Chapter 1409: Spring cultivation started

This religious reform that broke out in Germany in the 16th century was not so much the German people fighting against Catholicism as the German nobles were fighting against Catholicism.

Mainly, it is too ugly for Catholics to eat in Germany. Any good thing was drawn into his plate, and the bitter root was not left to the nobility. In Germany, the land and assets of the church are no less than those of nobles. Moreover, the church can levy tithes on the whole people, but nobles cannot.

But what is a nobleman? Strictly speaking, the nobility is the leader of a group of thugs and the leader of the robbers. In ancient times, the army had always been robbers. The difference is whether to grab yourself or an outsider. The nobles who are military officers are naturally leaders of robbers. Before the establishment of the modernized army, the army led by the nobles went abroad to fight, in addition to fighting, it was "robbing".

The church is so ugly to eat, and it is not divided into nobles at all. As a "robber leader" nobles do not blame the table ...

Do n’t think why the revolution is for the benefit of the people. In fact, before the emergence of the Red Party, all revolutions and changes were basically led by nobles or bourgeoisie. Moreover, every revolution or change does not benefit the people, but the nobles or the bourgeoisie.

For example, just like the German religious war, the expectation of German farmers was to abolish tithe. But in fact, after the Protestant victory, the tithe was not abolished, but the tithe was collected from the Catholic Church to the secular monarch. Martin Luther, the pioneer of the Reformation, also agreed in principle to the tithe of the secular monarch. In other words, the Protestant war was actually a titanic war that the nobles snatched from the church. In addition, the nobles confiscated most of the church ’s real estate and fattened themselves ... until the French Revolution in the late 18th century, Europe officially began to abolish tithes ...

Another example is the European Revolution of 1848. Does it look very tall? Revolutionaries shouted the slogan "liberate farmers from the land" and opposed the European feudal system. Then, European farmers really believed ...

However, after the revolution, European farmers were surprised to find that they were liberated from the land, but they fell into the hands of more brutal capitalists ...

When working as a serf, it was only a matter of "sunrise and sunset," and generally worked up to 10 hours a day. It's okay during the farming season.

After being "liberated" into a worker, Nimad worked 16 hours a day, and the factory was polluted and then sick. It's so hard, and I can't eat enough. And there is no guarantee, they may be expelled at any time, losing their jobs ... That is to say, after the revolution, their lives have become worse ...

It was not until Ma Dawei appeared that he advocated the "8-hour work system" in 1866, and it was regarded as the direction of the struggle for the working class. From this moment on, the workers began to work for their own benefit. Before the revolution, it was all for the bourgeoisie as a thug, and there was no benefit afterwards. It was no different from the second fool ...

Therefore, the so-called reforms or revolutions of this era must not be taken seriously. This is a dog bite dog game, and has nothing to do with ordinary people. Even those peasant uprisings are not just.

For example, Li Zicheng, the peasant uprising, how tall is it? But in fact, people just fight for themselves, not for the sake of farmers. He was written as a positive figure in the history book, but in real history, before meeting Li Yan and other strategists, he was the first-rate bandit. Moreover, the worst thing is that the action of this product echoes the Manchu and Qing dynasties, making it difficult for the Ming Dynasty to care about. If only the Qing Dynasty or only Li Zicheng, the Ming Dynasty will not perish. Li Zicheng's actions greatly restrained the Ming Army's actions in Liaodong, and the Qing Army's actions outside the customs also prevented the Ming Dynasty from mobilizing the main force to rebel ...

Even Hong Xiuquan's Taiping Heavenly Kingdom is fighting for Hong Xiuquan. After they occupied Nanjing, they directly married 88 "Wang Niang" and enjoyed themselves, but they were not allowed to reunite ordinary soldiers and their wives ...


To be honest, Marin is actually quite contradictory. Because this religious war broke out in the 16th century, Protestantism was for the benefit of the nobles. And Marin itself is a secular monarch, a great aristocrat. It stands to reason that he should stand on the Protestant side.

However, considering the great temptation of the territory, Marin chose to betray the noble class and stand on the side of the church. Of course, he did more than him. In the German religious war, most of the northern princes stood on the Protestant side. But most of the princes in the south are still on the Catholic side. Therefore, he is not alone.

Compared with the vast territory of Northern Germany, the morality and position are all P. The system can be changed in the future, but the territory is eternal. Therefore, in later generations, there is a saying that territory is more important than interest. Because money may be spent, but the land exists forever. * The sentence "Although Russia is big, but no inch is superfluous", it is very classic, but it completely angered Marin's angry youth. This is because the millions of square kilometers of land in the Northeast were not inherited by Mao Zi, but were robbed from China.

It is because of the one million lands in the Northeast that later China and Russia have always been at odds with each other. I really think that Huaxia and Maozi are like a family, it is definitely a silly comparison. And Mao Zi also knew this, so he vigorously sold advanced weapons to India's Asan, with the intention of letting Asan hold Huaxia's attention.

In fact, for Maozi, the rise of China is much more terrifying than the dominance of old Americans. Because, after China's rise to the top of the world, it will certainly not ignore the millions of square kilometers of land in the northeast. However, before Marin passed through, Huaxia was not strong enough. He could only hold a group with Maozi to fight against the old beauty. But if Lao Mei declines, Hua Xia and Mao Zi must turn their faces. Unless, Mao Zi is willing to return the land ...

It was precisely because of the words of the previous life * that Marin had always held grudges. Therefore, he decisively supported Poland to suppress Maozi, and he would never let Maozi rise successfully. Of course, this is only for Maozi men, not for Maomei ...


Sent off Giovanni Di Lorenzo de Medici, the future pope ~ ~ The North Sea nation welcomed another year of spring cultivation. Marin immediately inspected the area non-stop and arranged for spring cultivation. At the same time, Marin declared martial law nationwide, prohibiting foreigners from entering and leaving at will. Even if there are businessmen coming in and going out, they will be monitored by the army to prevent these passing businessmen from spying on the agricultural secrets of Beihai.

Although, the secrets of the high-yielding agriculture in Beihai have been leaked. However, there are only a few who currently know this secret. Among them, eight princes were all arrested by Marin. Only Henry, the Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg, was released under the auspices of Frederick III and went to Geldenberg.

In addition, only the French have learned about the high yields of grain in the North Sea country through special channels. At the same time, I got false information about volcanic ash as fertilizer.

However, no matter whether it is the eight princes or the French, they will not foolishly disclose this secret. Therefore, the secrets of the high grain yields in the North Sea have not spread.

Then, the North Sea country still needs to keep the secret of high yields. Therefore, in the fields of spring cultivation and autumn harvest, the areas in the North Sea that adopt new agricultural techniques will gather troops to guard against outside spies ...