Chapter 1567: Raining out of town

Down from the city wall, you can see the French army in the city is very busy at this time. Many people are digging the soil and bagging, and some people put some materials into the dug pits, and then bury the soil to cover.

In addition, the cooking camps where military and civilian husbands are concentrated are baking bread constantly. They baked the famous baguette, but, considering the wartime, they did not dare to mix much mud and stones into the bread. However, wild vegetables, leaves and wood chips are indispensable. Only the bread baked for the nobility is not mixed with those, and some sucrose or honey will be added. It should be noted that at this time, rye was popularly grown in northern France, and the baguettes made were also called black baguettes. Barley is popular in southern France, and the baguettes made are ordinary baguettes. As for wheat or something, ordinary soldiers cannot afford it, or the French court will go bankrupt.

Obviously, the French are already preparing for the retreat. A baguette can stand for a day, and each French soldier carries a cross-body backpack, some made of canvas and some made of linen. This bag was originally intended for musketeers, and it was used to hold gunpowder and lead bullets. The material was originally made of leather, which was mainly waterproof. However, because of the convenience of carrying, it was later popularized in the North Sea and used to carry dry food and other materials. Then, the French also learned. At present, the French soldier ’s crossbody bag is mainly used to carry baguettes made by the cooking camp. One bread tops for 5 days, and can be used for 5 days ...

This time, the French army cooking camp was launched with full force, that is, 50,000 French troops and 10,000 civilians were equipped with five baguettes each to facilitate the breakout. As for the burial of materials mentioned at the beginning, it is because it is not convenient to carry too many things during the breakout.

Through the crowd, John Rafi came to the main palace and found Louis XII. At this time, Louis XII and a scholar in a red robe were talking ...

"Your Majesty, it's about to rain, we can prepare!"

Louis nodded at twelve and said:

"Well, I know that Master Shore has predicted that it will rain in the next three days, and it is not small!" Weather forecast. Although it is not necessarily accurate, but it can be mixed with the King of France, the standard is still very high.

John Rafi said with a happy face:

"If this is the case, our previous plan will be foolproof!"

Louis nodded at twelve and said:

"That's good ... right, is the secret road near the North Gate dug? How concealed?"

John Rafi nodded confidently:

"Absolutely no problem, this time the secret road was dug in a church cemetery near the north wall. Its entrance is under an obscure tombstone. Even if the Spanish enter the city, they will not search the graveyard carefully. ! As for the exit outside the city, it is also hidden under a big hidden tree ...

Louis XII smiled:

"That's good, this time, we must hit the gang of Iberian aborigines hard!"


John Rafi looked at the weather outside but the rain had not yet fallen, so he suggested:

"Your Majesty, we will break through tomorrow, and I heard that two horses in the stable are sick, and we will definitely not be able to take them tomorrow. We might as well kill the horses and cook the meat on the head of the city, so that the Spaniards outside the city mistakenly think that we are exhausted ? "

"What? Killing horses? No! Absolutely not! War horses are the most important companions of the cavalry of our Kingdom of France. It is absolutely impossible to kill horses to eat!" Louis XII quickly refused.

John Rafi explained:

"Your Majesty, I'm not talking about horses, but two old horses. And the world knows that the French warriors love horses. If you openly kill horses and eat meat on the head of the city, does it just prove that we have nowhere to go?"

After thinking about it for Louis XII, he finally agreed with John Rafi's suggestion.

Soon, before dark, two sick old horses were dragged to the south of the city wall, and then, in the face of the Spanish spies, were killed and thrown into the cauldron of the city ...

"What? The French have reached the point of killing horses and starving?" Duke Cabrera was shocked. He knows that the French attach importance to horses. It is less than a last resort. Generally, the French will not kill horses and eat meat easily. Now that the French are like this, and the Spanish have speculated that the French have almost run out of food. So, Duke Cabrera reached a conclusion:

"The French have no food!"

But on the side, Duke Domingo, who has always been a rival to Duke Cabrera, retorted:

"Not necessarily, maybe, the French consume more food for horses and start killing horses to save food!"


"Don't be so arbitrary!"

After that, the two Dukes grumbled away from each other ...


That night, the Frenchman had a good night's sleep. Waking up the next morning, it was drizzling outside ...

After looking at it, Louis XII was very satisfied and ordered:

"Very good, the camps are packed, ready to go, ready to go!"

At this time, the Earl of Durte was embarrassed:

"Your Majesty, those hundred artillery pieces?"

Louis XII waved his hand:

"Put it in the city first, anyway, we are not back! It is very inconvenient to take the artillery out of the city on a rainy day, affecting the marching speed!


An hour later, at about 7:30 in the morning, the French army was assembled. Everyone brought a weapon and a crossbody bag with several baguettes.

"Okay, it's time to go!" Louis XII put on his armor and ordered him after the nobleman put him on the horse.

At this time, Marshal Charles III of the French Army, Duke of Bourbon ordered:

"Open the city gate and leave the whole army!"

"The men carrying the dirt bags are in front, and the crossbowmen are protecting right and left! The most heroic knights in France, cover from the side!"

After the order was issued, more than ten thousand people, either carrying a dirt bag, or pushing a European-style unicycle, carrying a dirt bag on the car, or driving a horse, carrying one or two dirt bags on one side, walking out of Naples North City gate, go straight to the first line of defense 500 meters away ...

They trot forward, and before the Spaniards responded, they walked 500 meters. Then, the civilians who carried the dirt bags threw the dirt bags into the first tunnel and instantly paved a avenue for the French army to pass through. At this time, Spanish talents reacted ...

"Not good, the French run away!" The scouts rushed to the south of the command account ~ ~ to report to the five Spanish noblemen who were having breakfast.

"What? The French are out of town? How many people? Shouldn't they lure us into chasing like before?" Duke Cabrera frowned.

The scout hurriedly:

"It's not temptation, it's all running away! Their infantry also followed the city out. Now, nobody in Naples is in charge!"

"What should I do?" The three counts who served as adjutants turned their gaze to the two dukes.

The Duke of Cabrera and the Duke of Domingo couldn't care more about it at this time and agreed:

"Blow the trumpet and gather all the troops! Be sure to leave the French! Even if you can't keep all of them, let them pay a huge price!"

Both of them knew that if the French were allowed to run away completely, their future would be worrying ...

However, it was really until the army gathered that the five Spanish nobles discovered a very serious problem. The musketeer, whom the Spanish were proud of, had completely extinguished the fire rope on a rainy day ...

"Oops, our musketeers can't work anymore! Are we still chasing?" Count Emmen asked worriedly.

After discussing for a while, the two Dukes from Castile and Aragon decided:

"Chasing! The French are now running away from grain, and they must not be war-hardened. Even if we don't have a musketeer to help, they will not be more warlike than they are!"

"Well, I will arrange for the civilians to push the modified wheelbarrow to prevent the French knight from hitting our army!" The spokesman was the former deputy general of General Gonzalo Francis. He is now out of power, mainly responsible for logistics and management of Spanish men.

The two Dukes nodded:

"Alright, the whole army attacked and chased the French!"


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