Chapter 1542: Perform buyer's contract

The letter of assistance was forwarded, and Edward first sent his men back to London. Then, let the left-behind officials in London find the leader of the Beihai Chamber of Commerce in London and let them use the Beihai Chamber of Commerce to contact the pigeons and send them back to Beihai.

After all, Edward has no homing pigeons familiar with the North Sea route. For homing pigeons, it is best to take the homing pigeons away from their original hometown, and then release them to let them fly back to ensure that the homing pigeons can find their destination accurately. Just as John Rafi accepted Marin's instructions in Naples City, he used the pigeons that Marin originally set up in Naples' intelligence department. Otherwise, it is difficult to reach the designated location, and it may fly wrong.

The pigeon communication was still very fast. Within two days, Marin received Edward's letter of help. On the issue of conquering Ireland, the interests of Marin and Edward are the same. Therefore, Marin agreed without thinking. However, soon the second flying pigeon book was delivered by Adler.

Adler also came for help, but he mentioned a problem, that is, Cossack's inadequate adaptation to the humid climate on the island of Ireland.

The Cossack cavalry came from the dry continental climate of the Eastern European prairie, and has long been accustomed to the dry inland climate. When Adler first came to Wicklow County with 500 Cossacks, there were many Cossacks and even the Eastern European Mongolian horses of Cossacks who were unacceptable. Fortunately, Marin equipped Adler with a medical team, and they were both disciples of Mozhgen and Battle. Then, these doctors cured the sick Cossack and the warhorse.

Adler told Marin that most of the 500 Cossacks were considered good because they had lived on the Jutland Peninsula for some time. The climate of Jutland, which happens to be between Ukraine and Ireland, is considered a semi-humid climate. Therefore, most people are not ill. The sick are basically the new cossacks who did not live long in Jutland.

Therefore, before sending Cossack reinforcements, Adler suggested that it is best to choose the one that is more suitable for the humid climate ...

For Adler's proposal, Marin agreed. Therefore, he called for Jurgen, the head of the Cossack Cavalry Corps, and ordered him to select 2,000 people who were more adaptable to the humid climate, especially since he came to the North Sea State and did not get sick because of soil and water.

Then Jurgen selected 500 German Cossacks and 1500 Ukrainian Cossacks for Marin ...

After picking a good person, Marin also asked the officer in charge of the war horse to select 4,000 horses suitable for the wet weather in the rainy season according to his memory. If there is no warhorse, the Cossack cavalry need not be strong infantry, and may even be weaker. After all, it is difficult for infantry with sabers to beat infantry used to using spears.

Next, Marin conducted special training for these 2000 Cossacks, including their warhorse-rain training!

Of course, because it has not rained recently, Marin directly used a simple sprayer (that is, a straw sprayer with two tubes at right angles) to simulate the water mist, and then sprayed on the Cossacks and horses and let them stay time.

After several days of adaptation testing, a small number of Cossacks and horses failed to adapt and were replaced after falling ill. About 10 days later, only 2000 rainy weather adapted and 4000 Eastern European Mongolian horses (Donder horse ancestors) were selected and shipped to Ireland.

I believe that with the help of these 2000 Cossacks, and Adler ’s own 500 Cossacks and 2500 Cossacks, he can definitely beat the Irish light cavalry.


After sending Cossack reinforcements, several lords in the Breischgau area to the south also sent people to urge them. It turned out that they couldn't wait to trade the 3000 uprising serf prisoners and their families. After all, it is really difficult for lords to make money in the Breisgau region with more people and less land. It is rare that Marin, the "fool", is willing to buy money for the rebels, they can't ask for it. Moreover, I am afraid that Marin will regret it.

You know, Marin is planning to pay 103,500 gold coins for the super "big head". What is the concept of more than 100,000 gold coins? It is also difficult for the general Principality ’s fiscal revenue to reach 50,000 gold coins a year. Unless, it is the kind of wealthy principality that is very suitable for trade by the sea or by the river. The Principality of farming alone rarely has annual income of more than 50,000 gold coins.

Unfortunately, the Breischau region is a standard agricultural area. Moreover, it is a poor agricultural area with more mountains and less land. Freiburg, the only commercial city in the country, was also used by citizens to buy away autonomy. The city ’s commercial taxation has nothing to do with several local farming lords.

Moreover, it is not known why. In this era, the northern part of Germany, which lacked plain land, was generally sparsely populated. In southern Germany, where there are more mountains and less land, the population is very concentrated. In particular, poor countries such as Württemberg dominated by mountains and forests have a population of hundreds of thousands. The northern region, like the original East Friesland and Oldenburg, has an area equivalent to about a quarter of Württemberg, but the population is only tens of thousands. Moreover, these two areas are dominated by plains!

As a result, the serious imbalance in population distribution has led to overpopulation in southern Germany. At the same time, there is a lack of population in northern Germany.

Overpopulation will naturally lead someone to find another way out. Therefore, most of the German mercenaries are from southern Germany. Because only there is a surplus population to work as mercenaries. In the northern region, the serfs couldn't grow the land. Where can they be free to serve as soldiers? Besides, being a soldier is life-threatening ...

It stands to reason that if a lord of the North came to the South to recruit surplus people and bring them to the North to farm, then the country could be developed quickly. Marin, for example, did so, leading to the rapid development of the North Sea economy.

However, according to Marin's observation, it seems that the indigenous northern nobles of this era rarely do this. After an investigation, the key to the problem was discovered-everyone is poor!

Because of poverty, many northern princes did not even have money to send people to the south to recruit people. Even, they owed a lot of debts to Hansa merchants, and naturally no money wasted on recruiting people.

And some princes with well-developed businesses, and those princes, have little interest in the development of agriculture-since the business is so profitable, I still grow hair?

For example, in the former Principality of Brunswick-Lüneburg, there are mines in the family, and there are very popular salt mines. Selling salt can make a lot of money, and simply do not look at the income of farming. Therefore, in the territory of the Principality, there is an area of ​​up to seven or eight thousand square kilometers of Lüneburg grassland, which is larger than many Principalities. Moreover, the grassland is just there, too lazy to engage in grazing ...

So ~ ~ The princely state with a lack of people in northern Germany. The princes of the farming are too poor to recruit people in the south. As a result, the population in the south of Germany continues to be large, and the population in the north continues to be short, unable to reconcile ...

Originally, there was a Marin, which had the conditions to balance the population of the North and South German regions. It is a pity that as soon as Marin appeared, he became the horse of Emperor Maximilian I, and was hostile to most of the German princes in the south. Moreover, Marin's early trip to southern Germany was mainly based on the recruitment of mercenaries. In order to prevent Marin's uncontrolled expansion, most southern princes began to restrict Marin's recruitment in the southern German region.

In this regard, Marin was helpless. Without the hostility of those princes, he could recruit millions of people from southern Germany in minutes!

However, this cooperation with the lords of Breischgau and the Principality of Württemberg showed Marin another possibility-since it is not feasible to recruit those princes who are not good, then why not try to spend money Buyers?

Marin knew the virtues of those princes in this era-one was poorer than the other, but one was greedy!

Just seize the characteristics of their greed and lure them with money, do not believe that they are unwilling to let themselves recruit people. What political standpoints are different, in front of so many gold coins that can kill people, these gangs who lack money have to kneel ...

But first, Marin wants to set an example for those greedy princes. When someone really earns gold coins by sending people to Marin, Marin believes that there will definitely be people who are tempted next.

Therefore, Marin arranged for Kohler, brought a large amount of money, and under the **** of the army, went south to Breschgau and fulfilled the purchase contract ...

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