Chapter 1456: Sheriff and sheriff coexistence system

Marin figured it out, from 45 to 60 years old, they can still be the sergeant for another 15 years. The sergeant is not a small film policeman, nor is it the kind of hard work of the United Defence Forces. It does not need to be too hard. Therefore, it is not a problem to reach the age of 60. As for the 65-year-old in the future generations, um, that is the age at which the officials can only reach.

Ordinary physical work, in fact, it is not good to work up to 50 years old. What's more, most people in Europe are almost dead in their 50s. But these old brothers followed Marin, and they tasted and drank. They also exercised every day for professional reasons. Plus Marin is now vigorously promoting hospitals and modern medicine and traditional Chinese medicine. Although it is currently only extended to cities and not to towns, it is also a matter of time. With these factors, people under their lives should not be a problem until they reach the age of 60.

Then, the preparation given by myself is very reasonable. A sheriff, plus five police officers with a system, the salary is not much. According to the daily salary of 3 mercenaries for normal mercenaries, 5 police officers only need to spend 15 Finneys per day. After one year, it was only 91.25 gold coins. 400 police stations cost less than 40,000 gold coins a day.

As for the larger number of auxiliary police, no salary is required. Usually, if you send some cheap salted fish, cane sugar and canned food, you can kill it. After all, these people can keep their respective estates. In this way, you can save a lot of expenses. The trapped, cane sugar and canned food may be a high-cost item for other countries. But for Marin, these are low-cost, cheap things. Just by the way, I still have face in hand. After all, the average person does not. Moreover, these things are not sent every day. They are sent every New Year, and they do n’t cost a few dollars.

As for the professional qualities of these 320 old brothers? Marin really did not hold any expectations. After all, they are all rough guys. Count on them to solve the case like the police in later generations.

The gangsters will do nothing but fight. Letting them be policemen is actually a joke. Because of the distrust of their ability to solve cases, Marin did not even abolish the existence of the sheriffs.

After all, the sheriffs are not necessarily good people, but their professional qualities are definitely much stronger than these gangs ...

These traditional sheriffs are often ruthless people who are well-known in the local area and can calm the scene. Moreover, they have a clear understanding of local affairs, and they will not mess up their work. For example, those people can provoke, those people should not provoke, the sheriffs are awake. Even the mayors were not well informed by the sheriffs.

Because those mayors, most of them came from aristocratic families, the circle is different. They generally have little contact with the circle of civilians, or disdain contact with civilians, and naturally have much less information. The sheriffs are different, they are all ruthless people in the locality, and even gangsters. They are usually in contact with the three teachings and nine streams, and the news does not know how many times they are better informed than the mayors.

Sometimes, life-threatening cases or fights are issued in these places, and these veteran sheriffs can guess who was responsible for the victim ’s social relationship without having to go out. This is the power of the ground snake, much better than Jianglong.

Another thing is that local people have conflicts and disputes. These land snake sheriffs go to mediation, and a fright can quickly calm down both parties involved. If you change someone who has no prestige, it will definitely be difficult.

Therefore, Marin didn't even think of the 320 rough guys under his hands to replace the sheriff-like sheriff. Because these rough guys have no ability to maintain local stability.

However, if the original sheriff system was retained, Marin was not reconciled. Because, this means that he has insufficient control over the place. Sometimes, the sheriff in those places speaks better than the lord. How can this be tolerated by Marin who wants to concentrate on power?

Moreover, some sheriffs are also local scourges. They tangled up with a gang of gangsters and blamed the people in the village for fish and meat. However, they can still go unpunished.

Why? Because the people have no way to sue them ...

In this era, serfs could not leave the manor casually. Even if you go to town, you have to get the consent of the manor, let alone go to a farther city? So even if someone wants to sue them, there is no channel. Not to mention, even if you sue, you may not win. Maybe, he will be brutally retaliated afterwards.


Therefore, Marin took advantage of this Tibetan soldier's opportunity to form a police force and dispersed to various towns. In addition to keeping soldiers, it is the right of the sheriff.

The presence of the police makes the gang of gangsters under the magistrate no longer necessary. Moreover, Marin also does not allow the sheriff to keep up with help.

Marin stipulates that in the future, the local public security mediation will still be dominated by the sheriff. However, when it comes to the armed actions to suppress the mob, the sheriff may not use help, but only the police.

The specific procedure is-the sheriff feels the need to send the police and greets the sheriff. Then, the sheriff will dispatch a corresponding number of policemen according to the seriousness of the situation. When necessary, 20 auxiliary policemen can be called together to act.

In this way, the sheriff has only decision-making power left, but no executive ability. If he does things, the police will naturally cooperate. However, if the people want to fish and meat, do some private work, the police may not be able to bird him. Because the sheriffs are all veterans and are centrally-owned, they are only loyal to Marin. Sheriffs will certainly not do anything that harms the interests of Marin and Beihai. After all, these sergeants are veterans who have served Marin for nearly 20 years, and there is no problem with loyalty.

In this way, even if Marin did not completely control the place, these loyal sergeants can firmly control the situation. Moreover, I don't worry about the local power's violation of yin and yin. Because, the sheriff who has mastered the police force will report everything on the local.


Even, Marin feels that this model of using local sheriffs, plus an army veteran as a sergeant, to master the local police is more advanced than the later police model.

Why do you say that? It is a mistake for future generations to hand over the appointment of local police to local governments. Because, in this case, the police leaders promoted by the local leaders can easily become the doglegs and thugs of the local officials. As long as the local police are in hand, some corrupt officials can really do whatever they want.

As long as the news is blocked and people who dare to sue are seized, the magistrates can basically become emperors. "Emperor Tian Gao is far away", this is not a joke.

Of course, after generations are hungry again on the Internet and mobile phones ~ ~ everything is different. Because, people can break the news through the Internet. In this way, many problems have been exposed, so that Xi always had to fight the tiger.

But before? Is it okay? No, there are as many problems. It's just that because the people didn't have channels to complain, and those corrupt officials often controlled the local police and blocked the news. Therefore, many problems are not exposed. After all, before the 21st century, people who had been wronged had no way to appeal because of poor communication.

Therefore, thanks to the Internet and mobile phones. This makes some **** dream of covering the sky with one hand broken ...


It's just that in the 16th century, there is no Internet or mobile phone. Marin is a liberal arts student and can't make these things. If there were officials in the evil places, he would have no choice.

Later generations have also established police systems everywhere, is it useful? Useless! As long as those corrupt officials control the public prosecution agency, and control the violent institutions such as the police station, they can really do whatever they want.

However, if you send the police from above, because you don't know the local conditions and don't have any prestige, often you can't do things.

Therefore, Marin came up with this system of "coexistence of sheriff and sheriff". The core content is to use the ground snake sheriff to manage things, but appoint a loyal veteran to control the police force. In this way, the sheriff of the ground snake can't blame the place because he doesn't have a thug in his hand, but he can solve local affairs. The sergeant sent above does not have to face the embarrassment of not being able to start work because he is not familiar with the place. However, the use of force by these loyal veterans also ensured central control of the local government.

After all, when it comes to loyalty, is there anything more trustworthy than a 20-year veteran? In addition, these sergeants can also act as eyes and ears, reflecting the real situation of the place upward ...