 ml) of whiskey every day, Simon had long recruited 3000 martial arts cossacks in Cossacks. With them sitting in supermarkets, most people do n’t dare to make trouble.

However, the alcohol addiction of Eastern Europeans is huge! Many Cossacks couldn't stand it. In order to save 30% of their money, they simply went to Simon with their family.

Anyway, there is a large area of ​​wasteland near Kiev where Simon is located. Moreover, they are all good black land!

Then, on the grasslands south of the Simon's territory, the population continued to increase. More and more Cossack drunks came to Simon to prepare for them to live in the village in order to save 30% of the money.

However, the use of horses, cattle, sheep and sheep for hard liquor has already allowed those drunkards to exchange their animals for almost the same. When many people came to surrender to Simon, there were few animals in the house.

But Simon didn't mind, because he didn't lack that money. In other words, Marin does not lack that money ...

Under Marlin's instruction, the Simon sent people to divide the Cossack families who had come to vote to the fertile black land by the river. Then tell them-want to drink more spirits? Yes, farm it!

what? Unwilling to grow land? Let me tell you, the rye produced in the farm can be returned to spirits, and priority change! Higher priority than cattle and sheep!

Then, many drunken Cossacks immediately succumbed-big brother, you say, what kind of rye?

So, Simon brought agricultural experts from the North Sea country to instruct the drunken Cossacks how to grow rye ...

There is no need for fertilization, because the black soil in Ukraine is very fertile. Moreover, Marin did not want to leak agricultural secrets. Therefore, these Cossacks want to grow rye, and engage directly in the black soil!

Simon set the purchase price for them-6 pounds of rye for one pound of whiskey (rye Erguotou)!

This price is very black, because, brewing rye Erguotou, more than two pounds of rye can produce a pound of whiskey. However, the cost of transporting whisky from the North Sea country to Ukraine is quite high. Therefore, it is not particularly profitable to exchange 6 pounds of rye for a pound of whiskey. Of course, I also made a lot of money.

And for the Cossacks who turned to Simon ~ ~ This is also very good. Because, for one mu of rye, even if the yield is only 120 pounds per mu, you can get 20 bottles of spirits! If you cultivate 20 acres of land, the rye produced will be exchanged for 400 bottles of spirits! On average, they can drink more than one bottle a day!

What? You say they want to eat food by themselves? Sorry! These Cossacks, who are used to nomadic life, are similar to the Crimeans. Their usual food is goat milk and horse milk products, or milk products, not food. For them, planting rye is to change wine and drink!


In this way, relying on the policy of discounting spirits and growing rye for wine, Simon ’s Ukrainian Earl, in a few months, recruited tens of thousands of Cossacks, and there is an increasing trend ... …

These simple-minded Cossacks were tempted by the beautiful prospect of "can open to drink spirits" and went directly to Simon. Then, he was fooled to grow land ...

Although this group of people may still be more accustomed to nomadic life, as long as they settle down and are accustomed to farming, even if they are still not used to being farmers in their lifetime, their next generation will be used to becoming farmers. By that time, Simon ’s Ukrainian Count leader had enough taxpayers. Even if the population is large, it can be divided into many Marlin ...

This is Marin's so-called "spirit for population" plan, which attracts Cossacks with spirits, and then flicks them to grow land, exchanges grain for spirits ... in the end, cultivates them into farmers who are suitable for rule ...