Chapter 1611: Farming miracle?

Facts have proved that these reactionary-specific siege measures are still very powerful. After all, ordinary guerrillas don't have men like Taizu as leaders. In the time and space of Marin's last life, after Taizu was aerial, no one helped to hang up, and Hong Jun was quickly suppressed by his bald head.

Speaking of it, like the lines in the movie, "It's not that our army is incompetent, but that the army is too cunning" ...

Jiang Guangtou is also a sad reminder. In fact, he is still qualified in terms of ability. After all, it was possible to unify the torn up warlords of China, which had reached the level of Song Taizu and Zhao Kuangyin. However, his opponent is the Taizu who hung up. There is really no way ... use Zhou Yu's words to say "Ji Shengyu He Shengliang" ...

Ma Linyuan does not have the level of Taizu, but it is possible to learn the tactics of bald Jiang. Obviously, the Northern Army of the Hungarian peasant uprising army did not have a leader. Therefore, under Marin's "Seal Mountain, Sou Mountain and Fire Mountain" joint campaign, in mid-July, the last team of the Hungarian Peasant Uprising Army was burnt to death in the mountain forest ...

So far, the vigorous 1514 Hungarian peasant uprising of the North Road Army was completely wiped out. There were only a few fishes left in the net who had escaped luckily, but they were also scared to be incognito and dared not show up again.

Subsequently, 30,000 Hungarian officers and soldiers ended the blockade of the northern mountains, evacuated from the northern mountains, and headed south to the central city of Kecskemét, where the Hungarian noble coalition troops were dead, seeking a decisive battle with the peasant uprising of George.

Going south, as the front line general of the Hungarian official (the nominal coach is Vladislas II, but he did not come, so the front line is mainly composed of), General Ufalusi of Wagner and Bohemia, and Masin of Poland After deliberation, General Sky deliberately and publicly despised the combat power of Dorao George's peasant uprising, thinking that it was "impactable."

In fact, Wagner and others are just worried that Rao George will lead people to retreat. Once the other party retreated, the coalition forces that suppressed the uprising could not keep up. Because there are a lot of light cavalry and the march is very fast.

Therefore, several people in Wagner deliberately publicly despised the fighting power of George's peasant uprising, in order to provoke the opponent and entice the opponent to stay in the decisive battle.

The news reached the insurgent army camp outside the city of Kecskemet, the indignation of the rebel army generals, some worried that the enemy would cooperate inside and outside, and beat their own side by surprise.

Dorao George thought for a long time and gave the order:

"You sent someone to catch some people and come back, and blocked the four gates of Kecskemet city. At the same time, dig a few trenches outside the gates. So, when we battle with the enemy, I ’m not afraid of the enemies that were established suddenly rushing out and attacking our backs! "

Duo Rao George attaches great importance to the elimination of the 30,000-strong army of the North Road Army, but because of his own 30,000 cavalry and more than 20,000 infantry. Therefore, Dorao George does not think that if his own efforts come out, he will lose to his opponent. The only worry is that the aristocratic army in the city suddenly killed the city and cooperated with the main force of the official army.

Therefore, Duo Rao George decided to seize Zhuang Ding to block the enemy's city gate, so that the enemy's horses could not be washed out. Without cavalry, the enemy can only be roped down from the wall. In this way, only infantry will come out, and the scale will not be large, making it difficult to form a lethal threat to their own army ...

However, Dorao Georg did not expect to come to suppress their officers and soldiers, and he had never expected the noble army in Kecskemet. Moreover, the noble army in the city was originally a bait ...


At this time, a new crop of radishes was harvested in Beihai. Then, a large amount of large white radishes are sent to the sheep pasture (especially the dairy sheep pasture), which is cut into slices and cooked with goat milk.

After the goat milk was cooked, these radish flakes contaminated with sheep's scent were used as feed to feed the pigs. The goat milk left unflavored is either sent to the children for drinking, and most of the rest is sent to the processing center, either processed into milk powder or processed into cheese.

Goat milk products without unpleasant taste are more popular than milk products, because some people may not drink milk, but goat milk is hardly taboo.

However, the output of radish is too large, and the scale of the goat milk industry in Beihai is not large. Therefore, a lot of large white radishes remain. Some of these remaining large white radishes are used as vegetables and distributed to many estates to serve as a side dish for the common people.

In fact, white radish can be eaten as fruit. Although it does not have the sweet taste of fruit, there is no problem with eating white radishes raw. Many children of serf families cannot afford to eat fruit, but eating white radish is not a problem.

However, the weather in July, things can not be kept. Despite the large amount of distribution, there are still many large white radishes remaining. This part of the radish is collected and dried to make dried radish, which is used as an important breakfast side dish ...


In the field, the field where the radish was originally planted started to cultivate the land again. Because radishes can still be grown ...

After all, radishes are ripe for harvest in two or three months. At this time, in July, planting radishes and harvesting one or two stubbles before winter arrives without any problems.


Of course, these are small things. However, during this period, there was a major event that attracted Marin and several ministers of the North Sea State ...

"Dad, what the **** is going on? How many big figures are actually going to be dispatched?" Caesar, who followed Marin out of the city, was curious.

In order to prevent Caesar from becoming a comatose in the future, Marin has begun to cultivate Caesar intentionally. On some important occasions, Marin began to bring Caesar to attend, so that Caesar could gain insights.

Moreover, it was summer vacation, and Caesar took him by the way. After all, Marin has a busy job every day and rarely has the opportunity to take his children out to play.

If there were no ministers to follow, Marin planned to bring Robert and others together this time out of the city. However, Robert and Jack Ma are illegitimate children. It ’s okay to take them out in private. You can only take your son-in-law in public. As for the second son of William, still in the stroller, this time I can't bring out my insight ...


Marin glanced at Caesar ~ ~ and replied:

"Well, we are going to see a farming miracle!"

"Farming miracle?" Caesar was puzzled.

"It's a ploughing device that can cultivate 5 acres a day!" Marin explained.

"What? 5 acres of arable land per day? Are you kidding? That's 30 acres of land!" Caesar was surprised.

Caesar is not pure white. During the time when he mistakenly thought that Marin was dead, Caesar made up a lot of basic knowledge of ruling. In this era of farming, some basic agricultural knowledge must be mastered by the ruler. Therefore, Caesar who knows a little farming knowledge will feel incredible.

Because, according to the current productivity level of the North Sea country, using cattle and plowing plows, only 4 acres of land are cultivated per day. Hurry to use horse farming, generally 1 acre to 1.5 acres per day, depending on the strength of the horse, which is 6 to 9 acres. The 6 acres (or 30 acres) of arable land per day with a single ploughing device is scary. Because, this speed is 7.5 times that of cattle farming ... indeed it can be called a "farming miracle" ...