Chapter 1450: Simon's Polish Wing Cavalry

France and Spain were killed and killed, and Marin was happy to see it. However, he is a little busy now. Not busy intervening in the war between Spain and France, but busy with Simon.

The purchase cost of 250,000 gold coins is already in place, and the Grand Duchy (Parliament) of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania has issued a letter of appointment and seal to Simon. Now, it's time for Simon to take his men to Kiev to take over the local territory.

To this end, the entire Huffman family is busy. Marin has sent an engineering team to Kiev to repair the original castle and Kiev city walls. When the repairs were completed, Simon just happened to receive it. At the same time, she married Princess Anna of the Lamarck family there.

In addition to the repair of the castle and the city walls, Marin also needs to help Simon pull up an army as a security guarantee in the Kiev region.

Because Kiev faces the Ukrainian steppe, cavalry is a must. It happened that Marlin was not very satisfied with Arthas, the commander of the Cossack Cavalry Corps, so Marin took the opportunity to send Arthas to Simon as a cavalry general of the Ukrainian State. Juergen, the former deputy head of the Cossack Cavalry Corps and head of the first regiment, took advantage of the opportunity.

Simon didn't know this, and thought Marin really took care of him-you see, I gave the head of the Cossack Cavalry Corps to me ...

Only Alsace knows what's going on-he did not perform well in the previous war, it was sent out ...

On the same day that Arthas was given to Simon, Marin suddenly summoned Arthas, who was about to give away, and gave him a cold cavalry command knife ...

"Oh--" Arthas pulled out the sword and was blinded by the cold light.

This knife is of course bright because its material is nickel steel. Nickel steel is similar to stainless steel. They are all silver-white and naturally shiny. Moreover, the surface of this nickel steel command knife is carburized. Its characteristics are almost the same as the Harvey armor in the era of armored warships in the late 19th century. The Harvey armor is to carburize the nickel steel to increase its strength. Before the emergence of Krupp armor, Harvey armor was the best armor at the time ...

Swords made by this technique are naturally extraordinary. Arthas, as the commander of the Cossack Cavalry Corps, is naturally eligible to get one.

"Duke, what's the name of this treasure knife?" After trying the strength and sharpness, Alsace was overjoyed. Then, he suddenly asked Marin what the knife was called ...

"Name?" Marin was stunned. This is just a knife. Want a name?

He did not know that the command knife that used the Harvey armor technology was undoubtedly a treasure knife in the eyes of people of this era. Since it is a treasure sword, there must be a name ...

Marin looked at Arthas and thought for a while, he said:

"Otherwise, is it called" Sorrow of Frost "?"

After that, the Marin ghost reminded the **** of the "first son of Azeroth", the man holding the real "Frost Sorrow" and his father ...

"Frost sorrow?" Arthas froze. But, seeing Bai Liang's blade, she is indeed Bai Shengxue ... As for sorrow? Well, the sword is the weapon, and the killing must bring sorrow ...

In this way, Arthas made up his mind for the meaning of the name "Frost Sorrow" ...

After leaving the palace, Alsace boasted that he had obtained a sword called "Frost Sorrow", Hanguang wins snow, bringing death and sorrow ...


After having a commander, it is natural to summon the relevant soldiers. Otherwise, just one commander is useless.

Marin initially planned to continue recruiting from Ukrainian Cossacks, for example, sending people to the Ukrainian prairie to seduce those Cossack men with spirits to serve as soldiers for Simon ...

However, Marin felt that those Cossacks were not very reliable. If you are strong, those Cossacks will naturally obey you and listen to you. However, if you rely too much on them and let them see your weakness, those Cossacks can easily betray and bite you.

This is the peculiarity of the grassland nation-if you beat it, you will be low-eyed. If you can beat it, you will bully you and plunder you ...

For example, the Xiongnu in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, during the Han and Wei Dynasties, the Central Plains were powerful, and the Xiongnu moved south to the Central Plains. But after the Western Jin Dynasty's "Eight Kings' Rebellion" smashed the Western Jin Dynasty, the once low-eyed Huns suddenly rebelled, and they also seized the Central Plains to establish a regime and killed the blood in the north ...

Therefore, the Ukrainian Cossacks can be employed in Simon ’s army, but they must not be based on Ukrainian Cossacks. Otherwise, it is easy to be countered.

Among them, it is estimated that the lessons of the Egyptian Mamluk dynasty are the most profound. Mamluk means "slave", originally a Turkic slave soldier hired from Egypt by the Ayub dynasty. But because the Ayub dynasty relied too much on Turkic slave soldiers, later, Mamluk controlled the Ayub dynasty and replaced the Ayub dynasty with the Mamluk dynasty ...

Malin didn't want Simon's establishment of the Berkeley to be controlled by a group of Ukrainian Cossacks, so the cornerstone of Simon's founding must not be Ukrainian Cossacks.

Originally, Marin wanted to give Simon a group of German mercenaries. However, the main body of the Beihai team is infantry, and it has no advantage in the Ukrainian prairie. The number of German Cossacks was too small, and Marin refused to give them. Otherwise, if these trained German Cossacks were given to Simon, his Cossack Legion would be Ukrainian. At that time, it's hard to say whether you listen or not ...

However, he did not have enough cavalry to Simon ...

"Aren't you ... like Adler, get a contest and recruit a group of German knights?"

Marin thought about it, as if the time was a bit tight. After all, Simon's marriage is nearing ...

And ~ ~ Those German wandering knights may not be willing to go to the far eastern prairie. To go to Ukraine, but also through Germany, through Poland ...

"Huh-Poland ..."

Marin suddenly remembered-Simon is going to Poland and Lithuania, the German homeless knight for Mao? Many Polish knights also say ...

Exactly, what wing cavalry force is being formed by Sigmund I in Poland recently. Why not let Sigmund I help Simon build a wing cavalry unit?

The number of wing cavalry units need not be too large, as long as there are a few cavalry regiments. You don't need to control the entire Ukraine, you only need to ensure the safety of Kiev.

This is what Marin calls "core" and "subject." As long as the core and the subject are reliable, other people don't really care. With these cores, and then use these cores to serve as officers at all levels, Simon has more control over the Ukrainian region.

Although it is said that it takes a lot of land to recruit the children of the Polish knights. However, Ukraine's most indispensable is fertile land, and it is the most fertile black land ... Therefore, Simon has no problem in forming several Polish wing cavalry regiments ...